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So how was it for you?


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Day 1....


So up at 5am, well, actually up at 4am I was like a kid at christmas, so I got an hour of warhammer in first, and then on to the main event and....


....well everyone who was up at that time already knows what happened, epic failure followed by an epic thread that almost grew a page a minute and got quite funny towards the end until someone posted 'i'm in' and everyone left like rats deserting a sinking ship and all the rage at Bioware evaporated into nothing.


So the game starts up and the intro movie looks pretty cool. Character creation was straight forward but a little long winded and then on to the game, errr, i mean on to another movie, and another, and another and then finally in to battle.


Wondered how a shooting mmo would work, star trek tried it and failed but this was pretty good. I dont know if there is a take cover button (I didnt look hard) but it was dissapointing that there didnt seem to be one, but overall, not bad at all.


Graphics are ok, game play is a little clunky and it feels a little slow in reposnding to things like a change of direction. I dont think it was lag, only experienced a very small amount of lag today which was quite impressive considering the servers would be very busy.


The quest cut scenes are a little tedious and obvious a clever way of building in a big time sink in to the game. If felt very Mass Effecty but failed to draw me in to the story lines like Mass Effect. It's an interesting idea but I dont think they quite pulled it off.


Combat felt a little tedious as well. Always felt you were fighting the same thing in a different skin. I was hoping for perhaps something requiring a little more effect than stand there and blast away. (I rolled trooper btw). Oh and the silly pressing buttons on the side of the gun to heal - no, lame, really truly seriously lame.


Anyway, running around for a few hours blasting this and blowing up that, managed to get to level 10 before calling it a day. Then tried some pvp but the first game popped at its end and the second one popped and then closed for not enough people, only got to shoot one person, so I cant comment on PVP which is a shame, other to say, why from level 10 only? Low level PVP is always always always the best way to introduce people to pvp play.


Overall, not a bad game. A shooty mmo feels a little weird but its good. The constant cut scenes makes it feel like a slog though. Oh, and there seemed to be no ingame chat between people at all. Didnt feel like an mmo, felt like a single player game with online content. Dont get me wrong, I enjoyed playing and think there is a lot of potential. Its a nice looking game, you do feel like your part of a campaign (as opposed to the factions in other mmos) - oh, and you can dance too :D


So, how was itfor you.

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