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Min/Max War Hero Gear


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Hello all,


Is it possible to min/max decently just using war hero gear? The EWH seems so far away to get with a Merc. I started PvP late, so that's my own mistake.


So if you could only use War Hero gear, which pieces would you get? And would you get multiple pieces of the same gear to improve your stats?


Thank you in advance for the advice. :)


Edit: I forgot to add that I am looking to do a DPS build using Arsenal.

Edited by Kohzar
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I use eliminator gear. it seems to work for me.


if your going arsenal, get the 2 armorings from the PT dps generator and put them in 2 pve eliminator pieces, its grants 15% crit on tracer, which you use 4x more than RS. its been tested and does more dmg for arsenal, now for pyro im not sure because i sometimes dont even use powertshot cuz thier dead

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