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Way to get players to go back to old planets


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And add new endgame content. Make all the heroic 2 and 4's hardmode at 50 just like flashpoints. For rewards it could be daily comms or heroic comms that can be used for new gear or mods. This could also help players get gear to run hm fps and ops. My 2 cents.
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Adding some kind of level 50 daily grind or even Heroic Area on Tython and Korriban would be EPIC. Just make it to where the sub-50's can't accidentally enter! Korriban could have some sealed Sith Abominations breaking out of a deep tomb, and Tython could have a Flesh Raider Force Adept come into some real power. Boom! Reason to go back to starter planets.
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That'd be cool, but I'd also like to actually go to Tython and Korriban. As a lowbie, seeing a big group of 50's trekking through the planet, going to fight some big bad, would encourage me to get that gear/get that powerful/get that pet/mount , etc. so someday I could be that max level dude, wowing the lowbies on my way to save them from unknowable terror. There are plenty of awesome looking areas on both planets that could just have a doorway added that you can't pass without being 50.
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