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Crew skill legacy managment


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Just a thought here that I would hope Bioware could take a look at



There's been discussion of things like iOS and android apps for crew skill management, which more often than not seems like people just don't like the idea of for some reason.


SO I had this thought of something that would work just as well for the most part.


Some of us have enough characters at this point, that we only log on to a specific character to work on crafting, for whatever reason, maybe they've progressed as far as they are going to with current content, maybe they just keep that character reserved for crafting. Whatever the case may be, it's a bit of a pain when you have multiple characters to be logging in and out of characters constantly to get mats moved around, farmed etc...


What would be nice is a system within legacy that allows us to send other characters companions out for mats all from one screen. Something along the lines of;


Say I'm on my healer, and I want to get some stuff made or farmed from my sentinel Artifice. Rather than bouncing back and forth I can pull up a legacy screen that will allow me to send his companions out without having to log off my healer. All the mats and everything could still go to him, or it can go to whoever sent the companions, either way works, but it would streamline peoples crafting abilities.


Now of course you could limit it so that people can't just slip a level 7-10 to 400 without ever having to touch it, by putting caps on a per level basis or something of the sort.


But for those of us that do craft and spend a billion hours bringing those crafts and skills to 400, it's a hundred times easier for us than having to shift around between characters. constant login's and logouts for one can't be good on the server, and beyond that.. Maybe we don't want to spend 4.5-5 hours going the last 100 levels and bouncing between characters or standing around on fleet watching the trolls go by.


So you have the Legacy family tree, which as of right now serves only Aesthetic purpose really. So we click on one of those characters which would HAVE To be linked to each other, and have the option to send that characters companions on missions. Now you could combat abuse of it by putting a cap on Crew skill levels relative to a characters level, so they can only go to a certain level in crafting before they have to move on in the characters combat level.



Just a thought... There's got to be a better way of handling the crafts with something as promising as legacy. I mean we have this system that's barely being utilized anything even close to it's potential, and you guys said you wanted legacy to be a huge part of the experience. Well Cartel coins brought it's use up a bit, but give us a way to interact characters with each other, or a way to manage our materials a little better and people will open up to it more.


like I said though, just a thought I wanted to put out and see what people thought.

Edited by JadenGatekeeper
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Say I'm on my healer, and I want to get some stuff made or farmed from my sentinel Artifice. Rather than bouncing back and forth I can pull up a legacy screen that will allow me to send his companions out without having to log off my healer. All the mats and everything could still go to him, or it can go to whoever sent the companions, either way works, but it would streamline peoples crafting abilities.

...or to the legacy bank, which we should totally have and which would be totally convenient for crafting.

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...or to the legacy bank, which we should totally have and which would be totally convenient for crafting.


Even that would work wonders. On Harbinger there's a guild that's just strict crafters. They organized so that people could have a central place to go for the materials and items they need. So I thought what the heck, maybe it's time we start pushing for better resource management at this point. Especially with the new expansion coming out, I'm sure crafting will probably come up by 50 levels just to accommodate the 28's and materials needed to make them.

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I like the idea, but there's one thing that bothers me (relevant part bolded):

So you have the Legacy family tree, which as of right now serves only Aesthetic purpose really. So we click on one of those characters which would HAVE To be linked to each other, and have the option to send that characters companions on missions.

Why? Is the tree even visible to anyone but yourself? I have so far refrained from using it, because there's no way I could sensibly link a cyborg, a zabrak, a twi'lek, a human, a rattataki and a chiss together in a single family tree. I will if it becomes a requirement for something else I need, but that will also destroy any roleplaying value it has, which is kind of the point.

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I like the idea, but there's one thing that bothers me (relevant part bolded):


Why? Is the tree even visible to anyone but yourself? I have so far refrained from using it, because there's no way I could sensibly link a cyborg, a zabrak, a twi'lek, a human, a rattataki and a chiss together in a single family tree. I will if it becomes a requirement for something else I need, but that will also destroy any roleplaying value it has, which is kind of the point.


Off topic slightly, not sure if you are aware but the legacy is not strictly a "family tree;" it has connections for allies and rivals as well as for siblings, spouses, and children.


Getting back on topic, I do not know if a legacy crew skill interface is necessary. IMO, simply a legacy cargo hold would do WONDERS. Let's focus on that small step first :)

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Well I was just thinking in terms of managing a lot of toons at once. If I'm working on one character, I don't want to have to logout to my crafters to check sent their comps out on missions, then logout again to go back to the character I was working on. I'd rather just be able to do it all from a central hub type of deal.


And actually the tree does have one use so far. You can go to your home world legacy vendor, buy a piece of gear, mod it out and send it to an alt (Like columi or Rakata for example) but in order for it to work you have to have them tied together in the legacy tree.

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a legacy cargo hold would truly be amazing. if credits were worked into that too, it would be next level. a lot of us players already have multiple toons with varying credit levels and are constantly sending credits here and there as needed, why not make it easier?


something like this has to be at the top of my wish list....i probably spend, at least, 1 hour per session bouncing between toons to send off companions, organize mats, redistribute credits, etc. also i would love to be able to que for a fp or op and still have access to my other toons without losing my spot in the que.

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Well I was just thinking in terms of managing a lot of toons at once. If I'm working on one character, I don't want to have to logout to my crafters to check sent their comps out on missions, then logout again to go back to the character I was working on. I'd rather just be able to do it all from a central hub type of deal.


And actually the tree does have one use so far. You can go to your home world legacy vendor, buy a piece of gear, mod it out and send it to an alt (Like columi or Rakata for example) but in order for it to work you have to have them tied together in the legacy tree.


I'm not disagreeing that a legacy crew skill system like you are suggesting would be of benefit. However, from a programming perspective it is a massive undertaking. OTOH, a legacy cargo hold would be a lot easier to program (they already have a guild vault where multiple characters from different accounts can access the same stuff) and would go a long way to making the process of "shuffling" materials a LOT easier.


Baby steps...

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A legacy cargo hold would be more valuable to me personally than every other legacy perk currently available.


Heck, I'd even spend Cartel Coins on it.


Do want!


Edit: Legacy crafting might be a bit more difficult. I'm trying to imagine how the UI would work. I have toons listing stuff on the gtn, so I'd need to check mailboxes, inventory of things recently crafted, etc. It would be great if such a thing could be worked out, but it seems it would be either super complex or not really useful.

Edited by Khevar
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  • 2 years later...
i rather see the crew skill use the legacy cargo holds then be able to run all crew from one toon


Great necro, but as I understand it, at the time this thread was under active discussion, there was no legacy cargo hold, so basically BW implemented one when strongholds came out. Maybe they actually DO read these forums!

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