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I love rage and vulgarity when trying to coach teammates


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So, you are situation aware. 90% aren't, so suggesting for general populous to move away from node for 15 meters (so they are in rage to interrupt but also can harass enemy rambos) might be misleading and dangerous.

That's how I double ninja nodes with my guild friend, and how I see my team looses nodes (after typing in 3 times 'please fight on a turret guys' getting reply 'we are fine, we'r not noobs', bam, we just lost a node)...


I don't think that 15m makes a difference over 5m in such a case. I've captured mid turret from the back while there was a ranged defender on the turret area but just in front of it but not looking at it, and I'm no stealther. What I'm trying to say is in my opinion looking at the node is more important than where you are fighting. "Fight on the turret" aims to increase the chances of looking at the turret, fortunately or unfortunately there are numerous examples that this has not been the case also.

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This is why I love my sorc. Big-radius, instant 30m AoE with no cooldown. Just try LOSing me behind that turret while I'm spawn camping your teammates in Alderaan. Mwahaha.


Yeah, looks that way, doesn't it? Especially since if a team is down by enough kills so they absolutely have to double cap to win, then it's extremely unlikely that they're going to have the firepower to hold two nodes for any decent length of time even if they were able to get to the pylon under attack before it got taken back (which isn't easy considering the distances on that map).


Bad tactics. Crappy attitude. I don't really blame that team for getting pissed at the OP for his "helpful" insights.


Just being down by a little is enough to lose. That's, you know, the definition of being down. OP saw an opportunity to double cap and took it. Then called for backup. Now I'm willing to bet his "advice" to his teammates was less than polite, but we don't have any business criticizing the tactics unless we were in the warzone.

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I think it's best to keep it simple in pugs, that would mean no going for a 2 cap in AH unless you're trying to ninja with 30 seconds to go in the round. Two defenders and 6 fight at mid/run orbs. Same with CW, don't try and do a east/west cap in a pug, just go for the conservative natural/mid. If you have a 4 man with you and they want to pull something more exotic off, and they explain this at the beginning, I'm game but otherwise keep it simple. And even when the 4 man lays out specific tactics (3 east, 5 west) there is always 1 or 2 teammates that's going to mid anyway, in spite of the suggested tactic.


After pugging for over a year I have come to expect a lot of them all have the same "it's my 15 dollar sub and I'll play as I want to" mentality. "Having fun" always overrules winning with these people.

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I hate it more when juggernauts do pass the ball; gd lawlersmashers don't understand the true juggernaut way.


The true juggernaut way is to get the ball as far as healers and positioning make possible, then either score, pass, or (in the worst case) ditch the ball. True juggernauts pass frequently. E.g. I'd much rather pass to another player on the ledge than duke it out with 5 DPS in the pit waiting for intercede to refresh.


The true juggernaut way is to enable the win, whatever the (sportsmanlike) means. Team-of-one heroes get pulled into the fire, separated from their healers, knocked off the ramp, etc. etc.

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So you capped the other pylon with a enough time left for the other team to take it back easily, and then said a passive aggressive remark to the rest of your team since they didn't reinforce your bad tactics, and you're wondering why they responded the way they did...?


This x1000



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All things aside; anyone notice an increase in bad attitude all around in war zones? I haven't seen it so much in 50s, but there are some people that take sub-50 so serious and lash out so much, I wonder how many meds they will be on later in life for blood pressure.
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All things aside; anyone notice an increase in bad attitude all around in war zones? I haven't seen it so much in 50s, but there are some people that take sub-50 so serious and lash out so much, I wonder how many meds they will be on later in life for blood pressure.


possible. but it's caused by

in my opinion

1.these are alts, people think they are anonymous. (aka, any internet fight)

2.amount of bads is just incredible, specially when it comes to doing objectives.

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possible. but it's caused by

in my opinion

1.these are alts, people think they are anonymous. (aka, any internet fight)

2.amount of bads is just incredible, specially when it comes to doing objectives.


Yeah, the first has always been true. I'm just not sure why I see an increase. Are people expecting there to be less bads from their experience? There comes a time that when you PUG, you need to expect and accept things will not go how you like.


I'm thinking for sub-50 raging, people are getting a false sense of superiority by the numbers they put out and it being good enough just to do high numbers for the objectives to just fall into place often enough there, that when they run into stiffer competition, they lash out because after all; they are still putting up big numbers even if they fail to get the objectives.

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amount of bads is just incredible, specially when it comes to doing objectives.


The worst, what gets me every time, is 5 people all trying to cap a node (CW) and not one standing in front/behind with a finger over a mezz or stun to stop someone from interrupting a cap. Sometimes that's almost enough for me to bail on the WZ right then and there.

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OP saw an opportunity to double cap and took it. Then called for backup. Now I'm willing to bet his "advice" to his teammates was less than polite, but we don't have any business criticizing the tactics unless we were in the warzone.


I agree with this post. We were not in the warzone and there is inadequte information to even think whether that was good move or not.

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I agree with this post. We were not in the warzone and there is inadequte information to even think whether that was good move or not.


We also don't know what the OPs general demeanor was for the entirety of the warzone either. Or if he really said what he did. I'm inclined to believe the final remark wasn't his only passive aggressive quip towards the team, based solely on the fact that he felt the need to post on the PvP forum(which the majority of that particular team probably doesn't even read) to justify and reassure his own actions. I probably wouldn't have responded with such vulgarity, but I'd probably zing one back his way. The OP is more than likely an assassin/shadow, which is also the AC I play. I can tell you from experience that if you ninja cap a pylon and it gets taken back, its your own fault. You didn't plan your cap properly. I've done it myself a few times, but instead of taking pot shots at people in mid for not helping, I thought to myself "whelp, maybe I should've started my attempt 10 seconds later." The OPs comment was just as distasteful as the response, it was just free of profanity. You took out your frustration for your bad move on people who were probably already frustrated.

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Well all i can say is,if i'm given pointers or an inc is called/order to guard or help,i'll happily do so.


It's when the guy giving orders rages at the first sign of something not going right that i tend to ignore them from then on.


Not all pugs are bad at pvp or rage,neither are all the experienced pvpers good or rational.


All things aside; anyone notice an increase in bad attitude all around in war zones? I haven't seen it so much in 50s, but there are some people that take sub-50 so serious and lash out so much, I wonder how many meds they will be on later in life for blood pressure.


Isn't that the truth.


Most recently had a sniper calling me a (female reproductive organ) sub 50 for being a crap healer and not keeping him alive,despite the fact i had 3 on me and was getting chain stunned while most of my team were busy chasing butterflies


Ironically i finshed second on the board with my heals,objective score,and medals.


People just need to take a few deep breaths sometimes

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The OP is more than likely an assassin/shadow, which is also the AC I play. I can tell you from experience that if you ninja cap a pylon and it gets taken back, its your own fault. You didn't plan your cap properly. I've done it myself a few times, but instead of taking pot shots at people in mid for not helping, I thought to myself "whelp, maybe I should've started my attempt 10 seconds later." The OPs comment was just as distasteful as the response, it was just free of profanity. You took out your frustration for your bad move on people who were probably already frustrated.


ninja capping is an art. dunno if that was the situation. but yeah...you do have to gauge the situation and control the fight. that's how stealth dps is supposed to work: control the conditions of the fight. I'll spend the entirety of round one just scoping out what the other team is doing to defend their pylon (rnd 1 points are relatively minimal, and after the first ninja cap, the cat is out of the bag, so to speak).


that said, if 2 ppl took the node and one of the two died, I have to imagine they weren't both stealth cuz A) a proper ninja cap will result in the capper being safely stealthed (whirlwind/flash grenade - NOT restealth mezz). B) if they die in the processes of getting the cap, it's a brute force cap, not a ninja cap. two sides of the same coin...more or less.

Edited by foxmob
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