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Why was my ship on fire?


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Something that struck me as a little odd. I was just in space combat and took a little damage and suddenly part of my ship was on fire. To the best of my knowledge, all types of fire require oxygen and fizzle out otherwise. Is there oxygen inside the shield bubble? I'm just trying to find an explanation for this.


When the hull of something is penetrated you can vent atmosphere into space, which can in turn burn so as long as it isn't fully consumed.


Think of rockets, but instead of it being controlled, its coming from every hole you poked in your ship.

Edited by Yeochins
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In a lot of the novels they describe a brief moment of fire (using the oxygen that's leaking out after a hull breach) before a ship dies.


So if you need an explanation, just say that your ship is leaking gradually, allowing just enough to allow for flames. (I understand this is entirely unlikely, so... suspend disbelief, damn it!)


Also, on the topic of sound, you would definitely hear sound originating on your ship (so your own engine, the sound of your lasers being fired, or you being struck) but you wouldn't hear anything originating from another ship (so the sound of your enemies engines or the generation of their lasers). So it wouldn't be silent.

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Then they need to stop calling it "light speed" and the movie shows them just moving really fast. Bending space would mean they don't really move. Rather they sort of "teleport" to the new location. Even Macross got that right with the SDF folding to new locations.


And still doesn't make sense when they call it "light speed" when they need to move faster than that to get around the universe.


The point is, if you want to enjoy this game, let go of the science behind it. Why not just argue why people with sniper guns can only hit targets from something like 35 yards away. Worst. Snipers. Ever?


The theory he was pointing out, is the one from the Mexican physicist if I'm not mistaken. Which is based off Star Trek, you create a bubble of space around you are something, either way you yourself don't move, but the bubble of space around you does. In theory letting you travel faster then light, anyway the energy required to create the bubble is way out there. Its more you are squeezed through space, like pushing toothpaste through a tube.


I prefer folding space with genetic mutated humans over thousands of years myself THE SPICE MUST FLOW!!

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First Space isn't a complete vacuum its just the closest natural approximation to one. Therefor Sound does travel in space.

Okay so now that the second comment is done On to the main question why does your ship go on fire

Theres a few explanations for this one:

I'm going to use some examples from earth which may help explain this a bit.

So first when a plane is flying they use a atmospheric life support system (very basic type as there is still oxygen at that height so not as advanced as say the one on ISS). However when theres a breach in the plane such as a window is smashed or someone opens a door the oxygen from the plane escapes into the outer atmosphere until the atmospheric pressure and gas levels are equal i.e. in equillibrium. Therefor by any estimations the atmosphere of a 'spaceship' flying in deep space would leak out of the ship in the event of a hull breach. However in this case once the breach had been locked down the fire should theorettically go out. So that dosn't explain why the fire keeps going.

So onto why the fire stays alight. This could be down to a few factors. First off is that the energy beam fired from the cannons could be a super heated metal which is flammable like lithium but harder(lithium is a soft metal which reacts with water and burns) Or the energy beam which would more than likely be a super heated element or compound which has therefore turned to plasma as the electrons have gained enough energy to be stripped away from the elements. (this is what happens in a star) And when it hits the metal that the spaceships are created from react with whatever compound they use. This would cause a prolonged fire which would only be put out by a certain fire extinguisher(depending on the chemical reaction)...

Now obviously all of this is speculation as star wars is fictional and we don't have a spaceship but you get the idea

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