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We need NON-PREMADE wz's


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Lol say's the guy running with primarily SMASH premades and suspected of using the lag switch.


I lol'd... thank you.


I don't even use cheat codes in GTA single player or mods in Skyrim... not my style. :rolleyes:

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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Pugs vs pugs is really the only fair way to go. I know the premades hate the puggies and want nothing more than to fight each other because most pvpers love the challenge of playing against other organized teams. I've seen a lot posts about premades hating on us pugs; if things keep going the way they are, some of those pvp kids might get tired of crushing us and quit. So, I hope Bioware addresses this issue and separates the pugs and premades.
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So sick of being ganked by premades in wz's! If you just dinged 50 you have no chance against a well organized premade.. Bioware you need to give os the option to have solo wz's!..Let the premades gank each other instead!!


You are actually right on the mark with your thread that is being trolled by premades in ewh who are loving the way things are. Most of them can't fight unless they have 2 healers backing them up in their premade. It's truly sad. Best thing to do is leave the wz as they seem to hate that the most because they came to non-ranked to get their frustrations on losing in ranked out. They lost to their fellow 5th graders and now want to give a beating to the 1st graders.

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So sick of being ganked by premades in wz's! If you just dinged 50 you have no chance against a well organized premade.. Bioware you need to give os the option to have solo wz's!..Let the premades gank each other instead!!


You said it! Well organized. If you don't like it, get organized yourself. Welcome to MMOs, where you're thrown into a game that is ment to be played with other players.

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You are actually right on the mark with your thread that is being trolled by premades in ewh who are loving the way things are. Most of them can't fight unless they have 2 healers backing them up in their premade. It's truly sad. Best thing to do is leave the wz as they seem to hate that the most because they came to non-ranked to get their frustrations on losing in ranked out. They lost to their fellow 5th graders and now want to give a beating to the 1st graders.


You mean we're smart because we actually bring two healers in the warzone. The real problem is you weren't getting heals because you didn't bring heals in the warzone with you. I'm sure you guys will figure it out once you lose a certain amount of times. I hate solo queing. I don't like having to rely on others who I can't communicate with fast enough. Whats more is I"m sure you guys are one of the last people to play objectives.

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So sick of being ganked by premades in wz's! If you just dinged 50 you have no chance against a well organized premade.. Bioware you need to give os the option to have solo wz's!..Let the premades gank each other instead!!


Ahhh the joys of being a gunslinger in WH/EWH, premades on the other team are not a problem. I can take any class in any WZ. My problem is the people on my team.

Point#1 What were your teammates doing while you were getting ganked. If someone was jumping you, I would use that opportunity to shoot them from 30 m away. Focus fire on your target too.

Point#2 No healer again, hate the matchmaking system sometimes.

Point#3 Ahh no tanks so no one to take the full brunt of their attack or taunt the other team.

Point#4 was everyone attacking different targets again? The difference between premade and pugs is coordination. You do not need to meet up in the fleet first to coordinate attacks.

Edited by SentinelDranoel
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I like how the premades constantly are jumping to the conclusion that's just because you would prefer a fair system with seperated queues and you like to solo queue you're a bad player. Same thing happens in 10-49 vs lvl 50 discussions, prefer 10-49 and you're instantly a baddie.


If I were to take a poll I'd state that I'm against premades vs pugs games but there's really more to it than that. For starters, I'm against a system that isnt even trying to match groups and pugs somewhat evenly. You can have two parallel matches being played with one premade in each match. Wouldnt it be more reasonable to put those two premades in the same game and THEN fill up with pugs? Pugs and groups are always going to be somewhat mixed (how els would they solve 3 man groups?) but the system could atleast try. That is all I'm asking for.


And again (don't know how many times I've had to say this now), the biggest problem with premades is that they're either good or bad. I would say that the vast majority of premades, or atleast most if not all of the guild premades, include better than average players. Or make that, on average better players than you're likely to end up with in a pug. On top of this they have superior communication, people can probably handle that someone is telling them to do a certain task and they can decide on which AC'es to bring. At the other end of the spectrum we have the really casual PvE premades who think it's fun to goof around in warzones and can't handle that you tell them to take out that sniper who now has been sitting in the same spot for ten minutes. Regardless of if you're up against or with a good or bad premade it's creating team imbalance and really boring games. You will either steamroll or get owned. Individually, and as a good player, you might still do alright while getting owned but chances are that the majority of your team mates won't "perform". There would be a lot less of these games if instead of 4 players with a certain skill average, high or low, you'd get 4 pugs and skill diversity, on both teams.


Ideally we'd be matched on skill ratings instead and this would pretty much be a requirement if we were to seperate premades from pugs. Simply because no baddie premade would find it enjoyable to always face decent/good premades. The system would have to make sure that those premades faced premades of equal skill. This is where x-server becomes a requirement because now we've split the community in two and seperated the halves in skill ratings. Such a system would only work on the busiest servers during primetime and that the biggest argument for keeping things as they are, in contrast to L2P comments and other nonsense the premaders are sharing on a post to post basis.

Edited by Washingtoon
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I like how the premades constantly are jumping to the conclusion that's just because you would prefer a fair system with seperated queues and you like to solo queue you're a bad player. Same thing happens in 10-49 vs lvl 50 discussions, prefer 10-49 and you're instantly a baddie.


If I were to take a poll I'd state that I'm against premades vs pugs games but there's really more to it than that. For starters, I'm against a system that isnt even trying to match groups and pugs somewhat evenly. You can have two parallel matches being played with one premade in each match. Wouldnt it be more reasonable to put those two premades in the same game and THEN fill up with pugs? Pugs and groups are always going to be somewhat mixed (how els would they solve 3 man groups?) but the system could atleast try. That is all I'm asking for.


And again (don't know how many times I've had to say this now), the biggest problem with premades is that they're either good or bad. I would say that the vast majority of premades, or atleast most if not all of the guild premades, include better than average players. Or make that, on average better players than you're likely to end up with in a pug. On top of this they have superior communication, people can probably handle that someone is telling them to do a certain task and they can decide on which AC'es to bring. At the other end of the spectrum we have the really casual PvE premades who think it's fun to goof around in warzones and can't handle that you tell them to take out that sniper who now has been sitting in the same spot for ten minutes. Regardless of if you're up against or with a good or bad premade it's creating team imbalance and really boring games. You will either steamroll or get owned. Individually, and as a good player, you might still do alright while getting owned by chances are that the majority of your team mates won't "perform". There would be a lot less of these games if instead of 4 players with a certain skill average, high or low, you'd get 4 pugs and skill diversity, on both teams.


Ideally we'd be matched on skill ratings instead and this would pretty much be a requirement if we were to seperate premades from pugs. Simply because no baddie premade would find it enjoyable to always face decent/good premades. The system would have to make sure that those premades faced premades of equal skill. This is where x-server becomes a requirement because now we've split the community in two and seperated the halves in skill ratings. Such a system would only work on the busiest servers during primetime and that the biggest argument for keeping things as they are, in contrast to L2P comments and other nonsense the premaders are sharing on a post to post basis.


In general I agree with this. Even queuing with a 4 man premade, seeing 4 guys from random guilds in decent gear usually makes me feel better than having the other 4 be a premade of people I know aren't very good.


And while I absolutely do not agree with completely seperate queues because of problems like 3 man premades and lowered queue times, I do agree the system should ideally at least TRY to not match up premade or double premade teams up against total pug teams. Some sort of rating would be ideal too, but like you said the more criteria are implemented in order to attempt to make more competitive games, the more you need cross server queues to prime such a system.

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So sick of being ganked by premades in wz's! If you just dinged 50 you have no chance against a well organized premade.. Bioware you need to give os the option to have solo wz's!..Let the premades gank each other instead!!


i agree with you OP, there needs to be cross server pvp ques and ques that seperate the pugs from the premades.

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As an unguilded, non-premade player (ever since I resubscribed after the F2P switch), I actually enjoy fighting against the odds so to speak. There's few better experiences in this game than getting a random group of people working together and beating a premade enemy team.


Granted, it doesn't happen that often, but when it does I feed off the tears of my dead enemies while mooning them with my red, shiny Pureblood Sith bottom. :D

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