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what save wow pvp might save stwor


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Look, I tried to be polite at first but clearly you're not worth civil discourse. The devs have done everything short of handing out WH gear upon leveling to 50. It's not that there isn't a divide you nitwit. It's that the divide is minimized by EXTREMELY ATTAINABLE gear in very short amounts of time. Get it? Your crying about the matter is absolutely ridiculous. Go ahead and complain about TTK, excessive CC, improper matchmaking. ANYTHING BUT THIS NONEXISTENT GEAR GAP! It's ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous... L2P, learn to stack comms while leveling, stop being bad... Etc... Etc.


I know you will not understand this in your lepton sized capacity for logic but just because you can get gear does not make it equal gear .... really why not make the same argument for any other issue , class OP, no problem anyone can play that class...its not really op if its accessible to anyone.


I know you probably take great pride in the amount of time you have to burn on this game and find burning 20 to 30 hours grinding at fun level zero is no problem, because really what the hell else you got? but some of us have higher standards and your time played on the game does not figure into them...some of us expect fun most of the precious few hours we have to play...So if your argument is that somehow pvp should suck for awhile til you can play X hours well you would probably fit right into the BW team but in the real world that does not fly when you pug into half your team is 15k vs everyone on the other team 20k+, I guess they just must be bads and are absent the SKILL level that gives the other team 20k+ because according to you, the gear "magically" is the same.

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I know you will not understand this in your lepton sized capacity for logic but just because you can get gear does not make it equal gear .... really why not make the same argument for any other issue , class OP, no problem anyone can play that class...its not really op if its accessible to anyone.


I know you probably take great pride in the amount of time you have to burn on this game and find burning 20 to 30 hours grinding at fun level zero is no problem, because really what the hell else you got? but some of us have higher standards and your time played on the game does not figure into them...some of us expect fun most of the precious few hours we have to play...So if your argument is that somehow pvp should suck for awhile til you can play X hours well you would probably fit right into the BW team but in the real world that does not fly when you pug into half your team is 15k vs everyone on the other team 20k+, I guess they just must be bads and are absent the SKILL level that gives the other team 20k+ because according to you, the gear "magically" is the same.


Lol, bad troll is bad. I rarely put in more than an hour or 2 at a time. I'm sorry that I win most of the games I play because I play with like minded players who know how to win rather than whining and making excuses for poor play. Please, continue to tell everyone how unfair things are and how you can't succeed because you're deck isn't stacked like everyone else's. It's entertaining. In summation. Stick to FPS because you're clearly not cut out for MMOs.

Edited by Cowflab
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Lol, bad troll is bad. I rarely put in more than an hour or 2 at a time. I'm sorry that I win most of the games I play because I play with like minded players who know how to win rather than whining and making excuses for poor play. Please, continue to tell everyone how unfair things are and how you can't succeed because you're deck isn't stacked like everyone else's. It's entertaining. In summation. Stick to FPS because you're clearly not cut out for MMOs.


hey buddy you trolled my thread by stupidly proclaiming there is no difference in recruit gear and war hero gear.

You don't win every game with skill, you just find what ever will reinforce your delusions of skill like rolling FoTM toon and premake with other like minded people that also thinks it to be skill in any regard....yes sir I am impressed, you got me I must be a bad because I don't play FoTM or have time to build a premade.


Here is what you don't know, I have full ewh on almost three toons and am sick of either being owned in a pug because of recruit gear pugers vs premades or vice versa and I know it cant be fun for them...see some of us just want a fun skillful pvp and have no need to feed some delusional notion of skill, we want the game to be skill based for real( or at least as close as a MMO can get to)

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I've always agreed with this, I suggest a 2x boost to all players health in warzones, but as others have said, the problem becomes what is already defender biased warzones that we have now, become harder to take objectives.
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It's not a simple fix for SWTOR because of the size and objectives warzones. Any fix like that goes hand in hand with numerous other adjustments that lead to a rather large redesign of the entire system and class design That seems unnecessary as the whole system isn't broken.


One of good things about the current system is that healers are killable, and that having too many healers is a significant detriment to warzone objectives (namely taking a contested node). In other games, this tradeoff either doesn't exist or isn't enough for it to make a significant difference. I think this needs to be kept in tact, as it makes playing a healer fun and it makes killing healers less frustrating. Win for both sides.


To take the OP's example, I don't miss my immortal resto shaman.

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hey buddy you trolled my thread by stupidly proclaiming there is no difference in recruit gear and war hero gear.

You don't win every game with skill, you just find what ever will reinforce your delusions of skill like rolling FoTM toon and premake with other like minded people that also thinks it to be skill in any regard....yes sir I am impressed, you got me I must be a bad because I don't play FoTM or have time to build a premade.


Here is what you don't know, I have full ewh on almost three toons and am sick of either being owned in a pug because of recruit gear pugers vs premades or vice versa and I know it cant be fun for them...see some of us just want a fun skillful pvp and have no need to feed some delusional notion of skill, we want the game to be skill based for real( or at least as close as a MMO can get to)


When did I say there was no difference? I said the "gear gap" is minimized and nowhere near what it used to be. If you really have 3 ewh geared characters then you'd know it doesn't take long to grind out gear. WH to EWH is roughly a ~2% stat increase. Although it doesn't take long to gear out ONE character, it does take some time to grind out 3. Which completely contradicts and invalidates your last post. So, you're either lying or trolling. Which one is it sweetheart?

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I've always agreed with this, I suggest a 2x boost to all players health in warzones, but as others have said, the problem becomes what is already defender biased warzones that we have now, become harder to take objectives.


Seemed to work in WOW with cap and defend games. though the combat system is a great deal different in wow as there is not really a fixed crit damage multiplier so a big 15k crit could get very lucky roll and be doubled but by anyone.

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The problems keep adding up and EA doesn't fix or adress any of them. I know the que times are starting to go up big time. I see the pops are lower across the board, not much lower but starting to decline. Only server merges will save pvp in the next 2 months. So many issues.


2. Class Balance

3. Stuns

4. Boring repetitive cookie cutter wz's

5. 90% of the time I can tell who will win within 1 minute of the match starting. 75% of the time i can tell who will win just by looking at my own team.

6. EA ignores us at their own risk there are other options besides this game and i know I am startiing to consider other games as are many of my freinds.

7. Good luck making money on the Cartel when you have dead servers again.

Edited by HaLeX
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WoW doesn't have guard and taunts. This game is already slower then WoW when healers have a tank guarding them.


Also WoW pvp didn't get "saved". They got dropped from "e-sport" recognition.


About the only thing that can "save" this game is a hotfix for bubblestun. Bubblestun has made this game almost turn based. It is pretty sad when people are opting to play lower WZ's over higher ones, just to avoid the stunfest/borefest that is 50 WZ's. The funny thing? Bubblestun is now making it's way into lower warzones as well...


Must be nice to play on a bad server where you don't play teams that come out of the gate completely bubbled in NON RANKED WZ's, and where healers/tanks and dps that can taunt/aoe taunt are the only things you see.


Anyone asking for combat to be even slower then it is needs their head examined.

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When did I say there was no difference? I said the "gear gap" is minimized and nowhere near what it used to be. If you really have 3 ewh geared characters then you'd know it doesn't take long to grind out gear. WH to EWH is roughly a ~2% stat increase. Although it doesn't take long to gear out ONE character, it does take some time to grind out 3. Which completely contradicts and invalidates your last post. So, you're either lying or trolling. Which one is it sweetheart?


Didn't you say there is NO gear gap which unmistakeably implies no difference in gear and/or all players have the same gear. not really a problem for me personally but it is a problem in pugs for even geared players if half their team gets killed in two seconds.


Because I have be playing since beta and most toons had wh gear before ewh and coms stored, a 7 month protracted grind is not a short time period by any means, so it is nether sizzle chest, but I do also have a almost wh geared toon and its no fun to play either but its a merc and well nuff said there.

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WoW doesn't have guard and taunts. This game is already slower then WoW when healers have a tank guarding them.


Also WoW pvp didn't get "saved". They got dropped from "e-sport" recognition.


About the only thing that can "save" this game is a hotfix for bubblestun. Bubblestun has made this game almost turn based. It is pretty sad when people are opting to play lower WZ's over higher ones, just to avoid the stunfest/borefest that is 50 WZ's. The funny thing? Bubblestun is now making it's way into lower warzones as well...


Must be nice to play on a bad server where you don't play teams that come out of the gate completely bubbled in NON RANKED WZ's, and where healers/tanks and dps that can taunt/aoe taunt are the only things you see.


Anyone asking for combat to be even slower then it is needs their head examined.


Right because bubble stunning cant equalize and otherwise one sided game....yeah it might be ridiculous at times but its in no way op ...only in certain circumstances is it.

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Right because bubble stunning cant equalize and otherwise one sided game....yeah it might be ridiculous at times but its in no way op ...only in certain circumstances is it.


Ok with this and your ridiculous gear gap argument you made it painfully obvious that you are trolling.

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I'm playing TERA PVP, it's funnier than SWTOR PVP imo. I'm about to quit swtor because of crap pvp (read this dev's).

I have some bad news for you. Tera pvp at cap is 100 times worse then swtor pvp at cap. I tried it for 3 months from the time their one battle grounds came out. It's horrid.

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Give ppl 4 x Health and Huttball will become a question of who gets the ball first at each reset?


Can we even make cap times lower without making changes to pretty much all CC in game, since it would be too easy to root/stun/slow and cap?


And how would this effect tanks and tank + healer?


What classes are the sustained DPS classes, that dont have burst DMG? Are they many enough to warrant such a drastic change, or is it more reasonable to look at those classes and bring them on par with others, if there truly is a problem with them?

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I haven't played wow in years but I do remember when their pvp was so horrible they finally did something about it, they made everything's health about 4x what it was, this neutralized the huge burst damage classes from ruling the roost and gave sustained damage classes a seat at the table..also made stuns less of an issue as it would take half team focus to kill someone in 3-4 seconds.


SWTOR imbalance is % of total life a single player can do is ridiculous, really when some classes can do 30+% in one gcd it make it so imbalanced to those who cant, which also are the squishies in the game. really amazes me to that something that obviously backward is unaddressed.


That didn't fix WoW PvP. I played since Wrath and the change you are talking about came about during the Cataclysm expansion. Players went from an average of 16-20k Health to an average of 200k health. However the TTK stayed about the same. It may have fooled players into thinking they lived longer but the really didn't. I played a subtlety Rogue and could still easily kill players quickly. The health went up to 200k, but damage also scaled. I would easily get 20-30k crits on alot of my basic attacks and 50k crits on finisher moves.


I agree this game is bass ackwards that the some of the hardest hitting classes also have the highest armor ratings. While I still have fun with this game, BW really needs to address the imbalance issues. I am not calling for the Nerf gods to come beat some classes down or anything, this game just needs some reworking.

Edited by Keyran-Halcyon
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That didn't fix WoW PvP. I played since Wrath and the change you are talking about came about during the Cataclysm expansion. Players went from an average of 16-20k Health to an average of 200k health. However the TTK stayed about the same. It may have fooled players into thinking they lived longer but the really didn't. I played a subtlety Rogue and could still easily kill players quickly. The health went up to 200k, but damage also scaled. I would easily get 20-30k crits on alot of my basic attacks and 50k crits on finisher moves.


I agree this game is bass ackwards that the some of the hardest hitting classes also have the highest armor ratings. While I still have fun with this game, BW really needs to address the imbalance issues. I am not calling for the Nerf gods to come beat some classes down or anything, this game just needs some reworking.


I agree with you, BW substituted Balance for ultra ultra ultra excessive CC. maras / sents have the high dps with lots of utilities. pts are great bursters but are squishy for a heavy class, to shore up the sorc / sage dpser they give a rediculously OP spamable stun bubble. ect.

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I haven't played wow in years but I do remember when their pvp was so horrible they finally did something about it, they made everything's health about 4x what it was, this neutralized the huge burst damage classes from ruling the roost and gave sustained damage classes a seat at the table..also made stuns less of an issue as it would take half team focus to kill someone in 3-4 seconds.


Increasing the health to so massive as it is now is the biggest mistake wow has ever done.



SWTOR imbalance is % of total life a single player can do is ridiculous, really when some classes can do 30+% in one gcd it make it so imbalanced to those who cant, which also are the squishies in the game. really amazes me to that something that obviously backward is unaddressed.


You want unlimited fights, well news for you: Swtor is all about quick combat, quick pve quick raids, quick pvp, you need a lot more skills to pwn in pvp(most classes) than with wow.


Now what could be done to help the current state of pvp in the game would be:


- Nerf aoe damage(Smash etc)

- Nerf stuns, (somehow I still get 3 stuns right after eachother- making the "break stun" ability pretty much useless)

- Fix all the game bugs, such as:

> people looking like they're walking below the map,

> people standing in doors being unattackable while they can attack themselves,

> People being invisible with only their weapons visible.

> Give some classes better escape mechanisms and remove it from others.


These are all game bugs, client/server sided that should've been fixed long ago.


other than that: Cracked wow-servers have better anti-cheat/hack protection than this game..

seriously how could a bunch of pirates have better protection for their servers than a paid company?

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Gear gap exists. Period.


LOL!!! Why are you and the OP so hell bent on trying to make this argument? The only game I have ever played that is easier to gear for PvP was BC era WoW between season 2 and 3 where you could literally AFK AV's all day long and be geared in S2 gear within a week. No one is saying that there isn't a difference between Recruit, WH, or EWH. What we are saying is that aside from mailing you WH upon leveling to 50, the gear is easily obtained with casual play within a week. Thats if you didn't stock comms while leveling. If you stocked comms, you'd have 4-5 pieces of WH without stepping foot in a single level 50 WZ. That would put you on par with the rest of the regular warzone community at the very least. Stop being bad and play your 2 hours a day for a week like everyone else. To argue that this grind is difficult makes you look like a participant in the special olympics. If I have guildies that have 5,6 even 7 characters in WH gear now with minimal effort, just a time investment, you most certainly can grind out 1. Stop complaining. Had this been 1.2, 1.3 or earlier then you'd have reason to complain. Whining now just means you're bad. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. The gear isn't why you're losing. You're losing because you suck.

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I haven't played wow in years but I do remember when their pvp was so horrible they finally did something about it, they made everything's health about 4x what it was, this neutralized the huge burst damage classes from ruling the roost and gave sustained damage classes a seat at the table..also made stuns less of an issue as it would take half team focus to kill someone in 3-4 seconds.


SWTOR imbalance is % of total life a single player can do is ridiculous, really when some classes can do 30+% in one gcd it make it so imbalanced to those who cant, which also are the squishies in the game. really amazes me to that something that obviously backward is unaddressed.


Upping health pools would be great if tanks (taunt/guard) weren't in the game, but they are, so there's no way that this would work without tanks and/or their mechanics being nerfed into the ground, especially if you're talking warzones where its already incredibly difficult to take nodes and kill certain classes as ball carriers.


Unfortunately when tanks aren't around, this game feels like the low level BG brackets in WoW like level 60 and lower where you don't have all your abilities and people constantly take half your health in a couple of globals, because resilience isn't on gear yet.


Increased health pools wouldn't really make healers much stronger. Healing output would still be the same, it would just take longer to kill them like everyone else and would be harder to top people off. That would be a good thing, because players should learn how to CC/interrupt healers when they're not in the open and kill dps instead of just marking an enemy healer and trying to zerg it down.


Individual survivability is a lot higher at level cap in WoW when compared to Swtor. Pretty much every class has multiple cooldowns to use and if you gem pure resilience, you see a major difference in damage taken. You can be bursted and die quickly, but its a lot more rare that you drop to half in a couple globals and you have a lot more escapes, cc and defensives to deal with burst. This makes it a more skilled game when compared to swtor. But that's kinda unfair, because swtor is designed for both sides to have healers, dps and tanks. Unfortunately when that is not the case, the pvp in this game is pretty horrible.

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