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Alright, let's organise the resolve problems and pray for a fix.


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We all know that it's broken in it's current state, causes a lot of frustrating situations - the resolve and the way it currently works.

There's been a lot of threads about it (which bio seems to ignore), so let's try to present all the facts and problems into a nicely organised thread and hope that someone from bioware notices it.


First of all - time spent in stun

Of course, it varies, mostly depending on if you're a melee or ranged (yes snipers, pointing at you ;) )

Well, the time you can continuusly spent in stun is not directly an issue.

However, the time you can continuusly spent in stun combined with the current ttk/burst damage going on leads to a LOT of "stunned to death" situations. Most stuns last 4 seconds. Is it possible to drop someone (other than tank) relatively easy in 4 seconds? Yes. 2 pyros here, 1 smash there combined with unability to defend yourself in any way and you die in 1 stun.

Can you get stunned for 8 seconds? Of course you can. Is it hard to kill someone in 8 seconds? Unless it's a tank, it's harder NOT to kill that person in 8 seconds. With 2 or 3 dps focusing on a target that has to sit 8 seconds in stun, unless the target is being guarded and healed by 1 or 2 healers, there's no way for him to survive.


A common misbelief here - "use your cc breaker when you get a white bar and you will be fine" - it's completely false.

First of all, CC breaker has a high chance of already being on cooldown from previous white bar (or not white bar).

Second, if you don't use it on the first stun (without being at white bar), you might be already dead before resolve even fills.


Moving onwards, every single class in this game has a stun. Does every class need a stun? NO.

Do snipers need a stun? No. They have roots, they have a knockback with a root.

Do sorcs need a stun? No. They have a slow, they have another slow on lightning, they get a root both in madness and in lightning (who plays it anyway), they have speed, they have a knockback. It's enough tools to be able to kite effectively. So why do they have a stun as well?

Do powertechs need a stun? No. They need defensive cooldowns, other than the generic shield and

that would scale better with player skill.

Do mercs need a stun? No. They already suffer enough, without a stun it would be possible to put them out of their misery quicker.

Do warriors need a stun? Tank spec'd juggs do, in order to keep enemies off their healers and spam slow more effectively.

Do operatives need a stun? Yes, stealth classes should have one or two, since they're supposed to get out of stealth, deal lots of damage that either kills the enemy, or doesn't and the enemy kills them.

Do assassins need a stun? Yes (see operative and jugg tanks)


"But but removing stuns would turn pvp into a massive zerg dps race QQQQQQQQQ"

Which one sounds better; "a massive zerg dps race" where people can defend themselves or "a massive zerg dps race" when the enemy can turn you into a training dummy for 8 seconds?


Resolve vs roots:

There was (and still is) a common suggestion flying around that full resolve should grant immunity to roots.

Bioware replied saying "we don't want to change kiting and anti-kiting mechanics"

Well, dear bioware, stuns are used for kiting as well. Roots, slows, speed increases, knockbacks are kiting mechanics. Stuns aren't supposed to be kiting mechanics. Implementing that would reduce the ammount of stuns flying around;

"If i stun him too much his resolve will fill and I won't be able to root"


Also, it's about time to nerf smash, bubble and pyro, and buff mercs and dps operatives.



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why does pyro (assume PT) need a nerf again? we are the only class in the game with 0(ZERO) possibil way of escaping we drop fast when focused ,ya any class does but most have atleast 1 ability to help in the attempt to escape and what a 2min CD shield and a 3 min CD 15% hp regen over 10 seconds! that s it *** I`m supposed to bend over and take it .....even the merc has a 8 second mezz atleast.......sentinels and assassins are my bane!(really just the heavy geared pro`s most ppl are sht) with so many good damn def CD that totally shuts my burst down, haven`t they nerfed this class enough?? Edited by iDraxter
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why does pyro (assume PT) need a nerf again? we are the only class in the game with 0(ZERO) possibil way of escaping we drop fast when focused ,ya any class does but most have atleast 1 ability to help in the attempt to escape and what a 2min CD shield and a 3 min CD 15% hp regen over 10 seconds! that s it ***.....even the merc has a 8 second mezz atleast.......sentinels and assassins are my bane!(really just the heavy geared pro`s most ppl are sht) with so many good damn def CD that totally shuts my burst down, haven`t they nerfed this class enough??


They need defensive cooldowns, other than the generic shield


Keep burst, nerf sustained, buff defense :)

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have to see 1.7 at this point what do they add to each skill tree and if the new top tier abilities will be worth getting instead of going some hybrid, feel 1.7 will bring a significant change to the game


Well 1.7 is not the expansion but when that does come out, yes it should be pretty significant.

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Sorcs need all their stuns.


Combust spec vanguard will slow and deal massive damage. You must get as much distance between you and them as possible. They also have a pull to bring you back when you get too far away. If you can't stun them, you can't get away because you have no ability to cleanse their slow. In essence they will rape you so bad it would be laughable.


Rage spec warriors


These guys have access to 2 leaps which completely shut down a sorcs ability to kite them. To add insult to injury the leaps root you to the spot as well which makes kiting impossible. On top of that, they deal massively higher amounts of damage to you than you can do back to them. Again, without stuns their is absolutely no way in hell you are going to beat them.



Basically if your going to remove or alter stuns then the entire game needs a revamp in damage output and balancing.

Edited by JackNader
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I've been getting agitated in PVP lately with the sheer number of stuns, mezzes and (to a lesser degree) roots. Every time I am put in CC I think to myself does the class that put me in CC really need it? Answer is usually no. I also wonder why people use them, if it is offensively or defensively and more often than not the way in which cc is used (in my opinion) is just because the blasted thing is off cooldown.


I think some cc's need to stay in order work in PVE because you get groups of 3-5 mobs, but for PVP they need to be disabled or work differently (such as head shot/cheap shot kind of moves)


I say this because CC (and knockbacks) are simply being used off cooldown. More often than not you get killed in a stun zerg fest, annoying, but a new trend is emerging (at least on my server) called "pointless knockbacks". I don't know what it is but more and more I see people use knockbacks for reasons beyond my understanding, such as opening from stealth with a knockback (while I am standing perfectly still >defending< a node and not capping - which would make sense sort of...)


Two examples, N. Coast, 1v1 me (sorc) versus Commando. I am using force lightning to get wrath proc. Commando walks through 2 channels and upon reaching me - knocks me back... He walked (snared) from 30m range to melee, only to knock me back 10m range again... Why? Because it was off cooldown? Lord knows.


Second example is a shadow sneaking up on me and using mind maze (or whatever their out of combat cc is). He then proceeded to insta lift me (white bar) but before I could break cc in case he went for the pylon he backstabbed me. So the 3 moves in immediate succession were mind maze, lift, backstab...


The two examples clearly fall into the realm of L2P or at least learn rotations, but it is an example of how willy nilly cc and such is thrown around in this game, and that - before many things - needs to change before (more) people leave in sheer frustration of Stun Wars.

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Make everyone's CC break skill have a 45 sec CD.


Considering that most single-target stuns have a 60sec CD, it's weird that the CC break skill has a cool down that's twice as long. This way, you'll have more chances of breaking out of stuns and not be too afraid of 'wasting' your cool down.

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Make everyone's CC break skill have a 45 sec CD.


Considering that most single-target stuns have a 60sec CD, it's weird that the CC break skill has a cool down that's twice as long. This way, you'll have more chances of breaking out of stuns and not be too afraid of 'wasting' your cool down.


Scoundrel/Operative can spec their 4sec stun to 30sec CD.

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Assasins have 4 sec mezz every 15 sec CD :eek:


Deception is a nice trolling attempt from bioware, lowslash 4s mezz 15s CD, their standard stun, spike knockdown from invis, plus snares, overload and whirlwind.There isnt a single duel where these buggers dont try to CC me. And on top of that grant them recklessness so they can crit on maul, discharge and shock. Good job bioware. I think i'll keep my melee stun, roots, knockback with roots, my leap and interrupt immunity.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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CC is required as it is right now... why? because if you had less CC, lolderpamelee would just wipe the floor completly with all RDPS and healers... well they already do just sometimes they get stunlocked to death. Edited by xxIncubixx
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Stopped reading around the part where you said that sorcs arent in need of a stun.


I shall return when you've sobered up.


Another garbage thread, i gave it a glance and read the paragraph on who and who doesn't "need" stuns, and stopped there.

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Moving onwards, every single class in this game has a stun.


Marauder/Sentinel have a crappy 3 second channeled stun if it makes toy feel better. How about that? Make all stuns channeled so the caster is reverse stunned.

Edited by getdownsb
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why does pyro (assume PT) need a nerf again? we are the only class in the game with 0(ZERO) possibil way of escaping we drop fast when focused ,ya any class does but most have atleast 1 ability to help in the attempt to escape and what a 2min CD shield and a 3 min CD 15% hp regen over 10 seconds! that s it *** I`m supposed to bend over and take it .....even the merc has a 8 second mezz atleast.......sentinels and assassins are my bane!(really just the heavy geared pro`s most ppl are sht) with so many good damn def CD that totally shuts my burst down, haven`t they nerfed this class enough??


Mercs/commandos are on equal level with you, without any tangible utility (outside of knockback).


You have pull and taunts.


A CC with an activation time can hardly be counted as a viable means of escaping combat in SWTOR's group centric PVP battles.


Your sustained deserves a significant nerf, whilst commando deserves more attention. PT wouldn't be so much of a problem if it wasn't the easiest class to play in the game, by a significant degree. As it is it is a face roll class that should require more to deliver the damage that it does.

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Marauder/Sentinel have a crappy 3 second channeled stun if it makes toy feel better. How about that? Make all stuns channeled so the caster is reverse stunned.

They do intimidating roar, it is a 6 seconds CC that breaks on damage...


I suppose the next logical step according to our dear OP is to nerf all damage in the game, heck even 1k damage is a bit too much.



PVP in this game is not supposed to be a half hour fight with days in advanced planning. The fight is supposed to take 1 min tops, you are not supposed to take ten minute thinking what you next move is, you are supposed to have a quick reaction. The whole point of CC is to help with 1v1, 4v4 and everything in between.


I have been stunned to death, I have been smashed to death, I have been bubble stunned to death, I have killed and been killed so many times in this game that is insane, but you win some and you lose some. You can not expect the devs to change the game in a way so it would become the pvp version of "No kid left behind".

If you want to win every game then go play solitaire.

Edited by znihilist
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I would support your movement if:

1) smash is nerfed to the ground

2) gap closers leap and obliterate do not root and do not interrupt

3) combat does not come with a 15% perma speed boost, crippling throw does not root the target, ravage does not root the target

4) Blade storm has a 4m range


Then all sages would be happy to give up their 10m 60s cd single target stun.

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