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I'll pre-order when You provide some useful info


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Oh really? Care to point to your hidden knowledge :rolleyes:

They've said nothing concrete on:

- How current endgame loot/instances will be viable, they've said it will be but not how

- No details on if there will be any new instances at all

- No details on what to expect from new tress other than at least 1 new ability per class

- No details on how any in-game systems are changing (crafting, LFG, etc)

- No details on If new tiers of gear will be released and how big the difference will be.

- No details on how they are changing the gear grind (other than vague discussion that it is changing somehow).


1. They already released the stats and names (legionnaire[pve] and champion[pvp and yes it is to be named champion...]) of the 154. They, however, have not release the set bonuses and there is speculation that it will not be armor bound making myself assume that it will be entirely new bonus sets. Only end game gear that will go out of style is tionese. The devs knew try wanted to expand this is why tionese to columi is 5 levels apart and yet are only one armor grade apart.


2. We will be seeing level 51 green and blue armors or none at all drop on makeb unless they change the current armor numbers.


3. There are two options for raids. Either they add a new raid and give us a NiM TfB or we get a brand new difficulty cap on older raiding instances. I personally hope for both.


4. Does it matter what abilities we get for the new trees? it will probably be pretty good and it will allow us to go deeper into off trees.


5. Gear grind will be the same. It would be awesome if they release more tier two flash points or add nightmare mode to flashpoints for level 55 players.

Edited by mastirkal
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Sigh. Only in videogame forums is wanting to know what you are buying before you buy it considered "entitlement." The english language becomes more debased every day.


I don't get how wanting to know what exactly is in this paid DLC is "entitlement" either. The blind faith of these fanboys and girls is absolutely retarded. I once was a sucker like them as well. The whole in Bioware we trust BS and how every dev either said "we're not ready to talk about it yet" or "post launch moving on" is garbage.


James Ohlen as well has completely quit the Twitter scene because he looks like an idiot. Asking what species we want, how we want open world pvp and other activites like Pod Racing. What do we get? No open world PvP this year, an 18 dollar Pod Racer and Cathar are still not in yet.


The whole dev team are a bunch of liars, and not to be trusted. Even their carrot dangling skills suck, trying to con more people to buy a once free update by offering them 2 vanity pets and a title lol. The funny thing is, for every 1 person who sees through this, there are 5 idiots who don't and think free "obama phone" goodies is good enough.

Edited by Mailek
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Instead of offering pre-order bonus items why don't you tell us what exactly we're getting? All I know is we're getting another planet, 5 levels and...?


Will there be any new warzones? New flashpoints? New raids? Another hub for each faction? New Legacy perks? Any gameplay/convenience improvements?


I was initially excited to see the new video but it had nothing in it that would convince me to buy the xpac.


Solely addressing the OP here.


Wait till its on PTS or the 5 day early access, then full info on it will be available and you can preorder then(if you care about the preorder bonuses).

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I don't get how wanting to know what exactly is in this paid DLC is "entitlement" either. The blind faith of these fanboys and girls is absolutely retarded. I once was a sucker like them as well. The whole in Bioware we trust BS and how every dev either said "we're not ready to talk about it yet" or "post launch moving on" is garbage.


James Ohlen as well has completely quit the Twitter scene because he looks like an idiot. Asking what species we want, how we want open world pvp and other activites like Pod Racing. What do we get? No open world PvP this year, an 18 dollar Pod Racer and Cathar are still not in yet.


The whole dev team are a bunch of liars, and not to be trusted. Even their carrot dangling skills suck, trying to con more people to buy a once free update by offering them 2 vanity pets and a title lol. The funny thing is, for every 1 person who sees through this, there are 5 idiots who don't and think free "obama phone" goodies is good enough.


Please be quiet and just take a chill pill. You just insulted everyone who pre ordered this and then rant about how much of a snake the dev team is. No one was forced to give 10 bucks and saying that it was a dumb choice is just plain equivalent to being a ***** for the sake of being a *****.


Who exactly were you trying to convince anyway?

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1. They already released the stats and names (legionnaire[pve] and champion[pvp and yes it is to be named champion...]) of the 154. They, however, have not release the set bonuses and there is speculation that it will not be armor bound making myself assume that it will be entirely new bonus sets. Only end game gear that will go out of style is tionese. The devs knew try wanted to expand this is why tionese to columi is 5 levels apart and yet are only one armor grade apart.


2. We will be seeing level 51 green and blue armors or none at all drop on makeb unless they change the current armor numbers.


3. There are two options for raids. Either they add a new raid and give us a NiM TfB or we get a brand new difficulty cap on older raiding instances. I personally hope for both.


4. Does it matter what abilities we get for the new trees? it will probably be pretty good and it will allow us to go deeper into off trees.


5. Gear grind will be the same. It would be awesome if they release more tier two flash points or add nightmare mode to flashpoints for level 55 players.


Think he wants links to OFFICAL EA QUOTES


Your opinion or your read on the issue does NOT equal offical announcements by EA regarding Makeb.

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Instead of offering pre-order bonus items why don't you tell us what exactly we're getting? All I know is we're getting another planet, 5 levels and...?


Will there be any new warzones? New flashpoints? New raids? Another hub for each faction? New Legacy perks? Any gameplay/convenience improvements?


I was initially excited to see the new video but it had nothing in it that would convince me to buy the xpac.




They'll most likely have warzones and everything else you mentioned the only difference will be they'll all come in different colors then they are now.

Edited by RikHar
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Been studying the videos and information, 10 dollars is nothing. let them have some room to promote it. maybe they're adding more stuff like the rumored new companion. I wish the planet was Dantooine or Dathomir but I'm happy with it as long as it's not a forced maze city with an imaginary forest I can never reach. Edited by nartiuslightlord
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I think many people will be let down, they will hype this up as a massive addition to the game.

All its going to be is a small xpack, an the Adventure pack style like EQ has Rather then MoP/Cata style


Naaa Darka,


What they will do is refuse to communicate or control the hype created by the fansites and fanboys and expectations will grow so large that the mass majority will be let down and SW:TOR will get yet another black eye reputation wise.


I mean I already hear it when I log in on my guild chat


They speak often of the following items:


- multiple new hm flashpoints

- the non hm flashpoints becoming available as hm

- a new daily area with a Black Hole coms weekly quest (Ala BH and Section X currently)

- New OPS

- new heroics that scale with level (like Flashpoints) so are rerunable after you hit level max

- new class abilities

- new level of gear progression (higher then 27 for hilts/barrels and 63 for armor)

- and more


I try to point out that NONE of this has been made official by EA as of now and actually they have just refused to comment on any of this (just like they refused to comment when rumors ran out of control on what TOR would have before launch), but that usually just ends in arguments or upset feelings because some fansite has datamined all this stuff and reported it as fact. And then someone from TOR does a interview there and DOESNT set the record straight.


Its the exact same patern as pre launch TOR.

Fansites and fanboys are blowing everything up expectation wise and game is going to suffer for it because the devs and PR people at EA do not believe in managing expectations and telling people what they are paying for.


Guarantee thats what happens, you see it playing out as well

One side asking for info

Fanboys clambering to EAs defense (like asking for info some sort of all mighty evil or something)

the two sides clashing

and EA says nothing


Complete failure to manage and control the hype and expectations of their player base.

And yes, a great many will be let down


And then the fanboys will attack them for being let down and disappointed and the whole idiotic cycle will begin again.


And its all avoidable by just communicating with your base openly and controlling the over hyped expectations created by others.


Course if these forums and this website could be counted on being the final word on these issues.

People would stop going to outside sources for information (real or imagined).

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There is a new story arc. 5 more levels. New planet. Got to say, thats not bad. Whats the problem here? people keep forgetting its stll, relatively, early days for the game. This isnt going to be the last expansion they do as long as people keep playing. Which they will. Just wait for the expansion.


This isn't the first expansion.


It is a content patch changed to an adventure pack being marketted as an "expansion".


Price-wise it is OK for subscribers (possibly $5 too overpriced for F2Pers though), but that still doesn't make it an "expansion".




As to what is in it? Well I guess we already know (not a huge amount - hence the price).

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its like...9 dollars - you're lucky to even get a new planet worth of quests imo. I'm telling you the sense of entitlement has only gotten worse with time in these mmos~


So if you go into a shop and buy a sandwich it is "entitlement" to want to know what is IN the sandwich?


It is absolutely NOT "entitlement" to want to know as much as possible about something you are buying :confused:, the word you are actually looking for is "sensible".


It is sensible to want know as much about anything you buy as you can. :csw_yoda:

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This isn't the first expansion.


It is a content patch changed to an adventure pack being marketted as an "expansion".


Price-wise it is OK for subscribers (possibly $5 too overpriced for F2Pers though), but that still doesn't make it an "expansion".




As to what is in it? Well I guess we already know (not a huge amount - hence the price).


I see what you are saying. And, yes, it does seem to be devoid of the usual content you would expect from a game expansion. perhaps, if this is not their first expansion (out of interest, what was the other?) they intend to bring their game content out as they have been. And, i can see why. Assuming for a moment that the devs have not abandoned the forums, as has been proclaimed by some. They see that the biggest complaint, other than bugs and such, is there being no new game content. So to try and keep up customer satisfaction they release things in smaller chunks, so players can get it earlier than they would have if Bioware had put all of it together into the usual big expansion packs that gamers are used to. I am speculating, of course.

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(They might not have class stories but does the main story differ at all from class to class for example),.


our guild had a Q&A session with Jeff Hickman the other week, i can tell you that there is no class stories, only a rep and empire side one for Markab

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Actually.. no you don't have to buy it to find out. Actually, I pre-ordered and I haven't found out anything more than you.


Want to know why I and many others pre-ordered before the 7th? A combination of still having some faith in Bioware as well as finding that paying the small amount now was basicly just the payment for getting the content we do know is in there (5 levels and a new planet) earlier than others.


You and everyone else who hasn't pre-ordered yet is in their right not to pre-order. But do not claim this is some kind of scheme or new trick. Almost every game out there has pre-orders well ahead of time before any real information is given about the product you will buy. Often pre-orders start when there is only some cinematic teaser trailer. Sometimes it gives a bit of info and vague statements concerning what you will and will not get. This is not new, this is not a scheme, this is marketing. Basicly: this is creating a buzz and a hype.


Giving up all info up front means you have nothing new to give for months until it is launched. This way, you give little bits of info leading up to it. And have something new to say or give every few weeks. This keeps the buzz alive and means the product name is constantly in the media. You can say what you want about EA, but they know how to create buzz around a product.


Bioware and EA are not acting like crooks by not saying anything. People that pre-ordered are not fools. People that have not pre-ordered are not idiots. Everyone can make their own decision in their own time. But.. before the product is out, all information will be out there for the customers to decide if the product will be worth their money or not. And you can find this out well before you buy it.


Hence, this thread is a pointless whine and demanding for more information. With idiotic claims of how little information people HAVE to make a decision on. Newsflash: Nobody is forcing you to buy it now. Sure, you'll miss early acces. Sure, you'll miss some pre-order perks. But that is the price you pay for being a smart customer who waits untill he knows for sure the product he buys is something he wants.


Me.. I don't miss 10 dollars.. That's just.. the same price I paid for the 2 soda's when I went to see The Hobbit.


yes you are quite right all other MMOs do the same get you to pre order before info comes out, HOWEVER, the problem is we KNOW its going to cost about 40 quid, we KNOW we will get new content in the form of dungeons and raids, we KNOW we are going to get a whole new layer of content, the issue thats being brought up by the OP is basically i just paid a fiver for an expansion now i know dam well its not going to be like a normal MMO expansion with new dungeons, raids, lvls daily hubs, quests, because they cant do it for a fiver, so what am i going to get? 5 lvls and a planet with quests on...


what about gear progression, what about operation progression? am i going to spent another year running the same crap for gear again? i hope to god not.


i pre-ordered yes, cause i want them to use my money to improve the game, i will still play no matter what the content is, but im off if im bored.


dont bore my bioware :p

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I see what you are saying. And, yes, it does seem to be devoid of the usual content you would expect from a game expansion. perhaps, if this is not their first expansion (out of interest, what was the other?) they intend to bring their game content out as they have been. And, i can see why. Assuming for a moment that the devs have not abandoned the forums, as has been proclaimed by some. They see that the biggest complaint, other than bugs and such, is there being no new game content. So to try and keep up customer satisfaction they release things in smaller chunks, so players can get it earlier than they would have if Bioware had put all of it together into the usual big expansion packs that gamers are used to. I am speculating, of course.



I honestly can't see SWTOR ever getting an "expansion" in the traditional mould of huge content update (al la RoK, SoV, SoL, BC, MoM etc.).


Although I don't really have an issue paying for adventure packs, even as a subscriber.


However 99% of their development seems to be aimed at the Cashshop, gambling bags and obscenely overpriced (compared to other comparable MMOs) mounts and cosmetic outfits.


When the game actually needs stuff like functional RvR (supposedly coming "soon" at least) and 3D space and more lateral development for characters (as well as stuff like /hood, sitting in chairs, player housing etc. etc.).


What SWTOR needed now was a genuine expansion like Scars of Velious that added a boat load of mid-level through to end-game content without messing about with level caps (which have only been bolted on to Makeb as "pay-gate" IMO :().

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op has a point. They are selling something, yet they dont give a full list of features that are coming out with the expansion. A level cap and a new world are to be expected in an expansion, so you people need to stop acting like its a bonus.


They need to explain everything we get.

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9.99 for subs guys. You already have MORE than enough info about what you're getting to determine if that price is worth it to you or not.


A new planet, a new World Story arc, some manner of SGRA for those who want that, 5 new levels and skills are more than adequate for 9.99.


if you're still sitting on the fence over this McPurchase then you're being pretty silly.


i think what people want to know is


1) will there be additional datacrons on the planet

2) how many new flashpoints and ops can we expect upon launch

3) will there be a new talent system, will we stop gaining talent points and 50, do we gain an additional 5 points to the current trees

4) what changes can we expect to crewskills

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The pre order has nothing to do with the actual content of the xpack. It is for the people that already like the game and will play it regardless of the details of the new content (like me). If that is not you, don't preorder.
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They need to explain everything we get.


But how often do you pre-order stuff with the full list of features in your hand? When I pre-order records I might have heard one full tune on it, often not even that. When I pre-order books I have at best read the blurb. When I pre-ordered GTA V I knew very, very little of what the game actually contains, and still do compared to the size of it. When I pre-ordered RotHC I knew the basic outline of the expansion; Hutts, Makeb, 5 new levels, new skills, talents, quests and 5 days of early access. I pre-order records, books and games because I have enjoyed what the artist/author/developer has done in the past. Otherwise I wait and base my purchase on the reception and full feature list post-release.


You will get an explanation of everything we get in RotHC I'm sure - when the expansion ships. I seriously don't see why you need it to pre-order however...

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But how often do you pre-order stuff with the full list of features in your hand? When I pre-order records I might have heard one full tune on it, often not even that. When I pre-order books I have at best read the blurb. When I pre-ordered GTA V I knew very, very little of what the game actually contains, and still do compared to the size of it. When I pre-ordered RotHC I knew the basic outline of the expansion; Hutts, Makeb, 5 new levels, new skills, talents, quests and 5 days of early access. I pre-order records, books and games because I have enjoyed what the artist/author/developer has done in the past. Otherwise I wait and base my purchase on the reception and full feature list post-release.


You will get an explanation of everything we get in RotHC I'm sure - when the expansion ships. I seriously don't see why you need it to pre-order however...



I've never known a MMORPG expansion be for pre-order without a pretty in-depth list of items (I suspect Makeb might well be "in-depth" though, we just aren't getting very much).


It is quite a lot different from pre-ordering a standalone game.

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But how often do you pre-order stuff with the full list of features in your hand? When I pre-order records I might have heard one full tune on it, often not even that. When I pre-order books I have at best read the blurb. When I pre-ordered GTA V I knew very, very little of what the game actually contains, and still do compared to the size of it. When I pre-ordered RotHC I knew the basic outline of the expansion; Hutts, Makeb, 5 new levels, new skills, talents, quests and 5 days of early access. I pre-order records, books and games because I have enjoyed what the artist/author/developer has done in the past. Otherwise I wait and base my purchase on the reception and full feature list post-release.


You will get an explanation of everything we get in RotHC I'm sure - when the expansion ships. I seriously don't see why you need it to pre-order however...


^This. You order based on what was delivered in the past. If that doesn't work for you, don't pre-order. It's not like you can't buy it later.

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