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Stacked PvP matches along with low lvl twinks


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The issue comes down to premades and matchmaking. There isn't a huge population per server. This is fine. I'm all for community.


But here is what happens.

Need 16 people to queue.

People queue as 1,2,3,4 person groups.

Even 16 is accomplished.

Groups are divided.

Then the rest should be matchmade based upon the already established group levels as best as possible. If there are 4x49's on one side, then the other side should get all the highest level people before backfilling the 4x49 team.


Bolster isn't as effective as people think it is. And gear is very important, but there's no single stat that isn't situational based on AC/role.


Grouping isn't going to end. Especially if you run a few alts, doing a single lowbie daily is an efficient way to grab some xp on each one every day. Twinking is pretty rude, but I think if you have the resources to do it. Kudos to you. Whole groups of twinks are unbeatable. There is no counter or strategy you can invoke once the match has started. You can play with perfect skill and just still not be able to put out the numbers to take down a team of twinks.


Maybe a weighted bolster system?

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I see a trend, a member of the Republic makes a comment about PVP being broken, and every Imperial and his dog tells him he sucks...and should go PVE. So to the person who said the OP sucks, are you saying that PVPers are better players skill wise than people who don't? I have a feeling the guys and gals from Carnage Gaming would have a different view on that. I'm not in their guild but still, you can tell me that pvpers are better and not equal to pve'ers when you and your buddies down the dreadful entity in TFB in your warhero gear. Until then I'm going to assume PVP and PVE players are equal.


There is no need for you to berate, belittle, haggle, and pick on a guy who's having trouble in pvp. Don't tell him he sucks, for all you know he could be a really good player. Don't associate PVE with "bads" just b/c you think it's easier and requires no time skill or effort involved. You sir, ( the guy who told him he sucks and should just quit pvp based on the judgment that he sucks at it ) are a jerk and need some lessons in being a good person.


And to rebuttal to the troll that i know you will leave me anytime now... well i just don't give a rats A S S what you think.


If you guys want more people to pvp and want more people to get better spend some time giving tips in a constructive manner. This non-sense of calling out goods and bads is not helping your PVP community and is making everyone think that unless you're an elitest ****** you have no place in the pvp battleground. I know for a fact that some of the people i know who ONLY pvp are good people and some of you are just bad apples spoiling the pie. Take notes.


All I can do is laugh. I have now lost count as to how many PvP matches I lost becasue these clowns were on the team. To be fair, I cannot speak to every single member of that guild....just the ones that role into a match with zero expertise and think becasue of some robotic accomplishment in PvE that they can dominate a PvP match.


I never used to bother examining other players until I kept getting paired with these guys in all PvE gear and losing a match in record time. Now if I see them I just quit the match right aways as it is statistically likely to be a loss. If my scan shows those that do show are wearing PvP gear I stay....as stated not all members of their guild do this. Just the ones that think becasue they are good at PvE they do not have to respect PvP mechanics.


I have deemed them in the same class as those that Q up just to RE pvp gear for mats.....and not care about the rest of thie team. I did get a good laugh to myself watching one guy roll in with 29K HP, 0 expertise and get obliterated. To those in that guild that Q up in the correct gear...disreguard.


It should be further noted that just because someone posts a video does not mean they were first. It merely means they have a larger ego. I know...hard to believe there are actually players in this game that do things and see no need to be recognized for it.

Edited by Urantia
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Alright im submitting this post for the DEVS but i know that everyone will have something to say about it. Lately i have been doing some PvP an on most occasions i will get in a match that is stacked with people in there 40's or in the high 40's which i believe is very unbalanced for a PvP match when most of the time my team consists of low teens mid 20's and maybe a few 30's. I have also noticed that there are some low lvl teens and some 20's that are twinked out so that they do more damage than they should an have way more health than they should at there lvl. I was just hoping all of you at bioware which i appreciate for making this game i loved your KOTOR's but i was hoping that you would fix the PvP matching system so that it puts you up against people at your lvl not high lvl people also look for the hacks a little better.




A huge fan of your games.

Tbh man I know what you are saying, but eventually you also will be level 40. But I will say this to you I have a level 11 pt and alreayd doing 200k-300k dps. Gear is important, but so is skill.

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People are going to use the planet comm's and crafting stuff regardless and they should too otherwise doing class missions etc is a grind that they most likely have done numerous times like myself.



I have a shadow,sniper,sent,assasin,that i am lvling through WZ's and mainly heroics and class missions,i have four other 50's and i dread a few planets when i get to the (Taris,Balmorra) so i gear up as much as possible to get through them.

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Few mistakes that bioware made, one putting in expertise mods in low level pvp weapons, people will just rip them out of the weapons and put them in their armor.... Also the +41 expertise crystals you can use at level 10, duel wielders get a nice pump in expertise there also.....


another semi exploit is having high lvl buddies run you through all your class story content, since the gear in our class story doesn't have level restrictions it gives you a nice big bonus in pvp when you get the pvp boost buff...


Just stupid things Bioware did....


For all the people complaining about long que's.... Well its the premades and twinks that have run off the player base, they have caused the long que's, doing nothing about it is not going to save pvp....

Edited by Monoth
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Alright im submitting this post for the DEVS but i know that everyone will have something to say about it. Lately i have been doing some PvP an on most occasions i will get in a match that is stacked with people in there 40's or in the high 40's which i believe is very unbalanced for a PvP match when most of the time my team consists of low teens mid 20's and maybe a few 30's. I have also noticed that there are some low lvl teens and some 20's that are twinked out so that they do more damage than they should an have way more health than they should at there lvl. I was just hoping all of you at bioware which i appreciate for making this game i loved your KOTOR's but i was hoping that you would fix the PvP matching system so that it puts you up against people at your lvl not high lvl people also look for the hacks a little better.




A huge fan of your games.


no worries mate, when the expansion hits, it will probably be multiple solo queue half-geared lvl 10s vs premades of lvl 54s in min-maxed ewh gear. :p


Enjoy your lowbie pvp while you can.

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Monoth said it above. Those 41 exp crystals in lowbie pvp is pretty dumb. Sure, craft all the gear you want and come pvp, but leave expertise out until level 50.


Expertise in under 50 pvp has always been there since they game launched. The enhancements in the high level weapons from the PVP vendor have expertise in them. Up to 25 expertise on the level 45 enhancements.


So at level 45 you can have a max of 257 expertise in lowbie pvp.

Edited by Flying-Brian
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What do you mean by twinked out? A majority of players in 10-49 have 11k-12k hp after buffs, which means they are wearing gear they out leveled or are even missing pieces (I see this all the time). Someone having 13k-14k hp, even at level 20, is not twinked. They are just wearing blues or maybe even a purple or two that's close to their level. It's easy to get just from flash points, finds, and GTN. If you're talking 15k+ hp on dps and healers, then yes, they made an effort to get mostly purples in their gear. Those people are pretty rare though, and a majority of them are hardly good enough to be considered unbeatable or even that good. I PvP a ton of multiple characters and I find maybe one or two skilled twinked out players a week at most on The Harbinger.
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I have also noticed that there are some low lvl teens and some 20's that are twinked out so that they do more damage than they should an have way more health than they should at there lvl. I was just hoping all of you at bioware which i appreciate for making this game i loved your KOTOR's but i was hoping that you would fix the PvP matching system so that it puts you up against people at your lvl not high lvl people also look for the hacks a little better.




A huge fan of your games.


I don’t agree with your comment regarding low level teens and 20’s maxing out their characters, I mean why not? I find it perfectly acceptable to get the best gear you can for your character. I know I try my best to get the best gear I can for my level, why should I gimp myself just because some guy on the other team turns up to a fight missing gear and what gear he has is all greens?


I play a Merc and the fact I got steam rolled every warzone at the start made me look at what I could do to improve my game and that’s just 3 things - start again as a FOTM class (not happening), learn my role and get better gear.


I didn’t go **** this pvp sucks! I aspired to get better and that’s the way it should be.


If you want everyone to have the same health and do the same damage then you should have naked warzones where everyone fights bare knuckled in their undies!

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For all the people complaining about long que's.... Well its the premades and twinks that have run off the player base, they have caused the long que's, doing nothing about it is not going to save pvp....


It really isn't. There is a number of things that have run of the player-base... It is not the premades or twinks... A matchmaking system and cross server ques would fix this for even the casual players like monoth who think premades are satan's dick.

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Come on. Everyone knows at lowbie PvP level doesn't matter at all. You just suck and should stick to PvE


This. And many classes are garbage at 20 compared to later levels, like the sniper.


If OP is pissed about being lowbie go roll a sentinel as watchmen and watch at the very least 200k by level 20 else its seriously a l2p issue.


For gear just make a cybertech alt and farm full blues. It gives you about 1200 main stat, 1150ish endurance, this is without stim btw. If you don't want full blues, go for belt and bracer first since those will give you a total of like 70-100 extra main stat depending on the level of them... stock unmoddable belt/bracers are seriously bad.

Edited by Zunayson
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