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They need more servers


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I was a tester as well as day 1 early access. The servers were pretty much full by day 2 they should have added more servers. They had a blog post about this this game is insanely popular and they should have prepared


Bioware good job as always making a great game but come on stay ahead of the curb you knew this was coming

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They need to address the issue of more servers VERY CAREFULLY. This is launch day, it will be an unusual load on the servers all day. It will NOT be typical load in the next two weeks.


Games like Warhammer Online had to deal with server merges because they opened too many servers too quickly. Once the initial binge/rush was over, server load went way down as people didn't binge so hard and played on a more typical time frame. Suddenly, you had servers with low populations and servers had to be merged. That causes financial burdens on the company as well as a headache for the servers being merged.


Your request is a knee-jerk reaction to the queues. A little foresight, along with some history, will temper that reaction.

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I was a tester as well as day 1 early access. The servers were pretty much full by day 2 they should have added more servers. They had a blog post about this this game is insanely popular and they should have prepared


Bioware good job as always making a great game but come on stay ahead of the curb you knew this was coming


The Server Status Page shows a bunch of LIGHT pop servers. They don't need more servers. New players need to roll on LIGHT pop servers.


If new players aren't rolling on the dozen or more LIGHT pop servers that currently exist, what good would putting up even more of them do?

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They need to address the issue of more servers VERY CAREFULLY. This is launch day, it will be an unusual load on the servers all day. It will NOT be typical load in the next two weeks.


Games like Warhammer Online had to deal with server merges because they opened too many servers too quickly. Once the initial binge/rush was over, server load went way down as people didn't binge so hard and played on a more typical time frame. Suddenly, you had servers with low populations and servers had to be merged. That causes financial burdens on the company as well as a headache for the servers being merged.


Your request is a knee-jerk reaction to the queues. A little foresight, along with some history, will temper that reaction.


Lets be honest, WarHammer sucked same with Aion and every other game out there. The Old Republic is what World of Warcraft was when Everquest was king back then.


This game will reign supreme there is no doubt about that they should of thought of themselves as winners instead of of a crappy MMORPG like Warhammer and to be careful.

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Personally I think they may have now opened a few to many. I think they will have one more new customer push around Christmas day or after. We will have to see what the numbers look after the first 30 days are up.


Keeping fingers crossed.;)

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Lets be honest, WarHammer sucked same with Aion and every other game out there. The Old Republic is what World of Warcraft was when Everquest was king back then.


This game will reign supreme there is no doubt about that they should of thought of themselves as winners instead of of a crappy MMORPG like Warhammer and to be careful.


Sorry, having illusions of grandeur doesn't actually work in the real world. You can say how amazing you think your game is, but until it's been released and withstood the test of time, what you think means absolutely nothing.


The quality of WAR and Aion have absolutely nothing to do with this topic. The fact remains that they added too many servers based on the same knee-jerk reaction that makes you want more SWToR servers and they paid for it. It's only prudent for BW to handle it the way they've been doing.

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EU at 8am this morning - existing servers were all Heavy load and Full, new servers were all light.


Now 6PM - existing servers are all Full, new servers are all still light.



Really dumb planning by Bioware - open a limited number of servers and assign all the guilds to them, multiple guilds per server. Everyone joining the game at launch knows someone from pre order and of course they want to play with them.


It will not change. Family / friends / guild mates who join will roll with their guilds, not on the new light servers.

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EU at 8am this morning - existing servers were all Heavy load and Full, new servers were all light.


Now 6PM - existing servers are all Full, new servers are all still light.



Really dumb planning by Bioware - open a limited number of servers and assign all the guilds to them, multiple guilds per server. Everyone joining the game at launch knows someone from pre order and of course they want to play with them.


It will not change. Family / friends / guild mates who join will roll with their guilds, not on the new light servers.


Premade guilds make up a small minority of the number of players rolling on servers.

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I just took a look at the servers to see how back the wait times were (NA only - didn't look at Europe). There were a huge swathe of light populated and about an equal number of heavy or full pop. Most of the full pops had either no wait or less than 10 minutes (many less than 5). Only a couple were as bad as 30 minutes.


I'm am just not seeing that bad a wait time - not nearly as bad as what WoW was at launch and there are dozen of servers you can jump on immediately with not wait.


Just sayin'

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