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PvP servers - change demanded!


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I hate to say it, but the PvP servers are for PvPers in order to enjoy the world PvP. We know it, EA BioWare too, but after more than one year there are no changes!?

They need to start with something simple:


1.Companions - they should be instantly dismissed when a player engage combat with another player, or we should have a skill to put the companions out of consciousness (cc) and heroic moment unavailable for the duration of the fight.

Reasons - player vs player doesn't mean player vs companion; legacy skills unbalance; class cc on companions unbalance; types of companions unbalance and many more..


2.Reward from killing a player - maybe the first MMO with no reward from killing a player in open world. We should have for example 5 commendations after killing a player and if we are in group the reward must be divided equally (so players have no reason to form a big groups and the poor engine will be just fine). Bigger valor ranks should give us more commendations. We shouldn't have commendations from players 5 levels below and 50 level should have commendations only from another 50 level. Killing the same player in the next 15 minutes should give us less commendations.

Reasons - different variations PvP for taking gear, not forcing the player to do warzones only.


Please dear PvP developers.. be reasonable.. after all, those PvP servers are for us and we pay the game to enjoy PvP in general.

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You have CCs. Use it on their companion. I can't believe how many STEALTHERS don't do that first. I'd rather leave the healers that might get jumped to at lteast have their companion or the person fighting a mob that gets jumped for that matter. Kind of a core component of the game in the open world, those companions.
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i agree with those changes, but as for the first point i want companions to be dismist instantly not a skill for cc.


Just have them *stasis* like they do on world bosses already. There's already a mechanic that works well.

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It's because you're fighting in a pve environment. You can't use an adrenal nor a WZ medpack. I've heard conflicting reports, but I suspect our expertise stat on gear is useless in open world pvp as well. I don't think I've ever used heroic moment, I always take that right off the hot bar. But damn if I gear out one of my companions that I want to run with in the event I get jumped, I should be able to. You get to use yours as well, so I don't see the problem. [Wrong info removed]


In short, no, I don't really like the suggestion from a first impression standpoint. (as far as the companions go, the comms for a win is a good idea)

Edited by Ridickilis
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You have CCs. Use it on their companion. I can't believe how many STEALTHERS don't do that first. I'd rather leave the healers that might get jumped to at lteast have their companion or the person fighting a mob that gets jumped for that matter. Kind of a core component of the game in the open world, those companions.


Point is i do it cause i play assassin, but what about the the jedi knight for example? i will have my companion and he will not! So 2vs1 is a bit unbalanced..

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i think that restricting rewards for larger groups, in order to discourage large groups from forming, its bad design.


Bad thing is the game engine, i have been playing from the times we had ilium quests and it was a terrible lag. You just can't have large groups in one spot.

Edited by ilifus
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Point is i do it cause i play assassin, but what about the the jedi knight for example? i will have my companion and he will not! So 2vs1 is a bit unbalanced..


That is a good point, but now you are addressing a stealther on a non stealther and therefor CC against someone who cannot CC on the companion and it creatingg a 2 on 1. Remove companions and you may no longer have yours the same as them, but now you opened it up for EVERY class, stealther or no; to ambush someone who might be fighting a mob to suddenly be engaged and with the mob, effectrively have 2 or more to 1. You fix nothing.


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Point is i do it cause i play assassin, but what about the the jedi knight for example? i will have my companion and he will not! So 2vs1 is a bit unbalanced..




not to mention, companion CC does not respect resolve. nothing better than having full resolve, and then being mezd and watching your opponent run away

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So what your saying is... If I'm questing atm and you decide you want to gank me... My companion should be dismissed so that not only can you start the fight on your own terms... like your going to do anyway since you want to gank me... you don't want my companion to turn the fight around to make your shameful ganking turn on its face? Is that what your telling me?
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So what your saying is... If you and your buddy want to gank me while Questing... Not only should i not be able to pop my legacy defensive or my heroic moment... but my companion should also be dismissed. So what what your saying is You and your buddy should be able to 2v1 me (while im trying to mind my business questing for a little PvP break) and send me to the medbay with no contest... Look you may be an honorable Sith but the are 10 shameful Sith for every 1 of honorable Sith.
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It's because you're fighting in a pve environment. You can't use an adrenal nor a WZ medpack. I've heard conflicting reports, but I suspect our expertise stat on gear is useless in open world pvp as well. I don't think I've ever used heroic moment, I always take that right off the hot bar. But damn if I gear out one of my companions that I want to run with in the event I get jumped, I should be able to. You get to use yours as well, so I don't see the problem. Their CC should also fill your resolve normally, unless they are ccing your companion. If they are it's a wash anyway as most companions CC's are channeled.



expertise stat is efective in pve environments as i know from experiance atacking large groups of imps and being able to do way to much damage and last too long despite being outnumbered, however someone in dreadguard gear can fight someone in WH/EWH on a pretty much even plane


As for companions they are fine as is, removing them would give certain classes huge advantages over others. like for me even with all my min/max EWH in a 1v1 agaisnt a relatively similar geared dps and competent class i will inevitably lose due to the broken tank mechanics. No comp = certain classes would become free open world kills to other classes.


Although I wish the HK-51s could be nerfed for open world. A couple of my guildies geared theirs out in 63s and I have witnessed one of those HK solo kill a WH pyro spec not to mention soloing some other unfortunate imps in the area, and only the comp was attacking.

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So what your saying is...

So what you're saying is...

So what your saying is...

No. They are saying PvP really shouldn't involve companions, just like World Bosses don't. Companions simply don't follow normal PvP rules atm.

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1.Companions - they should be instantly dismissed when a player engage combat with another player, or we should have a skill to put the companions out of consciousness (cc) and heroic moment unavailable for the duration of the fight.

Reasons - player vs player doesn't mean player vs companion; legacy skills unbalance; class cc on companions unbalance; types of companions unbalance and many more..


They shouldn't be encouraging ganking with rewards, which is what the majority of world pvp is.


Microing a companion or pet requires more skill. It was disappointing that they weren't allowed in warzones. :(

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Hell yes. I'm pretty sure the guy who said they wouldn't do this moved on anyway.


I'm thinking 0 comms though for kills 3 or more levels below rather than 5 levels.


And keep pets. At least players have control over which one they have out, and how they're geared.


They don't have control over me doing a stealth routine on them. Yeah life's not fair, games aren't fair, but that'd be too much of a PITA.

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I agree its stupid there is no reward for killing players in open world. But as for the balancing of companions and stuff, its open world... no rules apply. I actually thought it was funny back when BM was the top level gear and I had full BM and my companion decked out in my champion gear and they had more expertise then most players trying to jump me in open world area's.


If you follow the same logic then you should also ask that any NPC's don't aggro when PvP happens in open world, otherwise that could cause things to be unbalanced too.

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So what your saying is... If I'm questing atm and you decide you want to gank me... My companion should be dismissed so that not only can you start the fight on your own terms... like your going to do anyway since you want to gank me... you don't want my companion to turn the fight around to make your shameful ganking turn on its face? Is that what your telling me?


Jesus, if i am going to gank you i will wait till you go out of combat so i can cc your companion. You have low hp that's your problem use your healer and regain hp after every fight its PvP server dude. I don't have problems with being ganked cause i chose to play on PvP server.


And i don't play only with assassin i also have a knight, marauder, hunter.. and i got no worries..


Btw are you trolling?

Edited by ilifus
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I like the ideas.... although I could go both ways on the companion thing. It can make it interesting for open world PvP sometimes but maybe should be limited to areas like the dailys on Ilum... but if they ever tried to introduce open world on a larger scale then I think the companion dismissal would be a good idea. Especially for lag purposes.
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