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The RP In Meh Wants To Play One!


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I never RP'd before, but Joseywales needs a class to spam movie quotes:P. I tried long time ago the gunslinger, but the cover system is annoying and gives me a headache. So Merc I prefer more. Yes I know that Mercs are crap in pvp. And I don't mind taking a break from pvp anyways...WFs are so frikin old. I am a RvR'er at heart and WFs are dime a dozen since Blizzard wrecked pvp. But besides the point. If Mercs are fun at PvE endgame then I will keep leveling one. So far he blows chit up pretty good with no downtime. If word is they still suck at endgame, then I may have to roll a Mar and accept downtime.


Maybe Mercs will get pvp love one day and leveling one was worth it. But in the meantime I need to level something to relearn the game (my 50 Sin doesn't deserve meh ATM)...and my as well have fun with PvE and annoy the cantina RP'ers with my quotes:) I can pvp the Sin after expansion again if need be.


Is Mercs worth investing in at all?


Anyways I still have no clue what to do. My time is very limited due to career and real. I dont have the luxary of lvling more than one toon.



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