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We need NON-PREMADE wz's


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So sick of being ganked by premades in wz's! If you just dinged 50 you have no chance against a well organized premade.. Bioware you need to give os the option to have solo wz's!..Let the premades gank each other instead!!


Allow me to make a gentle correction:


So sick of being ganked by everyone in wz's! If you just dinged 50 you have no chance in any WZ, period.


Suck it up, snowflake, and get to grinding.

Edited by Jekan
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I totally agree to your point, i hare getting ganked too. And i am tired of getting ganked by imps as well, i dont know oif this happends to all rebels but it does to me!

But i am concerned there might be too few queuing to split up premades and casuals!

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Hit solo que with 8 players from my guild at the same time, Que pops at the same time for all of us yet we all qued solo hmm see how this can be worked around. You still have 8 people from the same guild in a warzone until you get cross server ques.


Next it will be quit letting people from the same guild solo que there pre-made is to much. The the same 8 people drop guild do to a fix and que solo still have a pre-made. From the scenario i just showed you organized pre-mades will find a way to do pre-mades together period.

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You do realize any "premade" is simply limited to 4 of the 8 people...right? And you also realize that this works both ways right? Sometimes THEY have a premade group, sometimes YOU do. I suggest you join a guild or find like minded players to PvP with OP...it's an MMO...playing with others is what it's all about.
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Thanks OP, was getting worried there for a second I have not seen a new thread about premades in over 12 hours.




Funny thing is if they stoped allowing groups to queue you would have PvP guilds queueing 8 players solo at a time and PuGs would end up playing against 4-6 or 8 man premades.

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Did you forget to refresh the page?


I got caught by the forum police for posting another "Newbs ruining WZ" thread. The judge said it was working as intended and I was released on good behavior after being held for 24hours...



Good to see our community forum enforcement is working....


Troll away OP...

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I got caught by the forum police for posting another "Newbs ruining WZ" thread. The judge said it was working as intended and I was released on good behavior after being held for 24hours...



Good to see our community forum enforcement is working....


Troll away OP...


I've been suspended so many times I'm starting to think it takes upwards of 800 infraction points before being banned.

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I've been suspended so many times I'm starting to think it takes upwards of 800 infraction points before being banned.




So how did Churb accomplish this feat of being banned?



nvm...... He is the leetest Sage on the planet.... I am not going to question his greatness...:D

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OP, you may not be aware, but forum rule 36b) states:


"Anyone wishing to post a new thread on the subject of premades, pugs and warzones - or any combination thereof - must first review in its entirety this comprehensive thead, said review consisting of reading every single post from beginning to end, to avoid repetition or duplication and the unnecessary degradation of Wainamoinen's ever-decreasing store of patience."


Check out the forum meta-rules thread for this and other important forum regulations.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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You do realize any "premade" is simply limited to 4 of the 8 people...right? And you also realize that this works both ways right? Sometimes THEY have a premade group, sometimes YOU do.


Even better, the only time these peeps probably ever win is when they get carred by a...you guessed it...premade.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Even if gear was the real issue, I still don't get why undergeared people feel they should have a chance against geared players and chastize "being coordinated" like its wrong or something. Makes no sense.




Use "BETTER" competition to make yourself better....




Don't be so soft, there is no stinking honor in any of this. It's a game, play to win. There are no rules. You have to forget about your feelings. They'll get you killed, they'll get you killed

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Are you forced to play with 7 bot's against a "pre-made"? While we are on the topic at most 4 of those people que'd together, so four others are random unless it's another guild(neither guilds fault). Why don't you communicate with your team and work together. Most of the time a "pre-made" is nothing more than people understanding their roles in a pvp situation and not skywalkering off to a 3rd node when you have 2 already and the rest of your team is struggling to defend. Maybe actually looking at your mini-map and seeing a side needs help and is dying OR recognize if you are taking a node that 7 of you finishing off the 1 guy probably means most of you should move on....I bet 90% of the time a good reason that you are getting destroyed is because you selfish morons have zero heals. It's team pvp. Figure out what your faction needs and contribute. I would be willing to bet a large majority of those crying about this topic are strictly damage self centered profs. My two cents. QQ babies. :cool: Edited by Skyhigh
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Kinda surprised there is no matchmaking system at all though. This isn't a new concept, plenty of other MMOs employ some variation of the tune. Balance partial premades against each other, instead of putting all solo healers in the same grp, distribute them etc.
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