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gunnery or assult


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i am mostly pve but i do my share of war zones also. what build do u experienced guys have. i am mostly looking for a DPS build but may put a couple points into heal if acceptable but not necessary. please post . also what crew skills do u recommend. i am a subscriber.
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i'm assuming that you're still leveling.



either spec is fine for sub 50 pvp. gunnery is generally easier to learn and level with (imo), plus the first 5-10 points you put into gunnery you'll want for any build (combat medic, gunnery, or assault)


you may have trouble in pvp if someone who is experienced is leveling an alt as it's very easy to shut down a commando if you know what you're doing. assault isn't as easy to shut down (or rather, isn't as useless when they get interrupted a lot)




your companions get bonuses to armormech, biochem, cybertech, and slicing, so you can take either:


cybertech (with scavenging and underworld trading)


armormech (with scavening and underworld trading)


biochem (with bioanalysis and diplomacy)



slicing doesn't go with a specific craft, and can replace any gathering or mission skill (scavenging, bioanalysis, underworld trading, or diplomacy)


it will probably most benefit armormech if you do decide to pick up slicing as armormech can craft augments (slicing is needed for augment crafting)

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so then slicing ,armormech and i would assume scavaging as the 3rd?


It would actually be armormech, scavenging, and underworld trading.


This is the build I use for PVE 5-31-5 and I use a slightly altered version for PvP. 3-35-3


I don't run an assault commando very much considering that one of my other toons is an assault VG.

Edited by DariusCalera
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anybody else have a good build they can link up

I happen to have one, I play assault spec in PvP as well as PvE like the other person who replied said, a experienced player knows a commando is generally fresh meat if you can interrupt them.


But anyway here is the PvE spec I use http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#8000cZMckZfhbbdGhrs.2

Also the PvP one here (not much changes really) http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#8000cZMckZfhrbdhhrs.2


Gunnery and Assault Specialist both do just about the same dps when it comes down to it so just choose which playstyle you like the most.

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for assault, i would suggest aiming for this build first. you'll get this at lv43


after that, fill in the rest of assault with adrenaline fueled and assault plastique and then picking up steadied aim and special munitions from gunnery



for gunnery leveling, i would aim for this first then fill out with target lock from assault, field training, and cell capacitor from combat medic




also my lv50 builds are slightly different gunnery, assault

Edited by oaceen
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Also the PvP one here (not much changes really) http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#8000cZMckZfhrbdhhrs.2


Do you use Charged Bolt much? I found that I didn't really when PvPing in Assault Spec, but I would use Full Auto, so I'd probably go with moving the 1 point in Muzzle Fluting to Steadied Aim for reduced pushback (not a huge amount with only 1 point though).

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Do you use Charged Bolt much? I found that I didn't really when PvPing in Assault Spec, but I would use Full Auto, so I'd probably go with moving the 1 point in Muzzle Fluting to Steadied Aim for reduced pushback (not a huge amount with only 1 point though).


Pushback resistance < attacking while moving.


All the pushback resistance in the world is worthless when its free to interrupt your cast and not just with the skills called interrupts. Stuns, knockbacks, CCs all count.


However if you are playing against a weak team then respec in the field to gunnery and just spam people with casts.


Anyway the other thing is if you are jumping over people as you attack you gain a defensive bonus called not being in front of them, thus weakening their own attacks as they need to face you to initiate the attack.


Against good players this isn't as beneficial but if you sit there like a statue trying to cast even the weakest player can get his attacks off on you because you're not making it hard for them.


In short, you cast when you're not targeted then you abandon it for instant attacks, movement and your utility skills.


Unless you are being backed up by a healer (in which case it's 1v2 anyway) you can't facetank and cast.

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Do you use Charged Bolt much? I found that I didn't really when PvPing in Assault Spec, but I would use Full Auto, so I'd probably go with moving the 1 point in Muzzle Fluting to Steadied Aim for reduced pushback (not a huge amount with only 1 point though).


Full Auto and Charged Bolts are the two abilities that reset High Impact Bolt with Ionic Accelerator while in Assault Spec. You need to use Charged Bolts between Full Auto as filler/proc reset. Otherwise, you are leaving a lot of DPS on the table.

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