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Do other MMOs have the Ability to Fly


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Interesting, in that case maybe several years down the line we might see a flight update, but I'm not holding my breath, especially with the Datacron issue.


Truth be told as far as WOW is concerned. There seems to be about as many that hate flying vs those that love it.


It's apparently a double edged sword for some players.


But like WOW this game could evolve to include flying mounts. You never know. I know at one point we never though we would get them in WOW vanilla content but they revamped the entire world to allow it to happen.


so who knows what will happen in SWTOR. However, I think more want a better space game than world flying mounts.

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It would take major redesigning of all worlds and their exploration bonuses (datacrons). Also, many palnets are instanced into small sectors (mainly the city worlds like Coruscant or Nar Shaddaa), so flying between them would be problematic.

Maybe somewhere down the road we will see it (WoW got it after 8 years)


Agreed. Mainly because ... "There is no there, there". Much of the tiny worlds are just pretty pictures off on the horizon.


Also, does the Hero Engine Support flight?



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It would take major redesigning of all worlds and their exploration bonuses (datacrons). Also, many palnets are instanced into small sectors (mainly the city worlds like Coruscant or Nar Shaddaa), so flying between them would be problematic.

Maybe somewhere down the road we will see it (WoW got it after 8 years)


Not that it's a big deal, but I seem to remember getting flying mounts in the burning crusade expansion and that was 2 years after launch.

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Hero engine can most definitely handle flight, as can pretty much any modern 3D engine, I see no reason why it should not, so that reply was just stupid trolling, unless its poster can provide some link from where he got this ridiculous info.

SWTOR most definitely has a working Z-axis, otherwise there would be no jumping in Huttball, not taxis flying up and down etc (also, no falling).


As for Burning Crusade flying: Yes, but Burning Crusade included a new world and flying was only possible in that new world. It took much longer for the old world to be remodeled to handle flying.

Edited by Aries_cz
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Hero engine can most definitely handle flight, as can pretty much any modern 3D engine, I see no reason why it should not, so that reply was just stupid trolling, unless its poster can provide some link from where he got this ridiculous info.

SWTOR most definitely has a working Z-axis, otherwise there would be no jumping in Huttball, not taxis flying up and down etc (also, no falling).


As for Burning Crusade flying: Yes, but Burning Crusade included a new world and flying was only possible in that new world. It took much longer for the old world to be remodeled to handle flying.


Actually, you have no supporting evidence. I did a search on the Net concerning the Hero Engine and Flying and could come up with no supporting data/documentation stating that it could handle free movement in the Z-axis for flight purposes. Just because you can jump and climb does not diffinitively support flight. You make an assumtion and then accuse people of trolling. One could say the same about unsupported statements regarding the Hero Engines capabilites. Again, with no supporting evidence we don't know. Right now the only z-axis "flight" movement supported by the Hero Engine seems to be for use in "taxi" style movement. :cool:

Edited by Urael
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There were no flying mounts at TOR's release because there were no flying mounts in KOTOR ... just like there were no flying mounts at WoW's release because there were no flying mounts in Warcraft. WoW's flying mounts were introduced 2 years after launch in the BC xpac, and they were not usable on the vanilla continents until the Cataclysm xpac another 4 years later. TOR is barely a year old and still cutting its teeth.


While I miss WoW's flying mounts (especially for farming) that game shrunk incredibly because of them. By Cataclysm movement speed had exceeded 400% with perks. Now that's ludicrous speed! OP made a valid point that (in particular) datacron hunts would diminish in value with flying mounts. To my knowledge (and I don't profess to be a know-all) WoW is the only MMO that incorporates flying mounts.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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This game would need a complete overhaul to implement them.


The worlds are designed as corridors, not expansive areas that lend themselves to exploration by flight. WoW zones can be HUGE and are fun to explore by air. SWtoR just doesn't have the same open aspect to it's zones.


Remember the same was true for WoW. The game wasn't designed for flight, so they actually did redesign the whole world for personal flight. Well, except for the Blood elf and Draenei starting zones. You still can't fly there, lol.


ps - hey, GW2 doesn't have mounts, period :p

Edited by chuixupu
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Cool! There's two ...


There have been others with free flight as ability for the character without a mount (super hero mmo's and aion for instance ). Oh wait! The first game I ever played with a flying mount was Anarchy Online (circa 2003). Technically the Yalmaha is a vehichle even though it's really a character transformation into the vehichle. :cool:

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Remember the same was true for WoW. The game wasn't designed for flight, so they actually did redesign the whole world for personal flight. Well, except for the Blood elf and Draenei starting zones. You still can't fly there, lol.


ps - hey, GW2 doesn't have mounts, period :p

Yep ... yep ... yep ... but some just don't care to hear it. For them it's all about me ... want ... now ... If the game ever gets flying mounts - cool. If the game never gets flying mounts - cool. I pay to play just the way it is now. If I want true perfection (in anything let alone a MMORPG) I'll simply wait for the all the stars & planets to line up. Or not ... Edited by GalacticKegger
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Yep ... yep ... yep ... but some just don't care to hear it. For them it's all about me ... want ... now ... If the game ever gets flying mounts - cool. If the game never gets flying mounts - cool. I pay to play just the way it is now. If I want true perfection (in anything let alone a MMORPG) I'll simply wait for the all the stars & planets to line up. Or not ...


The thing is MMORPGs didn't use to have mounts, then they did (well mostly).


Some people expect flying mounts as part of that progression (especially if they just come from WoW).


It may be unrealistic, but equally it is understandable.




(and it probably doesn't help that SWG had it before it closed)

Edited by Goretzu
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History is its own reference. Some choose to ignore it, or even revise it if only in their own minds. The obvious implies itself.


Depends on which side you are on. There are those that claim I am a biodrone. There are those that claim I am a hater. I have been called both. SSDD. :p

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Yes, but flying mounts are not a good thing. When they put them in wow it killed the MMORPG feel of the game and it kinda just became a 3d chat room with some instances.


Flying vehicles only really work in MMOs like Planetside 2. Where you have a huge open world and everything interacts with each other. When they put them in RPGs it just makes the ground feel empty and random player interactions die off, which is what MMOs are all about.

Edited by NasherUK
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