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Watchman PvE 55: what would you like to get?


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Hey All,


since there are some hints on what is upcoming to our class I thought about asking what do the PvE raiding Watchmen would like to get? Here is what I would like to see:

  1. Talent increasing DoT durations by 1/2 more ticks
  2. Talent giving 50/100% chance to activate Riposte upon DoT crit once per 4 to 5 sec (not multiplier of 1.5 GCD though)
  3. Loosing single stack of Merciless when missing the opportunity window, not all of them


I have not had any particular wishes about new awesome ability on level 55, I'd rather have the more frequent use of current ones, but here would be some ideas:

  1. Leech: heals from DoTs steal the corresponding amount of health from target
  2. Merciless Slash crits lower Master Strike or Overload Saber CD by certain GCD
  3. 10 or 15% armor penetration on direct damage abilities


I'd like you to unbind your mind and share some ideas what you would like to see - not exactly evaluate feasibility, just share what you think could make raiding as Watchman more fun for you.


Go ahead!



PS. do not feed the trolls. ;)

EDIT: Feedback from your ideas - many thanks!

  • way to prevent loosing all stacks at once when encounter keeps us from hitting enemies because of the relatively long wind up
  • some abilities related to stacked Merciless
  • do not simplify Sentinel gameplay for us!
  • some folks want more Merciless stacks, some not
  • as per Feb'13 Datamined 1.7 info = :(



EDIT: collecting ideas in OP





1. Transfering "Saberoverload" into a Passive Talent that grants you a 66% Chance to put a Stack of the Saberoverload DoT on the Mob with a Maximum of 3 Stacks (psst its a buff because alltime up stacks is possible)

2. Increasing the Healdebuff of the Swordthrow to 50% and increasing its duration by 6s

3. A second CC breaker or a shorter Cooldown

4. NO new CC Abilities for the Sentinel !!!!!

5. Fixing Masterstrike!

(6. Featuring a 0 - 40 m Jump with no CD - No not really but would be totally cool:D)



1. Redesigning Rebuke so it reflects 25% of the Damage taken by the Sentinel on to enemies and allies in a 5m Radius

2. Adding a Feature, that at the End of Guarded through the Force the Bubble explodes with 2.5k Base DMG on the Sentinel and all Enemies in a 5m Area (Kamikaze ^^)

3. Granting our 6s Cloak the abillity to cleanse all negatives effects (like shadows can already do!)

4. Reducing the Cooldown of Swertschutz by 1min



A 2-3 pt talent that makes merciless cooldown 7.5 seconds permanently...



One Idea for Watchmen/Annhiliation


Sometimes we loose the Stack of Merciless Slash/Annihilate. (3_Stack). Maybe we have no adds or movement without dmg. For example, Endboss Assation HC. I would have a new spell with that we could do a "self-injury" (Sith). Even with the injury, we can renew the buff


Ryat: A double saber throw. *cough*


Grimsblod: In other words....if it makes the spec easier, no thanks.

As far as LvL 55 Changes to the trees.......they need to be synergistic changes. Maybe something along the lines of an ability that can only be used with a 3 stack Merciless buff paired with a talent of increased Merc Slash or DoT damage for having x stacks of the buff. Weather the ability is off the GCD, Free or whatever is up for discussion. However, I feel that creating a synergy with Merc Slash would be a nice addition. As it stands now, the move is independent as far as direct damaging moves. Our burns have a nice synergy as it stands.



Grimsblod / BogyOne: Force Stasis to increase burn damage.

During the 3 second channel of Force Stasis, Burn damage would be increased x%. Just that. It would allow for DoT stacking spacing without loosing too much damage and it would add a tool to increase our damage for 3 seconds every minute. I think it would add a nice synergy with how the class plays.


Edited by BogyOne
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Hmm, I would rather like:


1. Transfering "Saberoverload" into a Passive Talent that grants you a 66% Chance to put a Stack of the Saberoverload DoT on the Mob with a Maximum of 3 Stacks (psst its a buff because alltime up stacks is possible)

2. Increasing the Healdebuff of the Swordthrow to 50% and increasing its duration by 6s

3. A second CC breaker or a shorter Cooldown

4. NO new CC Abilities for the Sentinel !!!!!

5. Fixing Masterstrike!

(6. Featuring a 0 - 40 m Jump with no CD - No not really but would be totally cool:D)



1. Redesigning Rebuke so it reflects 25% of the Damage taken by the Sentinel on to enemies and allies in a 5m Radius

2. Adding a Feature, that at the End of Guarded through the Force the Bubble explodes with 2.5k Base DMG on the Sentinel and all Enemies in a 5m Area (Kamikaze ^^)

3. Granting our 6s Cloak the abillity to cleanse all negatives effects (like shadows can already do!)

4. Reducing the Cooldown of Swertschutz by 1min

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Hmm, I would rather like:


1. Transfering "Saberoverload" into a Passive Talent that grants you a 66% Chance to put a Stack of the Saberoverload DoT on the Mob with a Maximum of 3 Stacks (psst its a buff because alltime up stacks is possible)

2. Increasing the Healdebuff of the Swordthrow to 50% and increasing its duration by 6s

3. A second CC breaker or a shorter Cooldown

4. NO new CC Abilities for the Sentinel !!!!!

5. Fixing Masterstrike!

(6. Featuring a 0 - 40 m Jump with no CD - No not really but would be totally cool:D)



1. Redesigning Rebuke so it reflects 25% of the Damage taken by the Sentinel on to enemies and allies in a 5m Radius

2. Adding a Feature, that at the End of Guarded through the Force the Bubble explodes with 2.5k Base DMG on the Sentinel and all Enemies in a 5m Area (Kamikaze ^^)

3. Granting our 6s Cloak the abillity to cleanse all negatives effects (like shadows can already do!)

4. Reducing the Cooldown of Swertschutz by 1min


Lord, your defensive ones are gamebreaking.


1. What purpose does that serve other than to make Rebuke useless?

2. No, no, no. We don't need bubble-pop. Maybe if you're killed during the GBTF buff, but not every time it ends.

3. Again, no. We don't need a self-cleanse. We already have plenty of survivability. What you're proposing makes us virtually unkillable.

4. Again, no. Saber Ward's cooldown does not need to be shorter than everyone else's DCD. It's appropriate where it is.

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Hey All,


since there are some hints on what is upcoming to our class I thought about asking what do the PvE raiding Watchmen would like to get? Here is what I would like to see:

  1. Talent increasing DoT durations by 1/2 more ticks
  2. Talent giving 50/100% chance to activate Riposte upon DoT crit once per 4 to 5 sec (not multiplier of 1.5 GCD though)
  3. Loosing single stack of Merciless when missing the opportunity window, not all of them


I have not had any particular wishes about new awesome ability on level 55, I'd rather have the more frequent use of current ones, but here would be some ideas:

  1. Leech: heals from DoTs steal the corresponding amount of health from target
  2. Merciless Slash crits lower Master Strike or Overload Saber CD by certain GCD
  3. 10 or 15% armor penetration on direct damage abilities



1. Meh...

2. Lower the proc chance and MAYBE, but I don't think riposte has anyplace in PvE OPs content if you're not a tank.

3. That doesn't sound terrible.



1. No.

2. Mayyyybe, but probably not. I can kinda see it working, but only if it drops OS CD by like a second.

3. Absolutely not. You get 10% more damage from Juyo and 15% Burn Crit chance.


Hmm, I would rather like:


1. Transfering "Saberoverload" into a Passive Talent that grants you a 66% Chance to put a Stack of the Saberoverload DoT on the Mob with a Maximum of 3 Stacks (psst its a buff because alltime up stacks is possible)

2. Increasing the Healdebuff of the Swordthrow to 50% and increasing its duration by 6s

3. A second CC breaker or a shorter Cooldown

4. NO new CC Abilities for the Sentinel !!!!!

5. Fixing Masterstrike!

(6. Featuring a 0 - 40 m Jump with no CD - No not really but would be totally cool:D)



1. Redesigning Rebuke so it reflects 25% of the Damage taken by the Sentinel on to enemies and allies in a 5m Radius

2. Adding a Feature, that at the End of Guarded through the Force the Bubble explodes with 2.5k Base DMG on the Sentinel and all Enemies in a 5m Area (Kamikaze ^^)

3. Granting our 6s Cloak the abillity to cleanse all negatives effects (like shadows can already do!)

4. Reducing the Cooldown of Swertschutz by 1min



1. 66% is far too high a proc chance for a 6 second burn.

2. 70% (or do you mean 30%) Reduced healing for 21 seconds with an ability with a 12 second CD? No..

3. No.

4. Yes, don't add any new CCs.

5. Fix Master Strike? You mean the GCD bug?



1& 2. You want to turn Sentinels into Kamikaze nukes? **** no.

3. Make us incredibly OP. Mmmkay. (No.)

4. Absolutely not. Strongest Defensive in the game.

Edited by BlznSmri
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Thanks for feedback!

The idea however was not to discuss posted ideas but to bring out to light what went on your mind "ohh, I wish I could do this and that" during the Ops encounters - if you want to share.


I do not really have a good idea for 36 point talent in Watchman tree so I am curious what others have or had on mind.


You posted your opinions, now I welcome your ideas / wishes! :)

Edited by BogyOne
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I think the class is pretty good. We have a good output of damage, and we have very good defensive skills. Hey, i mean we are a pure DD.

We can make themselves very much alone. H4 missions alone are possible unless 4 people are required (Sektion X).


My hope is the balancing. In some situations is the class to strong (PVP) Bioware should work on the balancing. Not nerfing, no, Bioware should push with intelligence the other classes.


One Idea for Watchmen/Annhiliation


Sometimes we loose the Stack of Merciless Slash/Annihilate. (3_Stack). Maybe we have no adds or movement without dmg. For example, Endboss Assation HC. I would have a new spell with that we could do a "self-injury" (Sith). Even with the injury, we can renew the buff;)

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Well, here's a 36 point talent set...


Next tiers:


"Increases the maximum number of stacks of Merciless Slash buff by one" - 2-points can be put in.


"Critical burn effects have a 10% chance to remove the cooldown instantly on Merciless Slash" - also a 2-point talent, so maxes at 20% chance.


Leads to new top buff:


"While the Overload Saber buff is present, all critical hits increase your Merciless Slash stacks by one."


None of those is gamebreaking, I don't think, given that other classes will likely get similar buffs.

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Well, here's a 36 point talent set...


Next tiers:


"Increases the maximum number of stacks of Merciless Slash buff by one" - 2-points can be put in.


"Critical burn effects have a 10% chance to remove the cooldown instantly on Merciless Slash" - also a 2-point talent, so maxes at 20% chance.


Leads to new top buff:


"While the Overload Saber buff is present, all critical hits increase your Merciless Slash stacks by one."


None of those is gamebreaking, I don't think, given that other classes will likely get similar buffs.


You'll run into serious Focus problems giving an ability that costs 5 Focus (4 with the refund) a 4.5 second CD and a proc chance to remove the CD. It's also an ability that crits up to 5k...

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One Idea for Watchmen/Annhiliation


Sometimes we loose the Stack of Merciless Slash/Annihilate. (3_Stack). Maybe we have no adds or movement without dmg. For example, Endboss Assation HC. I would have a new spell with that we could do a "self-injury" (Sith). Even with the injury, we can renew the buff;)


A lot of the ideas in here would make the class very OP or just not fun. I like this one though. A Noble Sacrifice type of skill that keeps the stacks of Merciliess on you, nice!

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You'll run into serious Focus problems giving an ability that costs 5 Focus (4 with the refund) a 4.5 second CD and a proc chance to remove the CD. It's also an ability that crits up to 5k...


Agreed. That'd be how it doesn't get totally OP - you can't spam it even if it's off CD because you just simply won't have the focus.

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Hmmm, after reading some posts; my first thought is no, no no on all the stuff to lower CD's on Overload Saber nad Merc Slash, Sacrificing to keep Merc slash and pretty much everything that has to do with making those two abilities easier. Watchmen is a spec that requires a synergy between all your abilities that works very well now. The simple spec for CD's is going to be combat...move that crap over there.


As far as LvL 55 Changes to the trees.......they need to be synergistic changes. Maybe something along the lines of an ability that can only be used with a 3 stack Merciless buff paired with a talent of increased Merc Slash or DoT damage for having x stacks of the buff. Weather the ability is off the GCD, Free or whatever is up for discussion. However, I feel that creating a synergy with Merc Slash would be a nice addition. As it stands now, the move is independent as far as direct damaging moves. Our burns have a nice synergy as it stands.

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With 3 stacks of merciless the CD is 7.5 seconds...I don't see at all how a 3 pt talent that makes merciless 7.5 seconds and negates the stacking to be game breaking...essentially it would just lower ramp up time without the possibility of exceeding current maximums....
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With 3 stacks of merciless the CD is 7.5 seconds...I don't see at all how a 3 pt talent that makes merciless 7.5 seconds and negates the stacking to be game breaking...essentially it would just lower ramp up time without the possibility of exceeding current maximums....


It also removes the skill involved to maintain that buff. Now instead of having to work to keep our damage up....we get it for free. We would just have to randomly mash buttons.


In other words....if it makes the spec easier, no thanks.

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In other words, it makes us Gunnery spec Commandos. :)


Yep! EZ Mode...which is not something we should be. Any dps can get on a sentinel and pull above average dps numbers. Not everyone can get on a Sentinel and do the OMGZSUPAOPMASSIVEDPSRAPEFACE that some of us can do. If everyone can do that....we would be even more powerful then we already are. I think there needs to be a dividing line here.

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You'll run into serious Focus problems giving an ability that costs 5 Focus (4 with the refund) a 4.5 second CD and a proc chance to remove the CD. It's also an ability that crits up to 5k...
That is what exactly I am afraid of after seeing [censored to not get perma ban]. Maybe cost would be changed too. ;)
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Sentinels have been overpowered for a year and you want buffs.



Faith in humanity lost:rolleyes:

Don't be too rash! It is not call for buff, just query what ideas would people like to have with 5 more levels - for PvE raiding. You do not expect your class to get literally nothing with expansion, do you? Edited by BogyOne
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I updated OP with new suggestions, thanks! General trend so far is to have some additions around Merciless stacks:

  • way to prevent loosing all stacks at once when encounter keeps us from hitting enemies
  • some abilities related to stacked Merciless
  • do not simplify things for us!
  • some folks want more Merciless stacks, some not


With current cost and damage of Merciless Slash I'd rather not see more stacks on Merciless myself, esp. from the business end of lightsaber. ;)

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