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I dont see any kind of class changes feedback at long time ago.

There was some "feedback" a while ago (in a Commando thread, here) where they said that they were aware that Mercs/Commandos had "escape issues" (not issues with Gunnery being so easy to shut down, or anything like that).


Are they working in something ?


Probably 1.7, RotHC and, of course, more stuff for the shop.

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If you think it's not soo difficult let this class be something more fun and efficent to play.


A little bit less dmg output on the trace missile but without cast time.


It will be simply amazing to play IMHO.

Edited by Sethman
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If you think it's not soo difficult let this class be something more fun and efficent to play.


A little bit less dmg output on the trace missile but without cast time.


They aren't going to do that. Moreover that wouldn't fix Merc pyros. It's not as if easy solutions don't exist though. Super easy solution - make the 4 piece PvP armor set bonus give a further 5 sec reduction in the CD of Jet Boost and increase the damage that Jet Boost does by 10x. Jet Boost would still do less damage on a longer CD than Smash/Sweep, and that change would have no effect on PvE boss fights and lower level PvP. I don't expect that BW will do this, but that's because I don't expect BW to help Mercs in any meaningful way. It isn't hard to design a boost to Mercs for upper level PvP that doesn't affect PvE/lowbie PvP. BW just doesn't want to do it.

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