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Is it the % # or the amount put into certain stats that effects DPS greater


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So ive posted and checked over a tons of thing here trying to break my 1800 ceiling, I know i have the dps i just cant understand why I am unable to and it becoming frustrating, (Parsed a 1798 on Writhing horror TFBHM tonight).

Just seems no matter what i do i cant so what im trying to determine here is this:


Is it the % values shown for critc chance or the amount of points u have in crit itself that is the primary factor because ive ranged my stats from 32% critc stacked power instead or gone to 40$ critc chance with less power and still hit in the same bloody range of 1750-1770.


So please let me know here because depending on this it will determine how i break this bloody ceiling



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I hope you're not comparing to a dummy parse, they're a load of balls.


Operator IX I can easily do under 1kdps, doesn't mean a thing.


If you want to jack your dps in that WH fight just AOE the adds more. About 26% of my damage in that fight is AOE.


This is the last one I can find: http://www.torparse.com/a/94949/8/0/Damage+Dealt


Don't mess with your stats, 35ish crit before talents is fine and going a bit up or down is irrelevant.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Crit rating is what's important to look at. Looking at your overall % is irrelevant and varies depending on datacrons collected, total mainstat, talents, etc. I find that ~300 rating is good, but a bit below or above is not an issue. Collecting all of the cunning datacrons is a good way to increase your tech crit % without affecting the return on crit rating itself. You gain about 0.5%, from those. (you start with a base of 50). The companion crit bonus is also nice and factors into total %, but does not affect the return from rating. So to answer.... Anyone who gives you a specific answer like "35%" doesn't know how to do math. You need to focus on % from rating, which should be between 10-12%
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