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The Boltblaster (lvl 55 and why we might be ok)


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I have been thinking over the upcoming expansion. The 5 more skill points we are going to get are going to be exactly what we need in order to create a hybrid that, dare I say, may kick almost as much *** as a marauder.




have a look. The 5 new points go into high friction bolts and ionic accelerator.


The spec would run using the, now fully buffed, plasma cell and would combine the sustained killing power of gunnery with the kiting ability and tab doting of assault. Ammo management looks like hell but I think it could be managed.


The main idea:

Grav round procs full auto and buffs the damage of high impact bolt. Full auto in turn resets high impact bolt. This would allow you, in theory, to fire a fully buffed HiB every 6-10 seconds while standing still. Full auto is also good for procing the plasma burn and the plasma round can be added for additional effect. There is no real burst in this spec, but some preliminary testing with full gunnery using the buffed plasma cell indicates, we should be able to break 2100 sustained dps with a combination of the central gunnery rotation and the assault bleeds. This spec should also be lethal to smashers since energy shield breaks their only slow, plasma cell snares, stock strike roots, and concussive charge is more powerful. We should also be more resistant to interrupts since both Grav round and Charged Bolts can be used to proc full auto, though grav rounds is prefered since it also gives charged barrel.

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I remember them mentioning that there will be 5 more skill points added once the level cap gets raised. Assuming nothing great gets added at the top of Gunnery, why not use this hybrid?


Because they're also likely rebuilding the rest of the skill trees to prevent the 5 extra hybrid points from being better than the 5 points they add on top.

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Because they're also likely rebuilding the rest of the skill trees to prevent the 5 extra hybrid points from being better than the 5 points they add on top.


Correct, they have said that all skill trees are getting reworked(for all classes.) There could still be a hybrid build, but we wont know till we see the new trees.

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I have been thinking over the upcoming expansion. The 5 more skill points we are going to get are going to be exactly what we need in order to create a hybrid that, dare I say, may kick almost as much *** as a marauder.




have a look. The 5 new points go into high friction bolts and ionic accelerator.


The spec would run using the, now fully buffed, plasma cell and would combine the sustained killing power of gunnery with the kiting ability and tab doting of assault. Ammo management looks like hell but I think it could be managed.


The main idea:

Grav round procs full auto and buffs the damage of high impact bolt. Full auto in turn resets high impact bolt. This would allow you, in theory, to fire a fully buffed HiB every 6-10 seconds while standing still. Full auto is also good for procing the plasma burn and the plasma round can be added for additional effect. There is no real burst in this spec, but some preliminary testing with full gunnery using the buffed plasma cell indicates, we should be able to break 2100 sustained dps with a combination of the central gunnery rotation and the assault bleeds. This spec should also be lethal to smashers since energy shield breaks their only slow, plasma cell snares, stock strike roots, and concussive charge is more powerful. We should also be more resistant to interrupts since both Grav round and Charged Bolts can be used to proc full auto, though grav rounds is prefered since it also gives charged barrel.


not to be a down or say that this is a complete bad idea but this has not ammo management from either tech to be effective. yes i see the 1cell back from HiB but this just makes HiB free and does not give u a cell back for it it just replaces the cell used. the real meat of the ammo mamagement in the trees are cell charger in gunnery and adrenaline fueled in assualt which u can't take either to get enought out of either tree for this to work. so without this u will up out of ammo in a hurry so this is bad for sustained dps(bad for pve) and u put it yourself bad burst(bad for pvp). i like the idea but it just doesn't have any ammo management to make it effective.

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not to be a down or say that this is a complete bad idea but this has not ammo management from either tech to be effective. yes i see the 1cell back from HiB but this just makes HiB free and does not give u a cell back for it it just replaces the cell used. the real meat of the ammo mamagement in the trees are cell charger in gunnery and adrenaline fueled in assualt which u can't take either to get enought out of either tree for this to work. so without this u will up out of ammo in a hurry so this is bad for sustained dps(bad for pve) and u put it yourself bad burst(bad for pvp). i like the idea but it just doesn't have any ammo management to make it effective.


On top of this, you run into the same problem that gunnery has currently by having to stand still for Grav Round and Full Auto. You also did not take High Friction Bolts which would be a must since you are counting on HiB to be your big burst and it would also help with ammo management.


Running in Plasma Cell, which is tech damage, you did not take any of the tech crit increasing skills like Special Munitions or Field Training.


I understand what you're trying to do, but at this point in time, it is best for both gunnery and assault to just take them both up to their 31 point talent.

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I understand what you're trying to do, but at this point in time, it is best for both gunnery and assault to just take them both up to their 31 point talent.


I disagree. I'm running a hybrid builds now and prefer I over the main builds. Now that I'm full War Hero Gear with good critical I respeced to the 31 builds again to see what demo round and assault plastique would do.


Full gunnery is just too static. It's hard not to be a turret an when you are you die quickly. It needs more attacks yo can use while on the run.

Assault is great for attacking while on the run but sucks with ammo. Your rotation gets so long because you have to keep using hammer shot while your ammo regenerates.


I keep feel like I'm dying because I stand around too much or dying because I was waiting on ammo regen.

The bottom layers of the trees have all the ammo, escape, and survivability buffs. Spending skill points there is a very good trade off IMO. Surviving an extra 6-7 seconds is 4-5 GCDs to damage you can do, with is more than Demo or AP give you even if they crit (or WM have the ammo left to use them).


So if you're in a situation where you're ignored an can do a long rotation, go full tree. If you're constantly under attack by people seeing you as an "easy kill" go hybrid.

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I disagree. I'm running a hybrid builds now and prefer I over the main builds. Now that I'm full War Hero Gear with good critical I respeced to the 31 builds again to see what demo round and assault plastique would do.


Full gunnery is just too static. It's hard not to be a turret an when you are you die quickly. It needs more attacks yo can use while on the run.

Assault is great for attacking while on the run but sucks with ammo. Your rotation gets so long because you have to keep using hammer shot while your ammo regenerates.


I keep feel like I'm dying because I stand around too much or dying because I was waiting on ammo regen.

The bottom layers of the trees have all the ammo, escape, and survivability buffs. Spending skill points there is a very good trade off IMO. Surviving an extra 6-7 seconds is 4-5 GCDs to damage you can do, with is more than Demo or AP give you even if they crit (or WM have the ammo left to use them).


So if you're in a situation where you're ignored an can do a long rotation, go full tree. If you're constantly under attack by people seeing you as an "easy kill" go hybrid.


Wanting the escapability I can understand, but to gain that you are giving up on killing power. Yes, you might survive a few seconds longer, but if you can't actually kill the guy chasing you, you don't really gain anything.


If there was a way to proc HiB on a more consistent, and safe basis, I could see a hybrid working out well.

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Every single post with regards to the new talent system is that highly important abilities will be added to the top of each tier to discourage hybrid specs. they want you to make a decision and stick with it with a few points in alternate trees. you aren't just getting 5 more points within the same system
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