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How much accuracy for PvP merc ?


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I recently leveled a merc, hit 50 not too long ago. Been messing around with arsenal and pyro specs in pvp. Lot of fun as long as you have a decent team that can hold their ground. Started to min/max a little and this question comes to my mind. Where do I want my accuracy to be? Particularly for abilities that deal white damage. Rail Shot, Unload, Power Shot, etc. Thanks for any help.
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100%.. i always try have 100% accuracy..


Ive been working very hard to max my gear out and atm im sitting about 2060 aim, 1800 End, 1160 exp. ill post a SS later of my stats but im working on getting more power into my setup by dropping a little crit/surge. My bonus damage is sitting at 995.7 atm

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100%.. i always try have 100% accuracy..


Ive been working very hard to max my gear out and atm im sitting about 2060 aim, 1800 End, 1160 exp. ill post a SS later of my stats but im working on getting more power into my setup by dropping a little crit/surge. My bonus damage is sitting at 995.7 atm


Are those buffed stats?

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IMO you should go for around +10% accuracy.


You only choose how much accuracy when compared to surge. There is a pretty basic balance and your choices end up to be something like:


100% accuracy and 75% surge

101% accuracy and 74% surge

99% accuracy and 76% surge


If you go with any less accuracy, your surge will increase, and suffer diminishing returns. You wont get as much benefit as you would from the accuracy.


5 slots with accuracy (and the other 9 slots with Surge) will put you near 100% accuracy and 75% surge. (Implant, Implant, Gun, Gun, Helm...or whatever)

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Elite WH Eliminator's set lack in Accuracy, but its fine in Surge. I think when you pick up all Elite gear the total of Accuracy gonna be around 90% and 75% Surge. This if u dont change any kind of mods...


Some ppl stop stacking Expertise and change for PVE mods but others no..

Personally, i dont have PVE mods, im with 1390 Exp atm and im doing good.

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You can't just wear PvP armor off the shelf in many cases. All mods with high END need to be replaced. And its up to you based on your talent build to min/max Power and Crit.....as well as Accuracy and Surge.


Gearing tip for the future: (PvE and PvP)

You don't want accuracy in your Ear, Implants, and Weapons if you can help it. The reason is, those are the slots that can use the same item for a Healing gear set.


If you keep accuracy in the main armor slots (helm, gloves, boots, chest, legs) and out of the rest, it lets you use the Ear, Implants, and Guns in DPS OR Heal spec. The DPS armor will have DPS armoring and accuracy enhancements, the Heal armor will have Heal armorings and surge and/or alacrity enhancements, but both gear sets use the same Ear, Implants, Weapons, Bracer, Belt.

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