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inheritance mainhand weapon construction kit


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Ive just received a inheritance mainhand weapon construction kit and i have no clue what to do with it or were to take it ?????

it says to used to create a item from the vendors on dromund kaas


but i cant seem to find anyone to take it ???


Please help

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The vendors are indeed in Kaas City and Coruscant for the republic, however you should send that weapon kit to one of your low level alts because the weapon itself is good for a character in a 14-20 level range if i remember correctly, otherwise it's pretty much worthless.


This is the segment of the game that needs to be reworked because it's not very good and useful in it's current state, to say the least.

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I generally would recommend destroying these objects when you get them. The level 14 gun isn't worth the trip to dromund kaas. It's not even moddable, so it may be worse than what you have at that level from quests anyway.
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I generally would recommend destroying these objects when you get them. The level 14 gun isn't worth the trip to dromund kaas. It's not even moddable, so it may be worse than what you have at that level from quests anyway.


Yes, it's bad for the character that gets the kit. It's meant to be, because it's not made for them. It's made for future characters.


When you make a second character, you use the mail system to send the construction kit to them. When they reach 14th level, they can go to one of the legacy vendors on Dromund Kaas or Coruscant and trade it for a weapon of the type appropriate for their class. The weapon is EXCELLENT for 14th level characters, and will likely serve well until the character is in their 20s.


As an aside, as play further with your first character, you may find other inheritance an birthright gear, including armors and off-hands. The same deal applies. Inheritance gear is 14th level, birthright is 31st.

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I generally would recommend destroying these objects when you get them. The level 14 gun isn't worth the trip to dromund kaas. It's not even moddable, so it may be worse than what you have at that level from quests anyway.



It's better than anything you can run across in a 14-20 level range, and why the hell should he destroy it?

I'm fairly certain you haven't destroyed yours once you got it, but if you have done so it's solely your problem.Just because you are clueless it doesn't mean you should misinform the OP who asked for help regarding inheritance kit, if he wanted to destroy it i doubt that he would make this thread.

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Yes, it's bad for the character that gets the kit. It's meant to be, because it's not made for them. It's made for future characters.


When you make a second character, you use the mail system to send the construction kit to them. When they reach 14th level, they can go to one of the legacy vendors on Dromund Kaas or Coruscant and trade it for a weapon of the type appropriate for their class. The weapon is EXCELLENT for 14th level characters, and will likely serve well until the character is in their 20s.


As an aside, as play further with your first character, you may find other inheritance an birthright gear, including armors and off-hands. The same deal applies. Inheritance gear is 14th level, birthright is 31st.


What Suzine is trying to tell you is that you might already have a better weapon on the character you're leveling by the time you hit 14 and can use the inheritance weapon.


Although I think that it's the best weapon you can have at 14, the fact it's not moddable makes it obsolete in 1-2 levels.

Sure, the stats can and will get you to your early twenties but especially with those cartel market crystals, after 1-2 levels there will be better things you can mod your weapon with, but you won't be able because it's not moddable.


This is a very interesting subject though. I don't even remember how many of these useless birthright/inheritance items I have.

I would like to see Bioware either making those weapons and armor orange (even if they're only shells, like the rest of the legacy gear) or at least to give us a way to sell them for a good amount of money. Once you have 2+ characters and a lot of credits, these items are absolutely worthless.

Edited by TheNahash
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Lets up the prices from lvl 6 crews skills missions?



You probably wondering: WUT?

Not sure if I'm the only one but already got 2 of that from lvl6 artifact missions... not sure the drop rate or anything... but i know I do got one from the slicing and other from the underworld metals.

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Not to mention that the weapon/s you get for finishing your starter planet and choosing advanced class are modable and can continually upgrade its stats with planet comms (or buy/craft mods for it) which will be better than the inheritance/birthright gear/weapons


Can do the same with clothing eg new adaptive gear if you have the credits spare will be better. Just finished fitting out all my low level alts in adaptive/modable gear with all their current level of mods :) same with their starter/best companions, am killing npcs 3 levels higher then them and not dropping below 1/2 health :) (very nice xp per kill lol)

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I just wish the things would scale with you for awhile. I mean - they make it sound like it's this HUGE deal that you got them, then you find out they'll last for a level or two and that's it, and not even for the character you're on....


On top of that (off topic a bit) at the time you get them you have to go to fleet for your "Act One Reward" - which is only some xp and credits? Really? I mean it's not like I expected a parade or something, but you ship me to the lagfest just for that?? WHY?? I'm not even meeting anyone semi-important, much less getting a cinematic - just click, poof credits and xp - then done. Yay?


~ end rant.

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The vendors are indeed in Kaas City and Coruscant for the republic, however you should send that weapon kit to one of your low level alts because the weapon itself is good for a character in a 14-20 level range if i remember correctly, otherwise it's pretty much worthless.


This is the segment of the game that needs to be reworked because it's not very good and useful in it's current state, to say the least.


I have a few of them since you get them at the end of chapter 1. I have yet to cash one in. It should have been a moddable item to be worth it. Most times you will have an orange item by that 14-20 level anyhow.

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They won't give you modable gear because they are legacy bound, so you could use them to move mods around as soon as you got your legacy.


So I'd much rather they just made them all orange gear that was bind on equip instead of useless legacy gear and be done with it. The legacy part is the useless part. What is it really for? What are you supposed to do with it, roll a dozen troopers and pass on the same gun at level 14-15 every time? Really?


Also it would be nice if it wasn't restricted to main character, so you could have a companion using a rifle or chest piece for a while, or whatever.

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Lets clear things up from previous posters claiming it's a great item.....no, it is not.


It is barely better than the commendation weapon from the planet vendor at lvl 16. The thing is pretty much worthless once you hit the next planet. Now if you are going to play a new alt well then go ahead and get the weapon by turning in the kit. The whole legacy contruction kit stuff when they put it in was pretty much a total failure and that is why you don't see many people running around with the stuff. You hardly even see people waste the money on buying the legacy gear off of the vendor to use.


Also at that level, even if you use the inheritance kit to get a weapon, you will only be getting slightly more damage than someone using a commendation weapon.

Edited by LordSkyKnight
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Lets clear things up from previous posters claiming it's a great item.....no, it is not.


It is barely better than the commendation weapon from the planet vendor at lvl 16. The thing is pretty much worthless once you hit the next planet. Now if you are going to play a new alt well then go ahead and get the weapon by turning in the kit. The whole legacy contruction kit stuff when they put it in was pretty much a total failure and that is why you don't see many people running around with the stuff. You hardly even see people waste the money on buying the legacy gear off of the vendor to use.


Also at that level, even if you use the inheritance kit to get a weapon, you will only be getting slightly more damage than someone using a commendation weapon.


Sorry but this is not true, that weapon is rating 56. Rating 56 means higher than mod 7 prototype quality. If you go by commendations then you need lvl 21 to get something better than that.

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Sorry but this is not true, that weapon is rating 56. Rating 56 means higher than mod 7 prototype quality. If you go by commendations then you need lvl 21 to get something better than that.


The pistol I just got and checked out was Rated 50....

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Sorry but this is not true, that weapon is rating 56. Rating 56 means higher than mod 7 prototype quality. If you go by commendations then you need lvl 21 to get something better than that.


Part of the problem right now is the cartel crystals. You may not be able to compete, at level, with the inheritance weapon for its rating, but the inheritance weapon can't have a +41 power on it either, making that difference pretty much moot.


Now if you don't have one of those crystals, the weapon gives a few levels of quality use and makes the latter part of your capital planet (heroic cleanup) that much easier.

Edited by Tumedus
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The pistol I just got and checked out was Rated 50....


Checked again the data. The inheritance set in fact has a different rating and level required piece by piece, ranging from 14 (rating 50) to 16 (rating 56). Since the weapon is 14 this makes it a superior choice compared to commendations from lvl 14 to 19.

Also, i too noticed this only now:



The crystal part is moddable, you can put the +41 in there.


Edit: There may be in error in the database. Those weapons are in fact not moddable.

Edited by Spoletta
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I have an Armstech and Artificer that make barrels and hilts for all my new characters. Level 19 is the earliest a blue crafted barrel or hilt will have a rating higher than the inheritance weapon. I don't think anyone in their right mind would waste the money on a purple of that level. Hell, I don't even research them at that level.


Could I get better mods for an orange saber/gun before level 19? Probably. But, why? Those levels go so fast, why bother paying the money to do that? And, no, commendation modifications will not do it, especially if you're not a tank. A case could be made for the cartel pack crystals, but I think they all look horrible, so I never use them. I stick with blue, green and red on my characters.


I got an inheritance chest piece for my sorcerer, and I used that thing into my early 30s because of the ridiculous amount of willpower it had on it. (It also looked pretty good, which was a definite plus).

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  • 1 year later...
Part of the problem right now is the cartel crystals. You may not be able to compete, at level, with the inheritance weapon for its rating, but the inheritance weapon can't have a +41 power on it either, making that difference pretty much moot.


Now if you don't have one of those crystals, the weapon gives a few levels of quality use and makes the latter part of your capital planet (heroic cleanup) that much easier.


You can't mod the rest of the weapon but you can the crystal. Just built a new sixth assassin last week used legacy weapon and nodded the crystal. Also stat wise the legacy weapons are miles better than anything at 14 and you really can't mod your way above them til about 21. I added up the stats from the mods and legacy weapons are the **** hands down.

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