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I hate the lack of chat bubbles.


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I can't even begin to count the number of time I've missed someone talking to me, asking me a question or for help because I rarely look at the chat box. At least with chat bubbles, I know someone near me is talking and not someone on the other side of the zone. Please for the love of god, add this option.
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I can't even begin to count the number of time I've missed someone talking to me, asking me a question or for help because I rarely look at the chat box. At least with chat bubbles, I know someone near me is talking and not someone on the other side of the zone. Please for the love of god, add this option.


when they figure out how to make them render in a way that does not compromise fps, they will be included.

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I'm coming from GW2 and I actually miss them too. It's not a deal breaker, but they would definitely be welcomed. There's been times where someone passing by will either help with a kill or give a quick rez and it would be so much easier to do a quick thank you in a chat bubble than clicking whisper.
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I hate chat bubbles. Screw that noise. If people want to talk to you, whisper exists for a reason.


...Which you don't see if you rarely ever look at the chat box.


Chat bubbles are usually an option in Settings to enable or disable as you see fit. I would love to be able to enable them, they worked fine in beta, and I'd love to see them back.

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I'm coming from GW2 and I actually miss them too. It's not a deal breaker, but they would definitely be welcomed. There's been times where someone passing by will either help with a kill or give a quick rez and it would be so much easier to do a quick thank you in a chat bubble than clicking whisper.


In those situations /thanks works well.


With the new voiced emotes...








it's easy (and cool) for those quick little moments.


I particularly like the Sith Warrior's /no ... he says "I don't think so." and I like to use that when I stop someone from scoring in Huttball a few feet from the goal line. :p

Edited by Lionflash
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The excuse BW gave us was a question of lag chat bubbles induce with the engine of the game.

They don't seem to understand that if it's an option it depends of our comp.

Personnally i doubt chat bubbles will make my I7 or my 560gfx really lag besides on the fleet we're i don't care about lag.

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i was glad when i noticed there were no chat bubbles, i saw it as a step forward, getting rid of that nonsense that blocks my view and breaks immersion, i much prefer the chatbox approach especialy since it can be set to show only what you want... but if people wanna go the chat bubble rout, im fine with it being an option, so long as its not forced on me... Edited by Elly_Dawn
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The excuse BW gave us was a question of lag chat bubbles induce with the engine of the game.

They don't seem to understand that if it's an option it depends of our comp.

Personnally i doubt chat bubbles will make my I7 or my 560gfx really lag besides on the fleet we're i don't care about lag.

I have the same except mine's an i5. The engine feature they're using to render 2D elements (eg. nameplates, UI windows) kicks the hell out of my CPU (the fan spins up to jet-engine noise levels). If you hang around 3D graphics dev sites you'll know that this is a common problem because the simplest design is the worst possible implementation. Unfortunately the fix is to rearchitect the feature and that can mean a deep dive into the bowels of the engine code.


tl;dr: It's (much) harder than it looks.

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LOL. I'm sure the Jawa jokes would definately be less annoying with chat bubbles. Most of what ppl have to say in general chat is nothing but nonsense. Chat bubbles would just add a "stereo" effect to the stupidity. I LOVE THE FACT THAT THERE ARE NO CHAT BUBBLES. That means i have to look down to see the stupidity, with chat bubbles they will be in your face all the time.
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In those situations /thanks works well.


With the new voiced emotes...








it's easy (and cool) for those quick little moments.


I particularly like the Sith Warrior's /no ... he says "I don't think so." and I like to use that when I stop someone from scoring in Huttball a few feet from the goal line. :p


You type while your defending the goaline in huttball? I pray I'm never on your team.

Edited by Freedannad
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You type while your defending the goaline in huttball? I pray I'm never on your team.


After the ball is in our posession. Only 3 characters to type /no and I'm a pretty decent speed typer :D But that's just me. You'll also catch me shooting up a flare from my flare gun as me and my team charges out of the gate and heads to south, lol.


As for chat bubbles 'slowing down the system', like people have said just allow it to be toggled off or set to a certain distance. It seems like a lame excuse. That's like saying "we won't impliment shadows into the game because it causes a lot of slow down on old systems"


...well yeah, but still...put it in for those who can handle it.

Edited by Lionflash
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I can't even begin to count the number of time I've missed someone talking to me, asking me a question or for help because I rarely look at the chat box. At least with chat bubbles, I know someone near me is talking and not someone on the other side of the zone. Please for the love of god, add this option.

This is not WoW! Chat bubbles ruins the community!

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I agree, I want chat bubbles too. However, they would have to do something about the chat system first because nobody wants to see a sea of chat bubbles and deal with 3 fps on the fleet where 200 people are standing in one spot all talking at the same time.


What they should do:

-Create a local chat channel with a limited radius, say only sees messages from players within 30-40 meters (could give you a slider to adjust if they were in a truly generous mood)

-Give players the option to default to local channel for your primary chat channel, rather than defaulting to general chat.

-Make chat bubble only function on local and group chat channels

-Give players the option to limit how many bubbles will show at one time, starting with the closest player and working out (from 0-20 sounds like a good range to me).

-Make chat bubbles generation client-based and not server-based so the server doesn't have to get bogged down with that and just has to run an additional chat channel.


This would:

-Give people that are just in love with arguing with everyone on the planet the option to not use the local channel and people that don't want to see all that garbage a chance to just use local chat with or without bubbles.

-Give people the option to limit how many they are looking at or disable them altogether if they want.

-Prevent everyone from dropping to 3 fps as the server tries to generate 200 chat bubbles on 200 players screen at the same time on 4 different instances of every planet simultaneously.


I don't think you'd see too many people spewing stupidity in local chat, they wouldn't have a large enough audience to feed their ego if only the couple people near by could see what they were saying.... you all know who you are and you know I'm right, so your spam argument is right out the window.

Edited by bahdasz
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This is not WoW! Chat bubbles ruins the community!


I would like you to explain how, because in SWG they were great. chatting around the starports, battlezones and cantinas was awesome, and you didn't have to be cosntantly staring at the freaking chat window in the corner of the screen.


I would truly like to see how they could "ruin the community".

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I would like you to explain how, because in SWG they were great. chatting around the starports, battlezones and cantinas was awesome, and you didn't have to be cosntantly staring at the freaking chat window in the corner of the screen.


I would truly like to see how they could "ruin the community".

When game got released a lot of people asked for LFG tools and similar. And the only argument fanboys and WoW haters of this game had was that if WoW had it then it must ruin the community.


I'm keeping the tradition alive.

Edited by Marmerus
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The game cannot handle chat bubbles. Accept it, and move on.


If BW actually come out and say they are NOT ever going to implement chat bubbles, then I will accept it and move on ... move on to another game that is.


Yeah, I know adding chat bubbles is harder than I realise, but it is odd that every other MMO I have played has had them. As long as BW say that they haven't figured out how to do them yet, then I will continue to shrug at their incompetence and live in hope if them appearing one day.


They are a deal breaker for me. As a role player I need to know who is talking, what they are saying and where that character spatially. Chat bubbles are the easiest way to do this. Some roleplayers manage without, but I find it difficult due to suffering from dyslexia. In between reading what somebody is saying and typing a response, adding working out who is talking is an added level of difficulty which, for me, makes the whole experience a little too difficult to be fun.


If you don't like chat bubbles, then turn them off. I do like them, I rely on them and I don't enjoy the game without them.

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I really don't want chat bubbles. I'd rather not have other people's conversations filling the screen. Now that there are voiced greetings, etc, it's easy enough to get someone's attention then continue with a whisper. And the simple answer to missing whispers because you don't look at the chat window is to look at the chat window from time to time. You can always turn off general so you only see things that relate to you.
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i was glad when i noticed there were no chat bubbles, i saw it as a step forward, getting rid of that nonsense that blocks my view and breaks immersion, i much prefer the chatbox approach especialy since it can be set to show only what you want... but if people wanna go the chat bubble rout, im fine with it being an option, so long as its not forced on me...


What really blocks my view is your eye-bleeding purple text.


For me, the lack of chat bubbles ruins immersion and makes me feel less connected to my own character. Each to their own.

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