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Why dont dark jedi get banished from the republic?


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The reason is Bioware's flawed system.


The Jedi Order would banish or imprison fallen jedi (after trying to redeem them I guess), but Bioware didn't build a complex enough game world that would support it.


Not so sure about light side sith though. I think that if you're a sith that does the emperor's/empire's bidding and survives whatever challenges a sith faces, you could hold yourself to whatever morality you wished. Pretty sure a light morality would conflict with the empreror's bidding though.

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Give in to your anger. It gives you focus, makes you powerful!


Only then will you be powerful enough to strike down the OP.




I laughed so hard when I read this... still trying to breath again.



On the subject of being able to hide, I have seen many threads crying out for an ability to switch factions, or wondering why you can stay on good terms with your faction while undermining their identity.


Ans: Because when the game was concieved as a faction instead of free for all, fall from neutral game: it was clear that the choice of faction for the player character would be final. Storylines don't allow you switch easily. If you tried to force every character to be sort of a 'neutral' entity who was both liked and disliked by both sides, it would be impossible to work your way onto one of the councils, or become a champion of either side.


In an 'actual' SW galaxy, sure if you went against your faction they would most likely since your betryal and throw you out, but that isn't an option in a faction mmo. Every point to switch sides means you MUST have and entire new branching storyline for that route, since it wouldn't be with the same NPCs, same areas, or even same missions.


So take say 3 chances to switch factions, that's the 6 class storylines (let's pretend BH and SM are written differently to be factionless) with 1 all dark/light story, 1 light->dark/dark->light 1/4 way through, 1 light->dark/dark->light 1/2 way through, 1 light->dark/dark->light 3/4 way through. So, now you have 4 different stories for each class, times 6 classes...


Then, you have to add in: since the BH heal-tank and SM heal/dps can switch more easily, then you get unbalenced heavy tank healers in the Republic and throw off pvp. Perhaps you have to do the storyline split with them as well?


Don't forget that ppl will protest if they switched factions and it wasn't what they expected. Now they have no way to switch back. Of course that is unless you add light->dark->light/dark->light->dark options in at the 1/2 and 3/4 mark...


Nope, doesn't seem complicated at all.



I would rather see improved dark/light side customizations and maybe a endgame storyline where you have to help out the opposing faction to reach a goal. Perhaps you are trapped on a planet and the only escape must be acomplished with someone from the other side. You could then either become friends or grow in resentment/pityiful distain of <insert char traits here> of anyone from <other faction>.


If you were something like say... a dark jedi, you could make a contact in the Empire, and help him take out X part of the Republic that you didn't like. Some corrupt something or other. Plenty of options that would make SWTOR feel more 'real' from a lore perspective. At the end of the day you would remain in your faction to let the MMO game work, but you could skirt the edge with the other side.


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If you play through as a "Dark-Side" Jedi or "Light-Side" Sith, you'll understand a bit better.


Dark Jedi aren't monsters. They're heroes, they are just a bit more ruthless in how they achieve it. I have a Dark Shadow and a Dark Sentinel. They both save people's lives. Generally, dark side choices revolve around the application of justice without mercy or a willingness to make sacrifices (of people, stuff, or morals) in order to achieve a heroic goal. While those may not be the Jedi ideal, there are plenty of Jedi who kill. In-Character justification for this is often a strict pragmatism: It's better to save the Republic at the cost of a few lives than to let the Sith continue their crimes and kill even more.


The Jedi Council doesn't always approve of the methods used by my Dark Sentinel and Dark Shadow, but they applaud the results and agree that I am making the universe a better place.


Similarly, Light Sith aren't role models. They still murder and oppress, they just aren't sociopathic about it. This one is actually a bit more clear-cut. The Dark Warrior is a character who seems to revel is violence, regardless of whether the Empire benefits or not. Even Light Inquisitors are Jerks, but the Dark Inquisitor is a straight-up sociopath, putting themselves over all others, including the empire and even the Dark Council. Both of them are self-serving to the point of being


The Light Sith, then, is something of a reformist. Generally, they are seeking to balance or temper the Darkest Sith. They aren't pushing for peace or oneness with the Force. They use the Dark Side of the Force to strengthen the Empire. Choices are usually justified by efficiency or utility to the Empire, with a number of them being more explicitly reformist in their attempts to encourage a more conscientious Empire. Light Sith have honor and loyalty to the Empire, putting the needs/goals of the Empire over their own ambitions or enjoyment of violence.


In that way, the Light Side Sith are very much like a mix of the Light versions of the Agent and Bounty Hunter. The main goals are the strengthening of the empire and the avoidance of violence which doesn't have some direct benefit.




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As was already stated.


Dark Jedi are not sith they just aren't blinded to the reality of war, where as Light Jedi are optimistic and stict to the jedi code which whilst honorable is weak in the face of war.


Basically Light Jedi are peacekeepers and Dark Jedi are soldiers.


Light Sith aren't jedi, they are far from it. My Lightsided Sorc isn't a good guy and does care for Jedi or anything that doesn't benefit the Empire but he isn't a crazed idiot who kills for fun. Darkside Sith seem to be Psychopaths and kill for kicks and giggles.


Basically Light Sith are still evil but more intelligent about what they do, Dark Sith are crazed killers who do what they want.



Well that is how I see it.

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I think with Jedi and Sith, a lot of it boils down to emotions (not all of it, though). LS Sith still use their emotions when helping others, compared to LS Jedi who help others out of duty and obligation.


I could be wrong, though.


I see my LS SI as someone who has a lot in common with Revan in terms of how they approach things.

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to answer question in three words: jedi are stupid.

little longer: they would do anything to preserve their code of ignorance and indolence for the sake of having possibility to say "for the sake".


and about Sith:

Light Sided Sith = no Sith, that is what even entity says. lightsiders tend to make a bigger thing of their actions, same idiotic mannerism as jedi: we are no idiots, we dont kill for the sake of it, etc. they are binded by chains of weakness and petty slave morality. they spare threats


Dark Sided Sith = Sith, egocentric, egotic force of destruction that will seek no mercy nor offer it, they dispose of those who are of no use, they dont waste time on lecturing when they can get information by breaking fingers. they represent progress, Sith are above anyone or anything, it is their right to cull the weak.

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to answer question in three words: jedi are stupid.

little longer: they would do anything to preserve their code of ignorance and indolence for the sake of having possibility to say "for the sake".


There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

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There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

unfortunately, jedi knowledge is very much limited - and puts limitations on those who seek more. lightsiders are generally idiots who use phrases like "because it is worth fighting for" "to make a difference" and all of that pseudo heroic mumbling.

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unfortunately, jedi knowledge is very much limited - and puts limitations on those who seek more. lightsiders are generally idiots who use phrases like "because it is worth fighting for" "to make a difference" and all of that pseudo heroic mumbling.


Oh, tell me of these limitations on knowledge seeking. I know that the Jedi have a cationary stance towards seeking knowledge down a path that might lead you to the dark side and corrupt you (such as sith holocrons). So yes, they use caution, but they aren't ignorant.


And what's heroic to one person might be idiocy to the next, it's a matter of perception.

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Oh, tell me of these limitations on knowledge seeking. I know that the Jedi have a cationary stance towards seeking knowledge down a path that might lead you to the dark side and corrupt you (such as sith holocrons). So yes, they use caution, but they aren't ignorant.


And what's heroic to one person might be idiocy to the next, it's a matter of perception.

it is never a matter of perception but efficiency and profits


Dark Side is an ocean of knowledge that jedi idiots avoid

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