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My suggestions for new playable races


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Kiffar and Nagai would both be ideal as they are near-humans and speak basic fluently. Also eventually as the game expands, I wouldn't mind seeing some sort of conflict between the Nagai and Tofs which reflects their continued war which we see much later. Edited by Vitas
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Aren't the Kiffar somewhat iconic due to Quinlan Vos?


I dont know who that is was. All I know about Kiffar is they look like human's with tatoos. Why not just roll a human and give him some tatoos and tell all your fellow RPers your a Kiffar?

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I dont know who that is was. All I know about Kiffar is they look like human's with tatoos. Why not just roll a human and give him some tatoos and tell all your fellow RPers your a Kiffar?




The Tonnika sisters, two girls who we see in the cantina in episode IV who were later retconned to be two other persons disguised as the sisters, were also Kiffar:


Edited by Vitas
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