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James Ohlen: "Makeb is not an expansion"


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Go to 5:07


So they said it themselves - this is NOT an expansion. Looks like bioware is just trying to see if we are willing to pay for a patch, as long as it has a fancy name attached to it. Looks like we are, but hey, people are paying $18 for recolored stuff on cm, so why not


And they you wonder why people don't trust bioware :rolleyes:


inb4 ninjadelete and/or infraction


I don't really think it's a true expansion either. I hope this means that we can still expect a REAL expansion in the future, even if it's a year or two away (likely when they finally improve the space combat system).

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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This is back in what, June? July? This was back when the existing Devs were sure that there wouldn't be a cartel market and were operating on that assumption. If there never was a cartel market, Makeb would have been a free patch.


But without a cartel market, the game would still have been bleeding out.


I'll take the cartel market - for all the griping over it, it shot new life into the game.

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Go to 5:07


So they said it themselves - this is NOT an expansion. Looks like bioware is just trying to see if we are willing to pay for a patch, as long as it has a fancy name attached to it. Looks like we are, but hey, people are paying $18 for recolored stuff on cm, so why not


And they you wonder why people don't trust bioware :rolleyes:


inb4 ninjadelete and/or infraction


Even I have to admit this post is a lot of BS. I'm not a Bioware apologist by any stretch. In fact I'm disappointed by them for a lot of reasons, But you have to be reasonable. They changed their business model since then so things got shifted. They have been saying for months there will be releasing an expansion and maybe Mekeb was thrown in to beef it up a bit... or to fix a scheduling problem with getting all the content out they want to by the end of the year. So to trash them for statements they made in June is unreasonable since they have been having to scramble to keep the game profitable. It's reality. You don't like the 10 dollar price tag don't pay it. You can still play most of the game for free... still don't like it... do something else...

Edited by Choffware
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Oh, I agree with that! It's just.. it wasn't a promise as so many claim and it was certainly not the exact words as people, and especially the OP, claimed were said concerning it.


Still waiting for the day Damion Schubert comes out into an interview and makes a reference to "But James Ohlen promised me a pony!!"


It is however pretty clear from what he said that at that point it was going to basically be a free content patch.


I'm personally much more concerned with the stuff Devs are saying about the Cashshop now, which just doesn't jive with the reality of it. :(

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I love just how ppl say it costs only 10$ or 8E and consider it solid ground.

If each planet orginally cost 10$ then the whole game should cost like 140-160$ or 110-130E.Add class stories to that and make it 200$!!


Makeb is just another planet,don't think lesser or it,nor higher.

The 5 levels that according to EA/BW "will keep people busy for a fair amount of time" will be like 2-3 days for most.

After that,all of us are going to do the same stuff you do right now.Dailies,FP etc.

I hope at least they tune up current endgame raids and FP,or else we'll have probably 2 FP and 1 Operation as an endgame.


I like the game and want to see it expanding instead of "shrinking" but just because something costs "only 10$" doesn't mean that people can't argue about it.

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It is fairly immoral to charge sub fee from glorified content patch. By adding an artifical lvl cap on top of it, they ensured everybody who'd like to stay involved with end game of TOR has no option to skip it. This is highly immoral. Check my signature.

Betting my account details, credit card included there was NO plans to increase lvl cap with Makeb. That thought only erntered their mind when they realized expansion itself lacks any desireable enough quality for significant majority to buy it.

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$10 here, $10 there and soon you will have to pay $10 every time you want to login

But hey, that would still be $10:rak_03:


Actually, not for nothing but $10 here, $10 there can add up to 10 million for them....all the while people handing it over saying, "its only ten dollars".


I'd like it if they would all send me five. Its only five freaking dollars. c'mon. ;p

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It is fairly immoral to charge sub fee from glorified content patch. By adding an artifical lvl cap on top of it, they ensured everybody who'd like to stay involved with end game of TOR has no option to skip it. This is highly immoral. Check my signature.

Betting my account details, credit card included there was NO plans to increase lvl cap with Makeb. That thought only erntered their mind when they realized expansion itself lacks any desireable enough quality for significant majority to buy it.


Well moral is personal and they obviously don't see a problem and honestly neither do I. The short teaser we have alone shows that there is far more material in this expansion than any regular content update. Worth 10$ well that's each person to decide.


As for lvls being added so that people have to get it, they've stated that there won't be be much of a step up in gear with the expansion and that's something you can likely take their word for, if there was they'd make a lot of current "eldergame" content overly easy and that is no in their best interest.

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Makeb is not an expansion.


It is a DLC pack, which people around the world, playing dozens of different video games, regularly buy to the tune of $10 to $30 everyday.


If you think EA is being too greedy and you don't like it, no one is pointing a gun to your head to make you pay (and if someone is holding a gun to yor head, then why are you wasting time on the game's forums when you should be trying to get a message to your local police for help?)


And quite frankly after coming from a year of SOE's much more covert and insidious design of continuously nickle and dime-ing me for DCUO, I'll take EA's in your face greed any day of the week.

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Ohlen isn't even there anymore is he? Perhaps they added more features and content to it and felt it warranted being labeled and sold as an expansion. I mean it is a business at the end of the day and they are there to make money. Besides its nothing new having bioware say one thing and do another its become quite common since EA took them over.
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Makeb is only $10.00.

Tier 7 Ship Parts are only $13.00.

Life Day Event was only $24.00 (with 35% Discount)

Pre-existing Armor Models are only $18.00.


I mean...It's just a little more money...


And really, do you really need an expansion, ship parts, events, or new armor models to actually enjoy or play this game?


Some of you people are acting like you already pay for this content to be developed or something...:rolleyes:

Edited by -IceHawk-
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Makeb is only $10.00.

Tier 7 Ship Parts are only $13.00.

Life Day Event was only $24.00 (with 35% Discount)

Pre-existing Armor Models are only $18.00.


I mean...It's just a little more money...


And really, do you really need an expansion, ship parts, events, or new armor models to actually enjoy or play this game?


Some of you people are acting like you already pay for this content to be developed or something...:rolleyes:



I find it funny that Makeb isn't costing as much as those worthless things like the Crap Day event with the Redneck mount aka lawn mower with X-Mas lights.

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Well moral is personal and they obviously don't see a problem and honestly neither do I. The short teaser we have alone shows that there is far more material in this expansion than any regular content update. Worth 10$ well that's each person to decide.


As for lvls being added so that people have to get it, they've stated that there won't be be much of a step up in gear with the expansion and that's something you can likely take their word for, if there was they'd make a lot of current "eldergame" content overly easy and that is no in their best interest.


I'm having very hard time imagining a 5 level increase that wouldn't bring a highly significant increase to performance as well. If you are among people who enjoy end game and wish to be able to do serious end game raiding/PvP in future, you are going to have to buy it. No two ways around it.


Fact they are actually about to increase the level cap without introducing a relevant amount of new ops/FPs is pretty unheard of in history of MMOs. It will be interesting to see how they manage to keep things from turning rather dysfunctional. It is an expansion that adds new stuff to people currently at lvl cap= it is mainly an expansion for people currently dealing with end game. It adds no new end game stuff that we know of. It adds 5 lvls that renders current end game imbalanced, irrelevant and obsolete. How does sum of all this make any sense..I do not know.

Edited by Stradlin
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Go to 5:07


So they said it themselves - this is NOT an expansion. Looks like bioware is just trying to see if we are willing to pay for a patch, as long as it has a fancy name attached to it. Looks like we are, but hey, people are paying $18 for recolored stuff on cm, so why not


And they you wonder why people don't trust bioware :rolleyes:


inb4 ninjadelete and/or infraction


This is from June last year. Things change. Plans change. It has been announced and offered as an expansion. 'Nuf said.

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Lol! The OP is hung up on the semantics. Apparently that makes a difference in the pricing scheme to him or her.


Ok... how about we call it an "Epilogue" (to a new chapter), will that help you get over it? Or how about a "Re-charge pack," does that make a difference?

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Wow, that means if you don't buy it at all, and stay subbed, you're paying $15 for NOTHING at all. Which means you'd be stupid not to plunk down an extra $10 and get the whole DLC "expansion" pack.


See what I did there?


Your mathematical gymnastics are astounding.


Thats funny logic coming from someone who states that "not" giving them 10$ means its a total waste considering you can wait and see if its even worth 10$ instead of just blindly giving them money since they do SUCH a good job of managing it /eye roll.


Not to mention my "mathematical gymnastics" have basically proven that for the average game supplier you aren't even getting a decent amount of content, for 20$ more(which according to you guys is just 2x 10$ which is chump change!) you're getting about 1/3rd the features. Its a simple content to money ratio that makes the DLC not expansion, expansions aren't DLC, DLC is garbage that should of been in the regular game just like Bioware stated early on that makeb was free for subs. I have no problems giving a company who isn't shady as **** the benefit of the doubt when things change, but when they have ****ed up so much and have only themselves to blame for hastily releasing info instead of just saying "we have no new details at this time." I find it hard to give them the benefit of the doubt. Not to mention your fanboism is astounding.


Don't promise something because things do change, instead release things when iunno you realize your game isn't imploding and losing subscribers faster then it is gaining them.

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As a related side note, when was the last time James Ohlen commented on anything having to do with SWTOR?

Considering how the letter to community earlier this year was written by the guy who thinks we should all die after seeing some ridicukous Xmas cash shop mount, I guess it is starting to look like he has been removed from his position?

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