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Vanity Based Item Suggestions for Cartel Shop


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I have three new items be added to the consumable category of the shop, these items I believe would be well received by the players and generate large amounts of revenue.



1. A kit that turns any customizable quality armor piece into adaptive armor. This would go well with players as there is quite a lot of great armor already in game but many of it is armor class locked. I do understand that this also might be a pretty large technical hurdle depending on the data attribute and structure design for armor items.


2. An armor dye kit - very popular, but technical hurdle again possible


3. Character customization kit - allows players to change features of their character's appearance.

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I have three new items be added to the consumable category of the shop, these items I believe would be well received by the players and generate large amounts of revenue.



1. A kit that turns any customizable quality armor piece into adaptive armor. This would go well with players as there is quite a lot of great armor already in game but many of it is armor class locked. I do understand that this also might be a pretty large technical hurdle depending on the data attribute and structure design for armor items.

Also include a kit to turn non-customizable items into customizable items. To make it adaptive as well, would have to use BOTH kits on the item.

Many items are simply unavailable in customizable version: almost all of the gear your Companion gets as mission reward, most of the gear you get as mission reward, green and blue drops and craftables in specific color or texture designs. Though I'd actually prefer a system where a crafter has a chance to learn a moddable version of anything dropped or crafted by him-/herself, a kit for achieving this would suffice as well.

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I have three new items be added to the consumable category of the shop, these items I believe would be well received by the players and generate large amounts of revenue.



1. A kit that turns any customizable quality armor piece into adaptive armor. This would go well with players as there is quite a lot of great armor already in game but many of it is armor class locked. I do understand that this also might be a pretty large technical hurdle depending on the data attribute and structure design for armor items.


2. An armor dye kit - very popular, but technical hurdle again possible


3. Character customization kit - allows players to change features of their character's appearance.


Would the character customization kit feature also include changing your body type? Also it would be nice to be able to install cybernetics (for lost limbs, such as hands and arms) etc.

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1. A kit that turns any customizable quality armor piece into adaptive armor. This would go well with players as there is quite a lot of great armor already in game but many of it is armor class locked. I do understand that this also might be a pretty large technical hurdle depending on the data attribute and structure design for armor items.


I actually like this one because it brings back memories of doing quests and getting greens only to ditch them a level later when something, uglier but housing better stats, came along. Furthermore in betas this was how it worked for all equipment.


2. An armor dye kit - very popular, but technical hurdle again possible


Depends how it's administered. If it's just a whole "Unify Colors to Chest" reskin, then I'm not too sure. Something more like what Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 did with their dye systems - I much preferred being able to choose the colors of my armor piece by piece versus letting a dodgy new mechanic choose for me, sometimes with disgusting results =/

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