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What happened to 'quality control'?


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The team behind this game is getting sloppier by the day.


It is an already known fact that since 1.2 (arguably even before it) that every patch solves X problems only to create X+1 problems. It seems to be getting worse though, specially after the layoffs.


Don't we have a PTS? Why is everything so rushed (thus sloppy) in this game?



Don't get me wrong, I love this game (I mean... Lightsabers!) and don't plan on leaving it anytime soon. But it feels like this game has been thrown to the rats. It has a team far too small (or perhaps far too rookie) for what it claims to be, an AAA MMO experience. It is just sad the state it is right now when we look back at all the hype tsunami that was around by December 2011, days before the Pre-Launch.


Having followed this game since 2008, it makes me sad to see how miserable it got in only one year. And with EA managing this, I don't keep my hopes high. I mean, they can't even properly manage the Cartel Market...




Please, for Force's sake, we need a major change of direction here. ASAP.



tl;dr: Another doomsayer whining.

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There has never been an active quality assurance system for this game. There may actually be a QA team, but they’re so not active it isn’t even funny. Even during beta they ignored the majority of reports and went ahead with whatever they wanted to do. Players knew what was wrong, told them, and they said sure, we’ll look into that and blithely kept at what they were doing.


I’d venture to say that 80% of all bugs going live were reported during beta, and after live going on were reported on PTS. And they still push the turds out. Now, I know some of my lasts posts have seemed and been on the whole negative. That’s because I’m getting to the end of my rope with leeway towards EA/BW and their continued mismanagement of this game I like to play.


I’m giving them until Makeb to get their act together. If that’s as bad as the last 6 patches, bug wise, not content, then I’m done and will go back to (blech) GW2 :( even though I like the story and game play here better, I’m so over dealing with this company.

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Mistakes happen. Anyone who played WoW for any length of time knows quite well how badly they've mangled some patches. It is what it is.


Yeah. The dumbing down of talent trees comes to mind, something they seem hell-bent on continuing to do. There does seem to be a disconnect between MMO developers and their audience.


Anyone whose played Champions Online or Star Trek Online knows that the hype & bug problems here are peanuts compared to those two games.


While this isn't the best MMO in existence, its far from the worst. Very far.


But, some of us are not looking for the best MMO, just the one we like. I like SW:TOR very much, as do my family and friends. They'll have to do something pretty major to screw it up for us, such as forcing people to spec in only one talent tree, or dumbing things down further, or taking out half the quests in the game.


As it stands, servers don't crash, the game works fine for me and my own, and we are having a blast with group content and our own custom missions that sometimes involve world PvP. :D


I do agree, though, the game would be so much better if it got the attention it deserved from developers. Sadly, the developers for this game have their hands tied by EA, rich people who sit up in a boardroom and have never touched a video game in their life, let alone an MMO. Too busy making money to actually test the very products they are pushing.


Greed. A never-ending path down a dark hole.

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Yeah. The dumbing down of talent trees comes to mind, something they seem hell-bent on continuing to do. There does seem to be a disconnect between MMO developers and their audience.


Anyone whose played Champions Online or Star Trek Online knows that the hype & bug problems here are peanuts compared to those two games.


While this isn't the best MMO in existence, its far from the worst. Very far.


But, some of us are not looking for the best MMO, just the one we like. I like SW:TOR very much, as do my family and friends. They'll have to do something pretty major to screw it up for us, such as forcing people to spec in only one talent tree, or dumbing things down further, or taking out half the quests in the game.


As it stands, servers don't crash, the game works fine for me and my own, and we are having a blast with group content and our own custom missions that sometimes involve world PvP. :D


I do agree, though, the game would be so much better if it got the attention it deserved from developers. Sadly, the developers for this game have their hands tied by EA, rich people who sit up in a boardroom and have never touched a video game in their life, let alone an MMO. Too busy making money to actually test the very products they are pushing.


Greed. A never-ending path down a dark hole.



A wise post, this is, hmmmm. Agree with you, I do :csw_yoda:

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where you will begin complaining on the fourms about the bugs in that game


Probably, but, at least they're making some effort in fixing theirs. BW/EA seem to think that new cartel packs and cash shop items are top priority, and bug fixes for long standing bugs is on the back burner.

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Don't we have a PTS? Why is everything so rushed (thus sloppy) in this game?


Older MMORPGs use to have a Live PTS that ran 24/7 and had a dedicated testing population, which would catch most things very early on in a patch development.


But MMORPGs management practices seem to have changed.


These days it only seems to be about catching (literally) game breaking bugs. Everything else gets pushed Live and fixed later (sooner or later, seemingly dependant on how bad the effect is and how hard it is to fix).


Personally I think this is a terrible way to go about things, but it does seem to be the way the software industry has gone. :(

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I agree that QA control seems to be nonexistent in this game.


Many players I know would happily go 6mo without content if they would spend that time instead fixing bugs.



Biggest ones are the things tied to the overall performance of the game. For the amount of shiny this game delivers, it eats far too many resources.

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EA fired all the Q&A testers a while back when down staffing.I mean how many month have

our companions been standing around with lightsabers thru their head ? And skills like vanguards

shock absorbers not working etc etc.But i see now they are looking for testers for Makeb

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