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Dummy Challenge


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Starting a challenge thread for Commando dps out there. Hit the dummy until you reach 500k damage, go to torparse.com and upload your results, and try to be the highest dps. Curious what other ppl are pulling out there. Here are my first results:




As you can see the last attempt was 2068 dps. Lets see who can beat it!


BTW, the Mox parser equivalent showed 2112 dps. here's the pic:



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Hey so i took a look at your parse and to be honest im really jealouse i cant break a 1800 ceiling and i really would love the experience you have if you could give me a few points that be great my gear break down is:


all agile 3-61's and rest-63's


Acute: 1 61's/ 1 63's

Adept: 4 63's

Initiative: 1 61


Reflex: 4-61's 4-63's

Reflex barrel 63


WH relic

Dread power relic


Boltblaster mk-1 earpiece

Annihibtor mk-1 x 2



2 surge

1 critc

rest aim



Bonus Damage: 1085.3

Accuracy: 110.4%

Critc: 35.86%

Multiplier: 77.15%


rotations pretty much the standard 4 working plasma grenade when i can, prioritize FA then HiB/DR then GR



WOULD LOVE TO HEAR BACK could really use the input for improvement on my end

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My gear breakdown is as such:


Armorings: 5x reflex 26, 3x reflex 27

Mods: 8x Agile 27, 1x Nimble 27

Enhancements: 1x acute 26, 1x acute 27, 3x Adept 27, 2x Battle 27

Barrel: Reflex 27


Relics: DG Power clicky relic + DG kinetic Proc relic (clicky is = EWH essentially but can be timed more effectively with inspiration and such. The Proc Relic compared to WH is about a 30 dps increase)


Earpiece: Hazmat boltblaster mk-1

Implants: 2x Black hole annihilator's mk-1


Every augment is aim. with the 9% talent bonus and the 5% buff it will always be better than any other stat for a commando.



Damage (pri): 1059-1362

Tech bonus damage: 1061.5

accuracy: 110.04%

Range crit: 39.2% with buff

Tech crit: 40.37% with buff

Multiplier: 76.28%


Main difference seems to be crit as far as our gear. for commandos I find the sweet spot is ~300 rating. don't pay attention to the %, that will vary depending on whether you have the companion bonus, cunning datacrons (get all of them for sure) etc. just get 300 rating. I have 299 right now.


My rotation always starts with three GR, HiB, DR. Then assuming i've procced curtain of fire I go with FA. at this point I use relics, adrenals if you're biochem, and Tech Override with reserve powercell, which makes plasma grenade free and instant. then I pop back into grav rounds until i proc CoF again. I never use FA unless CoF is procced personally. the 25% boost is worth waiting for. without the 25% GR is basically = so might as well stick with it. Naturally I ALWAYS keep my ammo at the max regen rate. use hammer shots to fill the gap if you sneak into the 3X regen rate accidentally. hammer shot is about 6% of my damage output.


If enough ppl seem to have interest in it, I will post a commando guide with a video based on what i do to achieve the numbers I posted. So feel free to let me know if there's a demand for that guys.

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Not really into gunnery, I'm much more of an assault guy but last time I had a go on a dummy I did a bit over 1900 over 5 mins.


Dummy parses are all about putting time in and getting a good run which usually means good rolls on crits which you then filter out of all the poor runs and post so they don't really indicate average output.


I do endgame raiding so gear is mostly max, if only the ear would drop I'd call my set finished.


Double EWH:


Damage: 1110-1413

Power: 1013 (tech bonus 1116)

Accuracy: 100.27% or 110.27%

Ranged crit: 39.08% with buff

Tech crit: 40.25% with buff

Multiplier: 76.19%


Alternatively with proc relic:


Damage: 1092-1395

Power: 940 (tech bonus 1096)


Not really into clicky relics, got it in the bank but just not that keen on it:


Damage: 1075-1378

Power: 867 (tech bonus 1078)


Difference in assault mode:


Tech crit: 46.25%

Edited by Gyronamics
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All class buffs and exotech stim on?


288 crit rating = 10.56%

2440 aim = 14.52%

Talents: 3%

Comp: 1%

Base: 5%

Buff: 5%


Total: 39.08% crit

Tech crit is a bit more cos of 147 cunning.


Anyway maybe I'll have a go on the dummy later today.


I know for sure I can post an assault parse that no one else is going to beat.


Cos no one other than me does endgame in assault :D


BTW, the Mox parser equivalent showed 2112 dps


Because for 4-5 seconds after your last attack you stay in combat. Torparse doesn't stop until end of combat. MoX stops calculating when your last hit lands.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Get over yourself.


Assault parses 150 lower than gunnery on a dummy and is more fiddly to keep up even in the hands of an experienced player due to huge reliance on procs for regen and spiky ammo control.


Why do you think no one posts assault parses for commando.


Here's what I do on it though, 1 mill damage parse: http://www.torparse.com/a/108625 1829dps


The reason I still call it legit in endgame is because I have no armour debuff and that number increases by about 110dps when there is one (from a guardian/slinger/gunnery), also damage increases again if a watchman sentinel is on the same target.


I managed to get one reasonable parse in on gunnery before servers shut down: http://www.torparse.com/a/108686 2020dps


Wrong relic + I reliably screw the startup which is why I cropped it down from 800k to 600k and don't have an adrenal use at start but it's over the 500k you wanted.


I may have more goes on this another time but your parse is very crit heavy on demo and a rival parse has to be equally fortunate.

Edited by Gyronamics
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All class buffs and exotech stim on?


288 crit rating = 10.56%

2440 aim = 14.52%

Talents: 3%

Comp: 1%

Base: 5%

Buff: 5%


Total: 39.08% crit

Tech crit is a bit more cos of 147 cunning.


Anyway maybe I'll have a go on the dummy later today.


I know for sure I can post an assault parse that no one else is going to beat.


Cos no one other than me does endgame in assault :D



Tech Crit a bit more cause of Assault spec too I'm sure. Crazy amounts of tech crit in that spec LOL. Anyway the 40 extra aim or so (and the higher cunning since I don't think I have any cunning from datacrons outside of the +10 one) probably explains it. I'm at 2404 Aim fully buffed, and am about 14 Aim off of having BiS gear (I like using my War Hero body shell over rakata or I'd have 8 of that and just be missing earpiece).


You use double dread guard relics though right? so if you have 288 rating I'm confused where all your power is coming from, though at this point I realize that I'm not sure what my own crit rating is at these days, but I could swear it's under 200.


Like I said, might just be a datacron difference.

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