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Telekinetics Sage OP


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TK Sages are really strong right now... the jury is still out for me if they're OP


I agree with you, do I think they are overtuned a little, yea.


They sure are picked for ranked now, and poses alot of threat on all classes due to the burst rotation that makes classes melt like butter.


Not to mention the cc aoe control, which is game changing and clutch on alot of maps in this game, and also why aoe is king on holding and defending nodes.

Edited by Caeliux
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I have a lightning sorcerer. In fact he is my main, he is the character I best play at. And to be honest, I don't feel really powerful.


Ok, if I'm able to cast affliction -> polarity shift -> thundering blast -> reckleness -> chain lightning, I can deal a lot of damage (8k thundering blast, 2.5k forked darkness, 8k reckleness chain lightning, 2.5k reckleness forked lightning, 1k affliction tick = 22k burst in a precise instant), and then maybe 5k reckleness shock and / or 6k reckleness force lightning with lightning barrage in 1.2 aditional seconds (polarity shift is still active). But that pretty much happens once every 3 or 4 minutes, since polarity shift has long cooldown and I won't always get the forked darkness and forked lightning. Also, thats assuming that the enemy won't stun me during the cast, or interrupt my cast moving behind a corner (he might be snared thanks to overload, or I can use chain lightning first to snare him, and then cast thundering blast, though). And that's also assuming that I wear the triple reckleness full power + almost full surge (with a bit of alacrity) gear.


Yeah, ok, if I play my sorc fine, I have good gear, I'm well positioned and I know when to use my combo so that the enemy can't avoid it, yes, I can deal a lot of damage. And the consistent damage spamming lightning strike untill I have thundering blast and lightning storm up again is not bad. But that's assuming I'm a good sorcerer player, with a good gear. And that's only the good part.


The bad part is, I'm super squishy. Full geared smash hits me for 9-10k, which is 1/3 of my hp (assuming I'm full geared too). If a smasher jumps on me, I'll sneak for a while with heals, force speed, bubble stun, overload, and so on (only if I know my spells really well and I have good binds), but I will eventually die to him unless I get help. If a marauder jumps on me, I'll probably die too. If an assasin appears at my back, I'm most likely dead before his 39054235 stuns end. In fact, any melee class will very probably finish me in 1v1. And the other bad part is that I'm mostly useless while moving, and while not moving I can get interrupted (unless I used porality shift, which has a long cooldown), because ALL my spells (except shock and chain lightning if I casted something before to get lightning storm) are casted.


If you think the lightning sorc is overpowered, you should really try it. You will realize that his high burst damage is not that easy and that likely to happen. And you will feel how squishy you are. You said that sorc is the class with best survavility. Believe me, it's not. It's probably the worst one, in fact. I feel in constant danger while playing my sorc. Any burst can kill me. My armor is light, I dont have any deffensive cooldowns like warriors, assasins, etc (well ok, I have the force barrier, but I can't do anything while casting it), I dont have anything to reduce the incoming damage...


In fact, in some warzones I feel like "sorcerer is really underpowered". Specially when the enemy has a lot of marauders, smashers, or assasins, cause I die constantly, without being able to cast more than a pair of spells between deads.


So yeah, in order for a sorcerer to be overpowered, you need good gear, good gameplay, and some help from your teammates (someone who can receive damage for you, and someone who can help you against melees who jump on you / appear on your back). But I believe that, under those conditions, any class is overpowered.

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By the way (sorry for the double post), smash vs thundering blast:


Smash advantages:


-Both are autocrit. But only smash doubles its damage thanks to shockwave (ok, thundering blast base damage is higher, but after the +100% damage, smash deals more; Thundering Blast max damage is almost 8k, while smash max damage is almost 10.5k).

-Smash is instant, thundering blast is 2s cast, which can be interrupted (unless polarity shift is used), stunned, or the enemy can move behind a corner to avoid it.

-Smash has 12s cooldown, minus 1s per spell used (well not all of them, but almost), which at the end is a mean of 9-10s cooldown, while Thundering Blast is 9s cooldown + 2s casting = 11s between two consecutive Thundering Blasts.

-Smash is AoE, Thundering Blast is single target.

-Smash always autocrits after a leap, Thundering Blast only if the enemy is affected by affliction (ok, it's not a super difficult condition, but some people cleanse affliction while you are casting thundering blast on them).


Thundering Blast advantages:


-Thundering Blast is ranged (30 or 35 m, depending on talents). However, smashers have 2 leaps (force leap and obliterate) with low cooldown, so I dont consider this as a "true" advantage.

-Thundering Blast deals internal damage, while Smash deals kinetic. So Thundering Blast has some advantage against enemies with medium and heavy armor.

-Thundering Blast can proc Forked Darkness, causing additional 30% damage. Adding the damage, its slighly higher than smash (about 5% more).


Comparing, in my opinion, smash is better.

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Right now there are many things that doesn't works as the patch 2.0 said. Sages are powerful but the powertech that uses the right spec and gear up with the right stats will beat them. Is critical to avoid the broken stuff in 2.0 then comes your play style.
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