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To all those demanding for more story content...


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I appreciate that. But what I'm saying is that if the player base keeps demanding for more story content, new classes will never come.

I couldn't care less if new classes never come. I want story content for the class I already play!

I couldn't care less if new operations never come. I want story content for the class I already play!

I couldn't care less if new planets never come. I want story content for the class I already play!

I couldn't care less if new levels never come. I want story content for the class I already play!

I couldn't care less if new warzones never come. I want story content for the class I already play!

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The switch from 8 class stories to 2 factional "class" stories with Makeb should have helped them with this, it cut down the story content they had to produce by 75%.


it's not really a switch since this was probably planned from launch. Remember Makeb was originally supposed to come out in the first year.


They haven't said they are never doing class stories again. just not with Makeb.

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I appreciate that. But what I'm saying is that if the player base keeps demanding for more story content, new classes will never come.


The "player base" isn't demanding more story...several people are, not the whole base. I don't care if we ever get more "stoty" - stories end.

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it's not really a switch since this was probably planned from launch. Remember Makeb was originally supposed to come out in the first year.


They haven't said they are never doing class stories again. just not with Makeb.



Personally I don't think it was, certainly they may have realised it was going to be hard to deliver 8 class stories, and that would have become clearer and clearer once the game went Live.


But personally I doubt such a decision was taken until after 1.2 went Live at the earliest, it was from then that they started genuinely preparing for F2P (changing Makeb from a content patch to an adventure pack etc.).

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So which is it? Perfect what we have currently in place, or demand for more of the same?


Umm, what we already have failed, and failed hard. Doing more of the same and expecting a different result.... well, there's an old analogy about that.


Story content is nice, but has clearly shown it is not a viable alternative to actual MMO gameplay in an MMO game. Move the "story team" back to making officially solo games and hiring people with actual MMO design experience would be the logical path to take.

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Well, if that's true then it's just one of the many MMO tropes which make little to no sense.


As a Marketing Major I can tell you its not MMO trope. Try every other industry in the world as well (Sales, Marketing, Business Development, etc. for any industry)


Horizontal Progression, Expansion, or whatever you call it depending on your industry always means the same thing. The addition of products, features, or content that are separate and do not build off each other. This would be like adding a new class and minigames like Databeaver said.


Vertical progression, Expansion, etc. is building off existing products, features, or content and expanding them further. This would be things such as: Increasing the level cap, continuing class stories, etc.


Vertical is Depth of existing content (adding more to what already exists)

Horizontal is Breadth (Adding more separate things)

Edited by Terro_Fett
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Umm, what we already have failed, and failed hard. Doing more of the same and expecting a different result.... well, there's an old analogy about that.


Story content is nice, but has clearly shown it is not a viable alternative to actual MMO gameplay in an MMO game. Move the "story team" back to making officially solo games and hiring people with actual MMO design experience would be the logical path to take.


Because all MMOs have to be the same amiright?

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I couldn't care less if new classes never come. I want story content for the class I already play!

I couldn't care less if new operations never come. I want story content for the class I already play!

I couldn't care less if new planets never come. I want story content for the class I already play!

I couldn't care less if new levels never come. I want story content for the class I already play!

I couldn't care less if new warzones never come. I want story content for the class I already play!




if bw decide to drop the CLASS story line aka chapter 4, then im out. i dont want classes, op, fp or warzones; just class storylines.


the main promo line for swtor was for to experience my own personal story for my specific class, not generalize stories that any class can play

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I'm not necessarily saying that I'd want to see more classes, but I've seen a few good suggestions for additions:


1) Wookiee and Trandoshan. Sure, they're really species, but they'd be cool to play, regardless. I know there has been a lot of "Why can't I be a Wookiee?!?" whining, and at least one person reasonably suggested the Trandoshan as the dark side counter.


2) Droid-based story. Argue for or against, but some folk are interested in playing droids, and like a species like the Wookiee, the current structure doesn't support it.


Droid, Wookiee/Trandoshan, or just Wookiee might be easier than a totally new "regular" class because they could make use of many existing abilities, just in potentially different combinations. In theory, these could also be "Fringe" classes, so any could be done without a balancing factor.


3) "Leader" classes. Although it would be an incredible headache from a gameplay viewpoint, the Star Wars icons that we really haven't seen represented as leaders (political or military). Republic Noble and Imperial Officer, perhaps?


(Again, I'm not saying I want these--although I wouldn't mind 'em--just that there are still legitimate options to explore).


Personally, if there's one thing I'd like to see changed or added, it would be missions that mix in starship combat. Instead of "Well, it was a really tough fight to get to this evil space station," let's PLAY the fight. Or missions where you have to rescue folk on the ground then escape in a ship.


Full disclosure: I LIKE the starship missions as they currently exist ("on the rails") and I think that approach would work well for something like this, and would not handicap players who don't want to participate heavily in starship combat.


To some extent, BioWare has mirrored this is MASS EFFECT, where there are missions where you have to use your vehicle, but at times you need to disembark to deal with stuff on a more personal level.

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It is easy to criticize but how could one cost effectively make new content for established classes and more classes that would integrate well into the established system?


I had grand delusional hopes that the increase in Hutt storylines for a long time might be a lead in to make a new faction that introduced an undercaste of new classes, such as (spitballing here) Mercenary (Aim), Fringer (Cunning), Force Savage (Str), and Force Adept (Will). With storylines of criminal organisations and working under Imperial and Republic radar, voice work dominated by aliens (for appropriate flavor not cost savings), that would run with stories onto some of the established progression worlds with a raider or being hunted feel, and new worlds for this faction would have areas for high level to be recycled to give an act 4 to new and old classes.


Incredable development cost would of course be needed, not like there is any reason the next two years might be big for all starwars franchises, but new material and breaking in a third faction for PVP would be nice.


Ofcourse given the nature of the end of each classes act three... I don't know why I still believe enough to hope they ever plan for class based storylines post 50.

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...Operations, flashpoints, class missions, etc...


I just want to let you know that the more they feed us this stuff, the less liable they are to refine the existing game.

Also, the less likely we are to ever see new classes (Sith Alchemist, Voss, what have you...).


So which is it? Perfect what we have currently in place, or demand for more of the same?


Huge assumption that the folks working on adding 'this stuff' work on the same team as content designers. How do you know this is the case and how do you know that working on 'this stuff' will negatively impact new game content? Insider info, you're a Bioware employee?


Oh, and in before follow-on posts that claim the negative impact is obvious..........really? Evidence versus opinion?

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The "player base" isn't demanding more story...several people are, not the whole base. I don't care if we ever get more "stoty" - stories end.


You may be right, but I have see threads asking for more story content, and warzones, and swoop racing, and pazaak, but I don’t remember seeing any asking for new classes (not counting this one). In fact I do remember some threads talk about how some players didn’t want to play a new class and go back through all the planet missions just to see the class story. Now I’m not saying that there is no demand for new classes, I’m just saying that I haven’t seen them.

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They ONLY thing that will determine if, when, and / or how much new content we see, be it new stories, new classes or whatever else could be added, is whether or not EA believes investing in SWTOR will generate acceptable returns on investment with acceptable risks.
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Lets face it, none of us are CEOs or Producers of this game so we can't dictate whether or not they will have a new class, story, pvp or whatever. Also I wouldn't necessarily write off a new class never being made at all yet until Bioware says so.


Besides that it would be in their best interest to create at least 1 new class, but I doubt it will come without an expansion, especially with their new F2P system. The F2P system states that you can play 1-50 for free, now what if in order to play a new class you have to be a subscriber. This would then somehow encourage people to become subscribers. Same with new story content and going above level 50. You want access to Makeb as a F2P player, you are going to have to pay for it.

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In English you can demand more or ask for more. You do not demand for more.


English lesson done.


Back on topic:


Bugs are part of any MMO. It's an ongoing thing and some bugs are just extremely hard to trace and fix. Resources are always limited. Also new content is needed because bugs or not, content gets stale and people want new things to do at some point. So you simply can't ask them to stop adding new content.


Besides not everybody is as upset at the bugs as you are and you are not the only player to consider here.


For class stories I think people overreact.


The stories ar not that much of a deal to add new character classes. Sure, there's some work involved, but let's be honest. Each planet only has 4-5 class quests. The vast majority of quests are not class specific. Doesn't mean they will add more classes, but it's also not as much work as some people think it might be. The balancing and identification of the classes is more of a thing, but also that has been done before.


I don't know exactly what Makeb will bring story wise. Maybe the point is that at this stage every story line is being tied together. That could also be interesting. Or maybe it's just a sidestep and not the continuation of the main storyline...I just don't know.

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I can't say I care about new classes, myself. I don't really see the need and I can see it causing a world of problems with game balance. Don't really want the game changed that much, either. There were a lot of things I liked better in beta, like area targeting without those god-awful, inexplicable bright green circles of whatever that is and the fact that the game keeps getting easier. Story content is really all I want to see added, personally. Oh, sure, I'd like to see a nightmare mode that added random mobs that were harder to kill or something, but I don't really see the need for large scale changes.
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For class stories I think people overreact.


The stories ar not that much of a deal to add new character classes. Sure, there's some work involved, but let's be honest. Each planet only has 4-5 class quests. The vast majority of quests are not class specific. Doesn't mean they will add more classes, but it's also not as much work as some people think it might be. The balancing and identification of the classes is more of a thing, but also that has been done before.



2 Main voice actors (male and female), 3 dialogue options per dialogue choice x hundres of dialogues (+all the shared quests/flashpoints in the game) + 5 unique companions and their voice actors + dozens of unique NPCs in the story + their voice actors. ( + different languages ex: German )


Cutscenes/instances/battles need to be written, designed and created. Fleets/orbital stations/spaceports need new docking bays for each new ship. Starter planets, new animations, new gear, new armor, new weapons


I could go on but I am stoppping here...

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2 Main voice actors (male and female), 3 dialogue options per dialogue choice x hundres of dialogues (+all the shared quests/flashpoints in the game) + 5 unique companions and their voice actors + dozens of unique NPCs in the story + their voice actors. ( + different languages ex: German )


Cutscenes/instances/battles need to be written, designed and created. Fleets/orbital stations/spaceports need new docking bays for each new ship. Starter planets, new animations, new gear, new armor, new weapons


I could go on but I am stoppping here...


Yep, it's actually MORE work than people think it is, not less. This doesn't even mention the need to create all new abilities and combat styles that are different enough from existing ones to be worthwhile or the fact that all classes would have to be rebalanced for pvp.

Edited by errant_knight
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The "player base" isn't demanding more story...several people are, not the whole base. I don't care if we ever get more "stoty" - stories end.


I'm gonna have to go with Tux on this one. I enjoyed the story content but I like the idea of Makeb only being a faction story line. It actually makes quite a bit of sense form a story telling perspective actually. There's a new threat rising in the galaxy and so the Republic/Empire gets their respective best of the best together to go take care of it.


I really have fun playing this game so if they make Makeb with only faction wide quests I'm gonna do them. If they continue the classes stories I will play through them. If they stop story all together and release only WZ's. FP's and Ops I will play those too.

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Yep, it's actually MORE work than people think it is, not less. This doesn't even mention the need to create all new abilities and combat styles that are different enough from existing ones to be worthwhile or the fact that all classes would have to be rebalanced for pvp.


Thats the issue with these forums and people in general. Everyone thinks they are programmers and finnancial analyst that thinks their opinions really matters and is fact.

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I'm gonna have to go with Tux on this one. I enjoyed the story content but I like the idea of Makeb only being a faction story line. It actually makes quite a bit of sense form a story telling perspective actually. There's a new threat rising in the galaxy and so the Republic/Empire gets their respective best of the best together to go take care of it.


I really have fun playing this game so if they make Makeb with only faction wide quests I'm gonna do them. If they continue the classes stories I will play through them. If they stop story all together and release only WZ's. FP's and Ops I will play those too.


Exactly! I loved the class stories leveling up...but I've played it. Now I'd like group stories that I can repeat and do with other players...like FP's, Ops, WZ's. 1-50, the story was AMAZING and I've always maintained that they did a great job of sucking me into actually WANTING to kill 15 Tuskins!


But now that I've been at 50 for 11 months, I kinda want "stuff to do" more than I want a single planet, class specific, story. My class story is what I do every day AT 50 these days. I fight for my faction, not a promotion. Point me towards the Imps and the Gree and I'll take care of the rest.

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You do realize how the make up of game companies works right? Content designers don't do bug fixes, and coders generally don't design content. Companies have both, so both get worked on, not one or the other.


People who have only worked in Fast Food don't understand that most companies are compartmentalized and have teams designated to work on certain tasks. They think because when its needed you can move from Register to Fryer to Grill that all companies work that way.

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Exactly! I loved the class stories leveling up...but I've played it. Now I'd like group stories that I can repeat and do with other players...like FP's, Ops, WZ's. 1-50, the story was AMAZING and I've always maintained that they did a great job of sucking me into actually WANTING to kill 15 Tuskins!


But now that I've been at 50 for 11 months, I kinda want "stuff to do" more than I want a single planet, class specific, story. My class story is what I do every day AT 50 these days. I fight for my faction, not a promotion. Point me towards the Imps and the Gree and I'll take care of the rest.


Tux, get out of my head!!!!:D


I think it'll be nice to have everyone on the planet doing the same thing. They'll be no reason to not group up with everyone. Everyone working towards one goal like we are part of some sort faction or something and not lone heroes off doing whatever.

Edited by Capt_Beers
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...Operations, flashpoints, class missions, etc...


I just want to let you know that the more they feed us this stuff, the less liable they are to refine the existing game.

Also, the less likely we are to ever see new classes (Sith Alchemist, Voss, what have you...).


So which is it? Perfect what we have currently in place, or demand for more of the same?


many of us can put up with some minor imperfections in the game, but not haveing ANY new content is gonna make the game get boreing after awhile.

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