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Premade ?


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I see all these threads on premades shouldn't be allowed to queue against pugs.


My question is this... how do you know that your team is not with a premade?


Do you determine that by guild tags?

**** For me the only thing I can see if it is a premade or not is guild tags, but I play with premades from different guilds all the time. We still own when we are playing together and have no voice communication. So with all this premades shouldnt be playing pugs is a lie!!! I don't think any pug here can honestly tell me that they know for sure that there team has no premades. Sure you can go and ask everyone on your team, but does that mean they are going to answer you. How do you know that you are not in group with a 4man and 3man? One more thing there are guilds who have 50 people on and queued as solo and happen to be in the same match. Is this also considered a premade?


To all of the pugs prove to me that everytime you lose is because you don't have a premade. Tell me how you know it is a premade and give me proof.

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I have nothing against premades,what i do not care for is these premades of smasher's that the imps on the Bastion run,they post here on the forum often and are the most vocal for premades,i wonder why?


LOL... even though it's not a habit of ours... we normally shoot for good team comp BUT... we did run 4 smashers last night for laughs.


Sorry? :D

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lol come to pot5.


Why? we still beat them,the thing is ,is when IM NOT MVP,PWN Stars,and Nothing personal are all running their premades and the republic players seem to have alot of PVEr's doing WZ's for stabs,so half our team is at 14k to 16k and there is just no way to keep up with all the smashers the imps are running ( i heal).


Aside from that i enjoy the server,but the FOTM or 5 months should i say smash Jug,Maurader is getting alittle crazy.

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LOL....Ugly always messing with peeps.




Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? :eek:


And back the original topic.... I think "pre-mades" is just what people use as an excuse now that gear is less viable as one. There are more crap pre-mades than good ones on our server. And what this guy is calling a "pre-made" was a group of 4 people (working as intended).


We rarely try to queue 8 people together though it does happen from time to time. Especially after a guild merge that gave us 20-30 people online at any given time.


Pre-mades are everywhere... like I said, there are more good ones than bad ones and this guy complaining is just as likely to end up on a Synergy pre-made as he is to vs a NP pre-made.


The only difference is he's not complaining when that pre-made gets him a win.

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Whats funny is guilds that need that crutch to get a win,so i dont see boasting as a good thing on your part,i know a few Guards that refuse to use the SMASH spec because they think it's a joke,but hey i have seen this all before,from Ajunta Pall to Jung Ma to now the Bastion it seems the people that gravitate towards the Imps and the current class that is OP dont last long when changes come.
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So if we went to war tomorrow and someone said "here... you and your friends can have these AK-47's or you can go solo with this 22mm pistol."


Which would you take?


Should we all run annihilation and solo queue even though there's 30 of us online JUST so you can finish your weekly? :rolleyes:

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Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? :eek:


And back the original topic.... I think "pre-mades" is just what people use as an excuse now that gear is less viable as one. There are more crap pre-mades than good ones on our server. And what this guy is calling a "pre-made" was a group of 4 people (working as intended).


We rarely try to queue 8 people together though it does happen from time to time. Especially after a guild merge that gave us 20-30 people online at any given time.


Pre-mades are everywhere... like I said, there are more good ones than bad ones and this guy complaining is just as likely to end up on a Synergy pre-made as he is to vs a NP pre-made.


The only difference is he's not complaining when that pre-made gets him a win.


Dont need a premade to win,never have,it's nice sometimes sure and guess what me and my guild have beat Synergy and your guild,so whoopty do,that is part of the fun of playing,i wouldnt want to win by stomping the other team alot,nope i like the nail biters that is why i PUG solo more often than not.


But you guys lol,you guystake the cake you come on the forums and post like your so great but you are never seen solo.

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So if we went to war tomorrow and someone said "here... you and your friends can have these AK-47's or you can go solo with this 22mm pistol."


Which would you take?


Should we all run annihilation and solo queue even though there's 30 of us online JUST so you can finish your weekly? :rolleyes:


Funny i own both caliber and have a very close friend that fought in the Bosnian (He's Bosnian) war and you wanna know what his answer is? the 22 and im not gonna tell yah why either.


I finish my weekly just fine thank you.

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Premades on the Bastion aren't that bad. I'll face an overwhelming one occasionally. Solo queue Imp and Pub in various roles.


Of course, people only talk about the times a premade dominated them, not the times they were carried to easy wins all night.

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Dont need a premade to win


But it helps. :D



never have,it's nice sometimes sure and guess what me and my guild have beat Synergy and your guild,so whoopty do,that is part of the fun of playing,i wouldnt want to win by stomping the other team alot,nope i like the nail biters that is why i PUG solo more often than not.


In regs... :rolleyes:



But you guys lol,you guystake the cake you come on the forums and post like your so great but you are never seen solo


Never seen solo and rarely seen losing... do the math.


Why would I solo queue when I have 20-30 of my equally skilled friends online?



And I think this quote I took from you on another thread, that was directed at me says a lot...


Lol say's the guy running with primarily SMASH premades and suspected of using the lag switch.


Obviously can't take a loss without an excuse. Again though... thanks for the lulz.

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I run solo probably 75% of the time and have no problems finding wins here or there, but not as much as with a premade of course.


I have to admit, we ran 4 smashers one time and it was probably the most fun I've had in pvp lol


It's those damn PWN STARS guys.... BLAME THEM!. :D

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Funny i own both caliber and have a very close friend that fought in the Bosnian (He's Bosnian) war and you wanna know what his answer is? the 22 and im not gonna tell yah why either.


I finish my weekly just fine thank you.


I'm sure he meant 22 caliber, and not 22mm. A 22mm would be a frickin cannon, but maybe that's why your Bosnian buddy would prefer it over the AK.


And yeah, to stay on topic... I hate getting rolled by premades. But on the occasion that I get matched with one (rather than against) I don't complain. If I had enough buddies in-game to go premade all the time, I'm sure I would.

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Someone left an impression on somebody on the Bastion server.


I feel bad because I have not been so pissed as to remember names and carry a grudge. I'm also disappointed I haven't irritated someone enough for them to complain about me, I must be bad.

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On Harbringer there's no such thing as premade's. We only got incompetent ******* that don't like to win.

I can't speak for Republic on Harbringer, but I'm very sure their having the same experience.


Its even worse as repub. I actually gave up my 50 guardian, my original 50 altogether it was so bad.

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On Harbringer there's no such thing as premade's. We only got incompetent ******* that don't like to win.

I can't speak for Republic on Harbringer, but I'm very sure their having the same experience.


tbh bro I have a toon on Harbinger, but the pvp level is not that high. not saying they are bad just not enough good players.


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I'm sure he meant 22 caliber, and not 22mm. A 22mm would be a frickin cannon, but maybe that's why your Bosnian buddy would prefer it over the AK.


And yeah, to stay on topic... I hate getting rolled by premades. But on the occasion that I get matched with one (rather than against) I don't complain. If I had enough buddies in-game to go premade all the time, I'm sure I would.


You dense? i said i owned both,what you think i own a 22 MM? read for crying out loud.

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