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Should you fight for what you beleave in?


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Hello. Im not really making this post to make a point at any thing, but rather asking some thing that has been bugging me with each year that goes by. Should you fight for what I beleave in? I ask this because I see games change. I see people change, and I see the world change. But what I don't see is really any one who stays the same. I don't really see people or even games stand tall, and no matter how things become never give in, or let up. I guess you could say stand for some thing more then the game or people them selfs. I really can't recall one person or game that has never given in to some thing that would change its view or what it holds true. I think the only things like that only exsist in books really. Books with made up people, or games that never become real. I guess I find it really sad. I don't know. This might just be just me being the single father I am with only a sad story to show for it. Who knows. It just bugs me that nothing really holds its own any more. Not much to inspire to any more in this world. I know in time starwars will change. I don't really have enough faith in them to beleave they will hold true with what they started with saddly. I guess I should accepte that with every thing life throws. You always have to change your views, change your life, and even change your games. No such thing as holding your own. Even if you do. Some thing will always make you change. Anyways. Hope every one is enjoying the game, and has a good night, and by all means trolls have fun as well. Just try not to go over bord too much.
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Well couple of points.


1. Spelling. Its BELIEVE.


2. Wall of text. then enter/return key does wonders to break that up. many people don't like reading big huge walls of BLAH.


3. One should always fight for what they believe in. I'm not saying with fists guns, but with words, convictions, actions on this earth. If you don't fight for what you want you want, what is there to live for?

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I tried to read that, honestly I did.

But every time my eyes got totally surrounded by words they started to scream, "Help! Let me out" and I had to stop.


I even tried jumping back into the middle several times to no avail.

I'm afraid my eyes are claustrophobic and can't handle being trapped inside the wall like that.


Anybody care to post the Cliffs Notes version?

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Why in general its a good rule of thumb to fight for what you believe.

Its also good to pick your fight wisly, and dont fight for lost couse.

Not to mention, its good to take a break and think if its important.


For example: saving rainforest is probably worth fighting.

But "nerfing smash monkeys" not really.


1st nobody cares, and its just video game, its not even good video game. Devs dont really care what community wants, and if only, they are looking at masses not a few.

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I'm not really making this post to make a point at any thing, but rather asking some thing that has been bugging me with each year that goes by. Should you fight for what I believe in?


I ask this because I see games change. I see people change, and I see the world change. But what I don't see is really any one who stays the same. I don't really see people or even games stand tall, and no matter how things become never give in, or let up. I guess you could say stand for some thing more then the game or people them selfs.


I really can't recall one person or game that has never given in to some thing that would change its view or what it holds true. I think the only things like that only exsist in books really. Books with made up people, or games that never become real. I guess I find it really sad. I don't know. This might just be just me being the single father I am with only a sad story to show for it. Who knows. It just bugs me that nothing really holds its own any more. Not much to inspire to any more in this world.


I know in time starwars will change. I don't really have enough faith in them to beleave they will hold true with what they started with saddly. I guess I should accepte that with every thing life throws. You always have to change your views, change your life, and even change your games. No such thing as holding your own. Even if you do. Some thing will always make you change.


Anyways. Hope every one is enjoying the game, and has a good night, and by all means trolls have fun as well. Just try not to go over bord too much.


There, fixed it for you. :D

Edited by Darth_Victus
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Well couple of points.


1. Spelling. Its BELIEVE.


2. Wall of text. then enter/return key does wonders to break that up. many people don't like reading big huge walls of BLAH.


3. One should always fight for what they believe in. I'm not saying with fists guns, but with words, convictions, actions on this earth. If you don't fight for what you want you want, what is there to live for?


Maybe he be leaving, and thats why he spelled it that way? Though I'm guessing you'd be correct.

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I am got two things from this post.

#1 - You are talking about games changing.

Well it is a business and changing and growing is what you have to do. Wether this is a good game or not is in the eye of the beholder. I have played nearly every MMO out there and while this game could use some improvement, it is still a great game....to me.


#2 - Your are refering to people keeping to their convictions. And in the end folding.

If there is one thing I am certin of, it is that there is hope. Hope is worth fighting for and always will be. People do stupid stuff, but there is always hope.


"Keep fighting the good fight" is always a quote worth remembering.

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"The only thing constant in life is change" - François de la Rochefoucauld.

"Do what you can't not do" - Cloud Atlas.


The end.


And OP, there are a million inspiring things out there as well as people with real conviction to make a difference in the world. Some are easy to find, others are not.

If you're looking for inspiration in a game and conviction from a company that is likely to change its way of thinking to please its customers, you are doing something very wrong. Get off the internet and go find your inspiration somewhere that you won't expect it to be in the form of pixels.

Edited by TheNahash
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