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Yet another patch where bubblestun and roflsmash got ignored


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It has been months now and nothing has been done to fix those specs. Every week we hope there will be a fix. In fact just changing back those specs to the way they were before until bioware can figure out a better way to implement the changes they want would have been great. It feels that after f2p came pvp has been completely ignored, sure we got a new warzone but thats not really what we needed. A solo only queue for normal warzones would have been much better or even fixing the aforementioned specs which i imagined it would have been done within 2 weeks.


Every patch all we see are items on the cartel store being added and no word on what they plan to do about those issues. Are we getting a fix before the expansion comes out ? How long are we gonna have to wait ??


I would like to add that these specs are so broken that on my server , Red Eclipse EU, the ranked teams have an agreement of not using them at all. I hope bioware takes this into consideration when they check their metrics.


Also before people come say that i am just crying because i got smashed on a wz or stun locked by a whole team being bubbled, note that I play all AC at lvl 50 i can easily use those specs any time I want and contribute to a pvp environment that only causes frustration to anyone that doesn't play those specs, but i chose not to All I want is to be able to enjoy pvp again or that at the very least know when that might happen.

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It has been months now and nothing has been done to fix those specs. Every week we hope there will be a fix. In fact just changing back those specs to the way they were before until bioware can figure out a better way to implement the changes they want would have been great. It feels that after f2p came pvp has been completely ignored, sure we got a new warzone but thats not really what we needed. A solo only queue for normal warzones would have been much better or even fixing the aforementioned specs which i imagined it would have been done within 2 weeks.


Every patch all we see are items on the cartel store being added and no word on what they plan to do about those issues. Are we getting a fix before the expansion comes out ? How long are we gonna have to wait ??


I would like to add that these specs are so broken that on my server , Red Eclipse EU, the ranked teams have an agreement of not using them at all. I hope bioware takes this into consideration when they check their metrics.


Also before people come say that i am just crying because i got smashed on a wz or stun locked by a whole team being bubbled, note that I play all AC at lvl 50 i can easily use those specs any time I want and contribute to a pvp environment that only causes frustration to anyone that doesn't play those specs, but i chose not to All I want is to be able to enjoy pvp again or that at the very least know when that might happen.


two things:

there is a queue for non-ranked WZs for singles



You are crying you got smashed in a wz and "stun locked" by a whole team considering theres that white bar system.

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two things:

there is a queue for non-ranked WZs for singles



You are crying you got smashed in a wz and "stun locked" by a whole team considering theres that white bar system.


Maybe i should clarify that , a queue that only singles enter , ie no premades vs pugs =)

and 2 ) you troll you ;)

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PLEASE understand and realise == they aren't going to change anything until ROTHC

i'd also bet my house that they will not change smash with ROTHC either (or if they do it'll be such a ridiculous and pointless change that we'll all just want to cry : such as Smash's AOE is reduced to 'only' 3 targets)


Just roll a warrior/knight and we can all smash eachother to pieces, and TTK can go through the roof!

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Afaik these small patches never have anything to do with class balance.


Well they didnt fix the Preceptor boots glitch either (adaptive gear) and this could have been done easily. :mad:


No, instead Bioware is wasting its time by adding more Cartel Crap.

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Well they didnt fix the Preceptor boots glitch either (adaptive gear) and this could have been done easily. :mad:


No, instead Bioware is wasting its time by adding more Cartel Crap.


Which has nothing to do with class balance.

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In a couple months we're getting new skills and all talent tree revising with a lvl cap raised.


If BW were wasting dev effort of balancing the current iteration they'd warrant shooting.


Well does it take too long to just turn a stun into a mezz ? Or just make rage works the way it did before ? They have done that a few weeks after they broke those specs, there is no need to deploy a full change just to fix 2 specs.

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PLEASE understand and realise == they aren't going to change anything until ROTHC

i'd also bet my house that they will not change smash with ROTHC either


While I agree that they probably won't change anything till the expansion, though I believe it's possible to see some class balance in 1.7, I think that to say they won't change anything because the level cap is increasing they'll have to readjust the classes anyway.


Are Bioware not intelligent enough to plan out changes they can make now and how they will impact the players at 55 with any new skills/passives/stats they will acquire? Plus constantly adjusting classes is part of an MMO.

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While I agree that they probably won't change anything till the expansion, though I believe it's possible to see some class balance in 1.7, I think that to say they won't change anything because the level cap is increasing they'll have to readjust the classes anyway.


Are Bioware not intelligent enough to plan out changes they can make now and how they will impact the players at 55 with any new skills/passives/stats they will acquire? Plus constantly adjusting classes is part of an MMO.


I agree with you on that, in other mmo i play there are class adjustments nearly every 2 weeks , so to avoid spvp to be filled with fotms, like this game is now

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In a couple months we're getting new skills and all talent tree revising with a lvl cap raised.


If BW were wasting dev effort of balancing the current iteration they'd warrant shooting.


People here are not asking for a revamp, should be just a fix. They dont need to change talent trees blablabla, just need to adjust some numbers about smash/force sweep and how bubble stuns works. Thats all.


If EA is not changing that crap is cos they dont want to. In the past some classes like Ops were fixed without any revamp and was done pretty fast but it was when Bioware was here. Now EA rules and i think is cos this is taking ages. Maybe they think that Mara/Jugs and Guard/Sent are very populated classes and they dont wanna lose some player (=MONEY) if they nerf that spec.

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Well does it take too long to just turn a stun into a mezz ? Or just make rage works the way it did before ? They have done that a few weeks after they broke those specs, there is no need to deploy a full change just to fix 2 specs.


What exactly is there to fix with rage, it's always worked this way. What "broke" it is all the fotm marauders speccing that after their other trees got "fixed".


So... buff maras?

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People here are not asking for a revamp, should be just a fix. They dont need to change talent trees blablabla, just need to adjust some numbers about smash/force sweep and how bubble stuns works. Thats all.


You realise rage has those high numbers cos that is basically their only big hitter right? If you wanna lower that you by definition have to rework the spec so it is still viable dps wise over a period of time. Nerfing roflsmash down and leaving the rest of their stuff hitting like a wet noodle isn't really "fixing" the spec in any objective meaning of the word lol.

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Take smash and what do rage juggies have? Nothing. Plain and simple. Worst DPS out there if you take it away. The entire spec would need a revamp not a simple "nerf".


And before you reply to me raging about how it's not true...Think about it, no really just think, think hard.

Edited by micnevv
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First: Significant class balance changes are usually restricted to major updates. Feel free to whine louder if nothing is done after 1.7. This is just a weekly patch. The change you're asking for requires a lot more QA than adding new CM items, changing an icon, or fixing some issues in FPs.


Second: Please tell me that you don't honestly believe that the same people who are creating CM items are the people who would re-balance class abilities. How many more times do people have to explain that modern video games are made by a collection of teams, and that they are capable of working on more than one thing at a time. Your request is going to have to be handled by the Game Balance team. They are likely busy right now with changes for 1.7 and the new expansion. It's not like the Item Design team is going to wait in the corner while Game Balance does their work. They all have their own workstations.

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Take smash and what do rage juggies have? Nothing. Plain and simple. Worst DPS out there if you take it away. The entire spec would need a revamp not a simple "nerf".


And before you reply to me raging about how it's not true...Think about it, no really just think, think hard.


I think you should re read, I didnt ask for straight out of the bat nerf, just a fix the way it is now is too OP , everyone agrees on that, except those that only play 1 class and 1 spec. They could just have made it like it was before they broken it , until they figure out what to do with it. The problem is also the fotms flooding the wzs . 1 rage/focus guy is not really a problem , but 4-5 of those with bubble pop on top of it makes any wz unplayable.


But tbh the lack of communication is what is really appalling here. So many threads about this and other issues are posted every day and not one single stickied thread with a dev response is given to the community all we get is pure silence.

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I think you should re read, I didnt ask for straight out of the bat nerf, just a fix the way it is now is too OP , everyone agrees on that, except those that only play 1 class and 1 spec. They could just have made it like it was before they broken it , until they figure out what to do with it. The problem is also the fotms flooding the wzs . 1 rage/focus guy is not really a problem , but 4-5 of those with bubble pop on top of it makes any wz unplayable.


But tbh the lack of communication is what is really appalling here. So many threads about this and other issues are posted every day and not one single stickied thread with a dev response is given to the community all we get is pure silence.


Every MMO has that, you can't counter FOTMs. Take WoW for example with boomkins and such. Plus right now bioware is running on a ghost crew so it's even harder for them to revamp and entire spec without messing it up big time.

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What exactly is there to fix with rage, it's always worked this way. What "broke" it is all the fotm marauders speccing that after their other trees got "fixed".


So... buff maras?



What broke it is smash having a 8s effective cooldown. and the lack of need to think about when to use it due the vey easy resource management. Lets say smash hits for 5k , which is low balling it , thats a minimum of 625 dps for hitting 1 target as it can hit up to 5 then the max is 3125 dps , give the avg dps of about 1.8k from 1 skill only , then you have ravage,, force scream force crush and vicious slash and dont forget 30% armor penetration plus a finisher that crits for 4k . The spec did not need the buff at all.

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Every MMO has that, you can't counter FOTMs. Take WoW for example with boomkins and such. Plus right now bioware is running on a ghost crew so it's even harder for them to revamp and entire spec without messing it up big time.


You counter fotms by making frequent adjustment to classes , not completely abandoning the issue for months ^^

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You realise rage has those high numbers cos that is basically their only big hitter right? If you wanna lower that you by definition have to rework the spec so it is still viable dps wise over a period of time. Nerfing roflsmash down and leaving the rest of their stuff hitting like a wet noodle isn't really "fixing" the spec in any objective meaning of the word lol.


No, you wrong. This is about adjusting some numbers and the specc would be ok . Not Op of course like is right NOW. Now is an insult.

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You know what happens when you remove bubble stun from sorcs current talent build? You don't see them in Rated WZ's anymore and a lot less of them in regular WZ's.. (That's how pathetically broken the class is and since you have a level 50 one OP, you should realize that)


The fix for bubble stun = add more resolve to the blind. Unfortunately, I don't think Bioware has enough talent on its coding team to figure out how to do it... after all... look at patch 1.2 and how they "fixed" the double use of resurgence by removing it entirely (since they couldn't fix it or had no idea how) and destroyed sorc healing in PVP because their second "big heal" was now back to a 2.2/2.3 cast time. (Where as mercs and ops both have 1.7 or -lower- cast times on their big heals)


As for Smash: I'm not shocked that it's still in the game. Assassins and Shadows are still able to be in pure DPS gear, in a tank stance and build while putting out better numbers then most pure DPS classes (sans smash monkies) and solo just about everyone in the game except for healers. (Though, they will force the healer to heal just themselves so it's still a win).


This development team has no clue what to do when it comes to "balance". They designed a game with abilities that are shared between two VERY different environments instead of making the same abilities act different in PVP and PVE situations.

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