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Lol that would definitely be funny if they did that. they'd lose out on comms as well as XP. Still kind of silly to twink anyway. may as well just do PvP at 50, or just delete the toon and start PvP'ing from 10 again. (depending on if you prefer low level PvP Vs 50)
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In theory, you could leave the Warzone just before it ends, and receive no experience from it. I don't think I've ever seen that happen, though.


That's what the "professionals" I mentioned do. A few mins before end they ride off into the sunset, leaving flares and chat one-liners in their wake.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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To be a twink, that basically means you spent credits (or crafting materials) making a bunch of lvl 40+ purple armoring, plus mods or enhancers, plus you probably yanked a mod or enhancer (not sure which one has expertise on it) from enough weapons to fill your gear. That's 7 slots, so (7 x 900 comms per weapon), which is 6300 comms, just so you could beat up f2p lowbies for a week or so until you hit 50. Am I right? Or is there something more to gain by doing this?


I have to imagine they will miss those 6300 comms when they hit 50.


My alts are in purples for every level possible to run my class quests faster because I got a cyber/arms/bio/art. So there is nothing wrong with having purples @40+.


Intentionally quitting a WZ to avoid gaining XP ( to avoid the 50 bracket) is really what twinking is...


And I do <3 twinks, because they put my self-esteem on autocrit...

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personally, i dont quest with my alts

as soon as i got the four buffs across legacy i rarely, if ever, go to another planet

i have a very limited amount of time to play swtor


therefore, i have decided to level all my alts exclusively in warzones

i do not consider myself a twink - i do not have bis for every piece of gear

i do try to get the best gear i can every 5 levels or so- lots of purples with a blue tossed in here or there

i keep my purple skill stim up to date for my sniper (most current toon leveling in wz;s)

my hp on my sniper is roughly 14.5 to 15.5k


the reason for doing this is simple

since i spend all my play time in wz's and i only pug i need to have to best possible chance i can give myself


fwiw i have seen a assassin tank with 19.5k hp and a jugg tank at 20k

these games are a blast to play if the other side has a couple of geared out toons as well


i learned early on in my mmo life that if one cant beat a twink best to try and get as geared as they are especially if one likes to play pvp

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I was accused of this the other day on my 38 PT, bolstered approx. 16k health. He's the last of the four imperial classes I have headed for level 50 for me.


It happend after a huttball match in which we won against another imperial team, shortly after the match I was spam whispered from an enraged individual things like, "twink moar noob", "must be fun pwning in that OP gear" and so on. I really attempted to ask questions and reason with this person but the insults just continued.


Moving on...


So, I went to the forums to see if twinking was a real problem in this game and it dosen't seem to be prevelant, but my concern is that many of us who have played since launch have about every relevent craft and crafting pattern from leveling so many characters and more credits than things to spend them on.


So why shouldn't I gear my guy out it certainly makes the class story questing and FP's easier and faster. Warzones I am certainly more competetive but I have no intention of staying at level 49 I want to enjoy him at lvl 50 both pvp and pve.


With that said that makes me a twink? Wow!

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To be a twink, that basically means you spent credits (or crafting materials) making a bunch of lvl 40+ purple armoring, plus mods or enhancers, plus you probably yanked a mod or enhancer (not sure which one has expertise on it) from enough weapons to fill your gear. That's 7 slots, so (7 x 900 comms per weapon), which is 6300 comms, just so you could beat up f2p lowbies for a week or so until you hit 50. Am I right? Or is there something more to gain by doing this?


I have to imagine they will miss those 6300 comms when they hit 50.


The comms aren't really important when you know what you're doing. When I hit level 40 I started trading comms for ranked comms and had more than enough to have a fresh 50 decently geared for PvP.


Idreddhen-50 mar

Beskoda-50 Assassin

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Well, this is a complicated issue. People who leave WZs so they do not get the exp. just suck. On the other hand you have someone who is leveling an alternative, with unlimited credits and need to make the 4,000 RWZ commendations and 2,750 WZ commendations in the least amount of time possible, and is forced to only do it after level 40.


My recent alternative I leveled, above 40, I made sure I had top gear at w/e level am at, to win as much games as possible (thus playing the least amount of games possible) to get all my WZ commendations before I turn 50. You need to get 13,500 WZ commendations (4,500 RWZs commendations x3), assuming you saved up max commendations before level 40 (2,750). If you are getting 120 WZ commendations a game, that's roughly 113 games.I spent at least 40-50% of my leveling time above 40 in WZs. I have much more experience than someone new to PvP, I am higher level (+40) and have much more resources (50 alternatives, credits, materials, etc...) thus much better gear. Result? One sided WZs. Am I to blame? I need to be as competitive as possible at level 50 so...


Again WZ leavers are just suckers who do not want to play at any competitive level. I think there should be some sort of a penalty for leaving WZs (5 min lockout), and this will solve the issue of people leaving. For people trying to get commendations, make RWZ commendation available at level 10 and people will not be forced to do most of the PVP at level 40. Yes, you can significantly gear up a level 20 toon, but how much damage can they do compared to a level 40+ well geared toon?

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I wish people twinked on the Pub side on my server. Leveling up a Vanguard and we lose 9/10 WZs and they arent even close. I have 127 MVP votes capped my comms and only 12 wins. Thats just pathetic. Oh well at least once I hit 50 we win 9/10 so I guess its better to win more at 50 anyways. Edited by Dabrixmgp
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I was accused of this the other day on my 38 PT, bolstered approx. 16k health. He's the last of the four imperial classes I have headed for level 50 for me.


It happend after a huttball match in which we won against another imperial team, shortly after the match I was spam whispered from an enraged individual things like, "twink moar noob", "must be fun pwning in that OP gear" and so on. I really attempted to ask questions and reason with this person but the insults just continued.


Moving on...


So, I went to the forums to see if twinking was a real problem in this game and it dosen't seem to be prevelant, but my concern is that many of us who have played since launch have about every relevent craft and crafting pattern from leveling so many characters and more credits than things to spend them on.


So why shouldn't I gear my guy out it certainly makes the class story questing and FP's easier and faster. Warzones I am certainly more competetive but I have no intention of staying at level 49 I want to enjoy him at lvl 50 both pvp and pve.


With that said that makes me a twink? Wow!


I would say they don't know the definition of twinking. I was under the impression twinking was placing all lv 49 mods in your gear and grinding out multiple level 46-48 weapons for the expertise enhancements. Then leaving WZ before they ended so they wouldn't level to 50. BTW is there a bigger waste of comms than doing this? That's 900 comms times 7 slots to waste on gear that's obsolete in 50 pvp.


I would hardly call someone who uses all the purple mods/gear they can, no matter what level, a 'twink'. If that's the case then I have been 'twinking' all along.


I don't think this is an epidemic, but I have seen this behavior in some WZ from level 49 teammates leaving at the last second. The best is when they gain XP in the middle of a WZ and level to 50. Though this would depend on that toon having never armed a door/capped a node/scored in huttball. etc.


I bet the new WZ ruined a few twinks when it first came out. hehe.

Edited by Ridickilis
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Again, the minimal amount of expertise gained from stacking the weapon's mod (with two black/green 31 exp crystals from the rakghoul thing, the cartel market didn't exist yet) yielded no noticeable difference. 5-8% extra damage and resistance? Okay, not too bad. But...


You have what, ~300 bonus dmg in lowbie pvp in average gear? Optimize your gear. Now what's it at? Exactly. Saw a Mara the other day that had over 450 bonus dmg (was smash so didn't really need anything else, surge was 78%) at level 44. Sin that had 400 with 96% acc, 38% crit and 74% surge (normally 250-350, whatever for accuracy, 25-30% crit and sub 70% surge). My own sin is sitting around 370 w/stim, 95 28 72 in gear from the 30s at level 45.


I'm pretty sure I've seen that Sage above with 1400 main stat hit for like half my health with FiB/DF. Definitely got pwnt by pebble stream more than once that game too. Pretty awesome. Really enjoy playing against premades of twinks. Makes the lowbie bracket wayyyy more interesting.


Went the expertise route with my Sent because I had no other characters and no money on Fatman when I rerolled. Now I have a little bit of money and alts with crafting skills. Sin has been pretty well geared out from the get go and the Mara I just made is in similar shape.


Do have to say I wish so many people weren't rerolling mercs/commandos and VGs right now. Way too many commandos. VGs seem to do nothing but grapple all day in the lowbie bracket. lol


Lowbie bracket just seems more fun. Less people smashing, less dying in one stun, way less bubble blind spam. Way easier to tell good players from bads.

Edited by Racter
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VGs seem to do nothing but grapple all day in the lowbie bracket. lol


I cant for the life of me figure this one out. I have been grappled and then they dont do anything else. No attacks. I mean I at least expect a stockstrike in the face upon being grappled but it never comes.

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I'm sorry but this thread reminds me of one of the most epic posts I've read on this forum.


Quote: Originally Posted by fungihoujo

Fatman server presents, real pvpers of genius.

'real pvpers of geniuuuus'


Today we salute you, mister really really really low level noob pwner.

'mister really really really low level noob pwner!'


Fully organized, you sit at the top level of your bracket and crush people who are still trying to decide which AC to take.

'don't pick commando'

You brag about your kills like a bunch of frat buddies who just got a cheerleader to come to your party, a cheerleader named Darthselenagomez.

'I swear I thought she was level 19, officer!'


You ripped expertise mods from enough weapons to fill every piece of gear, because no advantage is too great when you're facing someone who bought the game yesterday.

'who's the tough guy now?'

But wait, after level 49 it is over- the level 50 nooblets proclaim. Not to worry. You've found a way to beat the system by ducking out of the match like some kind of Houdini at the last moment.

'stick it to the maaaaaan!'


So crack open an ice cold shockfrozen water mister noob slayer, because your dedication to maximizing yourself against players who can't tell a guardian from a sage is why you put the win, in twink.

'mister really really really low level noob pwner....'


Holy moly that was amazing lol!

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Lol that would definitely be funny if they did that. they'd lose out on comms as well as XP. Still kind of silly to twink anyway. may as well just do PvP at 50, or just delete the toon and start PvP'ing from 10 again. (depending on if you prefer low level PvP Vs 50)


No you're not understanding why they twink. They simply do it to completely steamroll anyone in their path then leave before it's finished. To them the joy of destroying four people in about ten seconds makes them giggle so they want to do it over and over and over and over again.


They really can care less for comms, XP, medals or credits as they more than likely have a main that generates most if not all of the accounts income. The joy comes when you have the level 12 xXXSkywalkerXXx get slaughtered something so fierce he refuses to leave the starting zone.


Also the worst twink I've seen was a PT Pyrotech stimmed with almost 1700 aim at 49 OUCH!!! If I can find his vid I'll post it. Just completely shreds the opposing team. Like ... just ... man I felt bad for the other guys,.

Edited by DigitalDreamz
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I came across two full purple 49's and one full purple 45 as I was leveling my most recent char. None of them quit out of the warzone so I wouldnt refer to them as twinks. I was never in full purple but I did keep most of my gear up to par (often through planetary comms) and was quite frequently the best geared player on my team. Took 4,9K smashes on a couple of occassions so not sure how geared those maras were. My record from lowbie (always soloing) to dinging 50 was:

103 games played

94 wins

Top dps in 95 games (second place in the remaining 8. Felt like I could have taken the top spot in the majority of these games too but it was in games where I knew I had decent team mates, which allowed me to go solo raiding a node instead of watching out for my team mates in the zerg).

Edited by Washingtoon
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