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Phantom and Spymaster gear changes


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They don't need permission to do anything they want anytime they want. It's their property and we own absolutely nothing. Also they stated it was incorrect and that it's supposed to look like the artwork and they made it look as advertised.


Technically, legally true. Really bad practice though somewhat akin to the argument that microsoft can delete your copy of Office at any time because they own it. They can but they won't because no sane company would.

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I am not suprise if we will have this old-version Phantom chest in another carten set that cost 1440 cc ;)


I jokingly said in guild chat last night that considing how different the two versions look I bet that the old look was actually supposed to be for a different set.


the more I think about it I think I'm actually correct in that assumption.


and even if not, this outcry shows bioware what a lot of the player really want - and where the money's at.



I've been trying to find a suiting outfit for my shadow forever, especially since for the longest time I had to deal with the pain of not even being able to use a headset at all even though my char is 'only' a miraluka and they look almost 100% identical to humans - so having no way not to have a hood down(or rather gone)


I can 'tolerate' that the new phantom chestpiece has a hood.

I can 'tolerate' that the new phantom chestpiece has that stupid red dot that ruins my otherwise black and white look

I can 'tolerate' the ridiculous shoulderpats

I can 'tolerate' that the new version of the chestpiece looks almost exactly like a redyed version of another set that is already in the cartel shop (the one with the red chestpiece, forgot what it's called)


what I have a problem with is that it's all of this at once, I paid for this, I bound it to my character and have since modded and augmented it (and changed mods around when I got updates, obviously)

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Actually, I'm NOT going to spend a single penny on new Cartel Coins anymore unless I get my old items back again, FREE OF CHARGE. I am even considering canceling my subscription. What's next? An update to my Phantom Starship because someone found some promo art where it's purple? The things I try to aquire in game simply no longer hold any value after this mess. It's all meaningless, and I don't even enjoy spending time without purpose.

My characters and companions that used the changed pieces are now wearing either Revans' Chestpiece or some Elegant Loungewear, eventhough it totally mismatches the rest of their outfit or class. The outfits I put together before at least made SENSE. But if that's what the developers want, that's what they get: Bikini Wars instead of Star Wars. Plenty of people were probably already annoyed by all the kids dressing their companions in bikinis. Well, this change just added more companions and playercharacters to fuel their grief.



To sum it up what has happaned past month with recent updates is that for some reason Bioware has sold or put into cartel market items that were buggy actually according to patch notes. That is big issue and seems QA wasnt done at all. Bioware was silent and didnt say a thing but now fixed it.

That signals clearly that whatever you buy from cartel market or get from boxes might be buggy and change later on.


Thats what has to be stopped and debated not make hundreds of threads of each armor item. They wont change back nothing im afraid

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All right folks, I talked to our developers and got some clarification:


  • The Revan outfit was adjusted to look more like Revan’s armor in the game.
  • The Spymaster and the Phantom outfits were both adjusted to look more like their advertised appearance in the Cartel Market, after we received more than a few remarks about this dissimilarity. This is to ensure that customers receive the advertised appearance.
  • The Stylish Dancer Outfit (white) is in the Blockade Runner pack, but it was mistakenly used on the Skip Tracer pack art. The Fancy Reveler Outfit is red and included in the Skip Tracer pack. The artwork for the Skip Tracer pack will be updated to show the appropriate outfit in a future patch.

We apologize for any inconvenience. In the future, we will ensure that all assets are in alignment on the Cartel Market. The final products are meant to look like the advertised art.


That is from the dev tracker.. Thought you all would be interested..

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I for one prefer the new phantom chest piece due to the fact the juggernauts can finally use something more traditional (That is black) when it comes to robe design rather than huge spikes/shoulder pads.


I also understand the concerns others have so can we please have a variation of both? maybe has a small tickbox to change the visual appearance of it?

Edited by micnevv
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That is from the dev tracker.. Thought you all would be interested..


So in one case they changed the armor to look like the advertised artwork and in the other they're going to change the advertised artwork to match the armor set.



Edited by Belacose
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That is from the dev tracker.. Thought you all would be interested..

Interresting how they call the 5 people in that thread who asked for the change (in a rather general way, only 2 of them specifically asking for the Phantom change, one of those two posting PRIOR to the moderators' reply) "more than a few", and blatently ignore the 9 people who ask SPECIFICALLY for the Phantom set to NOT be changed. Yes, I did actually go and make a headcount.

Obviously, there's even more people here who did NOT want the change and only 6-7 more at best who are happy with it.

Edited by AsheraII
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It doesn't matter how many people they pissed of when there were numerous ways with same amount of labour they wouldn't have pissed (more) anybody.


Stupid move, all around.

Edited by FINNT
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I LOVE the changes, BUT, they need to get rid of the rear but cape as it clips through the robe.


This problem is particularly egregious for me because, while I can forgive items that clip with another item due to all the different possible combination of gear pieces, the Preceptor chest piece clipping with itself is just hopeless.

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So in one case they changed the armor to look like the advertised artwork and in the other they're going to change the advertised artwork to match the armor set.




Consistency FTW right? The lasting effect is to make people twitchy about buying CM products as they can be changed without notice or recourse.

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I for one prefer the new phantom chest piece due to the fact the juggernauts can finally use something more traditional (That is black) when it comes to robe design rather than huge spikes/shoulder pads.


I also understand the concerns others have so can we please have a variation of both? maybe has a small tickbox to change the visual appearance of it?

Interresting suggestion. Such a tickbox could actually double for hood up / hood down versions on other items.

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Interresting how they call the 5 people in that thread who asked for the change (in a rather general way, only 2 of them specifically asking for the Phantom change, one of those two posting PRIOR to the moderators' reply) "more than a few", and blatently ignore the 9 people who ask SPECIFICALLY for the Phantom set to NOT be changed. Yes, I did actually go and make a headcount.

Obviously, there's even more people here who did NOT want the change and only 6-7 more at best who are happy with it.


So you're saying that "that thread" was the only thread and/or posts on the subject?

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Majority of players don't really care. A few people just disliked the changes. But there were threads on here before asking why people spent money on visuals, and the armor didn't reflect that.


Honestly, why do we have to whine about everything. BW messed up, and fixed it. It's not a PR nightmare, because most people don't give to craps about the changes. I find the changes to be better, as the other armor was boring and uninteresting.

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Consistency FTW right? The lasting effect is to make people twitchy about buying CM products as they can be changed without notice or recourse.




ya, from now on I'll be wary about purchasing any released cartel market armor that doesn't match the artwork.

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Consistency FTW right? The lasting effect is to make people twitchy about buying CM products as they can be changed without notice or recourse.


Well, it means that I won't be buying anything from the Cash Shop or Cash Shop items from the GTN in future. I hope they don't touch the fabulous pink speeder :/

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I've never in my life seen such outrage over fleshing out flat, painted on armor.


If Bioware does anything now, they need to release a painted on chest piece for the people complaining. I love all of the new looks and I bought several sets yesterday due to said new looks. I don't want them to change them back.

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Considering the promo was the intended version, that's what they delivered on. It's false advertising to those who bought the packs before BW acknowledged they were incorrect if BW didn't fix it so they did.



The artists rendering of the cartel pack did not say "this is what the Phantom chest will look like". It did not even say that the black robe (without a hood btw) in the picture was the phantom chest. It did not say the phantom chest does not look like what you just looked at on the GTN and bought 10 cartel packs to get. IF the artists rendition was the intended version, than how did something COMPLETELY different end up in the game?


Besides that I don't give a flying **** what was intended, I purchased a good looking chest piece and ended up with something that looks like crap.

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If Bioware does anything now, they need to release a painted on chest piece for the people complaining. I love all of the new looks and I bought several sets yesterday due to said new looks. I don't want them to change them back.


Phantom Chest V1 and Phantom Chest V2, I don't see why Bioware are making it so difficult for themselves.

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Folks, I just wanted to let you know that I have been reading all of your comments and I will be sharing your feedback with the developers. If I have any new information, I will post here. Please remember to stay on topic in this thread, and report any Terms of Service violations. Thank you for your patience.


Greetings JovethGonzalez, and thank you for taking this up with the DEV's. And here is my rant on the topic:


I am faithfull subscriber and have been here since the beta and early access in december 2011.


And even tho this is just cosmetic and not game breaking, it has realy upset me how BW and the DEV's has handeld this.


At the release of patch 1.6 i bought a large number of cartelcoins, for two reasons: First i wanted to get the The Valiant Jedi gear, and secondly to buy packs in hope of geting Revans Mask. I had no luck with Revans Mask, but in one of the Cartel Packs i got the Phantom Helmet. Oh what a cool looking peice, this and the rest of the Phantom set could look real good on my Shadow i thought. So i checked the GTN(in game preview) on how the rest of the set would look on my shadow, and i realy liked the look so i spent a large amount of credits to get the Chest, Gloves, Legs and Boots.


This is how it looked pre patch 1.6.2:





I soooo liked the look, and started to get some other gear that would match and give it a litle more unique look , such as belts and legs(instead of the skirt). The look i managed to get, was a sort of 'dark sexy biker ninja catsuit' look, in my opinion the perfect Shadow Infiltraitor look! I even got the Lhosan Manta speeder, cause with its black and grey look it would suit my Shadow with the Phantom gear. And gues what, i got loads of positvie feedback from both my Guild, friends and random players on my server.


Well now after the deplyment of patch 1.6.2, this is how the Phantom set looks now:





Now the DEV's have completly ruined the look i spent time, ingame credits and even some IRL money to get. Even tho there is a large number of players cross the classes and faction, who got it because of the pre-patch look, the DEV's claim that the Phantom chest, gloves and boots had a unintentional look so it was fixed in this patch. Well you shouldnt have changed the look on the set, you should of added a new set with an offer for the ones who wanted to change to the post-patch look.


Like i said, its just cosmetic, but i do feel robbed and... eh... violated. Its as if i went to my tailor, ordered and got a new suit. After some time my tailor put up a small Post-It back in his office, mentioning that he will make some changes to the suit. Then all of the sudden, in the middle of the night, my tailor snuck in to my home and changed the look on my new suit to something that i didnt want.


Well my rant is over for now. And i hope BW will sort this out for us who want the pre-patch 1.6.2 look.


And... Help me JovethGonzalez, you are my only hope.



Edited by PeterGun-SWE
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i'm continually dissapointed by the people of this thread.


Those of you who bought this item on the GTN, you're not losing anything, your credits aren't real and you can get those back pretty damned easily. But those items had to get to the GTN... how did they get there? mostly from dissapointed customers paying REAL money for the packs to get these items, only to find they're not what we were after in the first place.


Yes, we sold them on, for credits, a digital currency with no real world exchange value. Does that get our ACTUAL money back? no.


They fixed the issue for the people who actually dropped tangible funds, as it should be. And if you bought the packs to get the items for their incorrect appearances, shame on you for not doing your research before parting with your cash. It took two minutes for me to find out a fix was coming for these items, and so i hung on to mine. Heck, i even bought more since the fix was put in to get the trailblazer set, as i said earlier in the thread.


Unless your disappointed purchase took place in the days immediately following the release of the cartel packs I would say shame on you for not taking 15 seconds to check what the armor looked like on the GTN before dropping your 'tangible funds'.


But I guess that explains why cartel packs keep popping up on the GTN. People obviously purchased them and then discovered the armor they were hoping for didn't look quite as they expected it would. Certainly nobody would be so crass as to try and use them to convert 'tangible funds' into credits that aren't even real. Oh wait..


The true victims here are the people who held onto the armor waiting for the change. If they had been truly prescient they would have sold them on the GTN prior to the change then bought them back in a few days time. I predict that would have made them a tidy profit. Ah well, it is only credits after all.

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I've never in my life seen such outrage over fleshing out flat, painted on armor.


If Bioware does anything now, they need to release a painted on chest piece for the people complaining. I love all of the new looks and I bought several sets yesterday due to said new looks. I don't want them to change them back.

Some people like simple things. There are already a LOT of equipment things covered with boxes, tubes, spikes, unbrellas and other embellishments. But very few simple things. These were some of the very few, and loved for their simplicity. These few exceptions made a LOT of people very happy.

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