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I think if there was more of an expectation that your non-optimized, not perfectly composed team of rather good (but not uber-elite) players would face a similar team when the queue pops instead of the server best team who 3-caps everyone, more people would queue up.
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I wouldn't play a lick of normals if I actually could get Ranked games everyday. Ranked is far too uncommon, and needs to change.


Ranked Changes:


*Separate Daily/Weekly with higher payouts than Normals

*Change the "Rated" gear (as well as add "Rated" pieces that are missing) to be BtL (so alt toons can be ready for any team composition issues).

*Add further incentives for individual actions, in the team environment, to give individual ratings(preventing/executing caps, stopping a ball carrier, "saving a teammate").

*Come up with some reasonable team rating system besides W-L("We got the servers highest rating", but ever hear of something called SOS).


Normal Changes:

*Gear "restrictor plate" (recruit v EWH is faceroll)

*3-Man(max)(& logic to disallow 2EA 3-Man on a side until a certain time threshold is met: ie. matchmaking)

*Add further incentives for individual actions, in the team environment, to give individual ratings(preventing/executing caps, stopping a ball carrier, "saving a teammate").





And over both.... Class Balance. I could care less that there are 4 Pyros on a team, but 4 Pyros is just faceroll right now...

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To much drama and elitists attitudes comes with rateds, at the current state its no longer fun

I would like to see 4 man ques only allowed, because making a new team of 8 who doesnt quit when loosing in the beginning is not an easy task.

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I have never been in a premade, ever....


I have been grinding for a while, I usually get stomped more often than not. But guess what?


I have been getting better, I have been learning, I have been getting medals, gearing, re-gearing, winning, and losing some more.


My point being this, many have made valid points about always getting headstompped, or always facerolling pugs, or some basic problems with how things work. Conversely, some arguments would not even last a Kindergarrten recess discussion. But if you were not having some level of fun, would you still be playing? Play to have fun, play to get better, Play because you feel like it.


If you are getting stomped find a way to profit from it. If a premade is mashing your day, figure out how to get better. Think of it as someone teaching you the hard way. If you are a premade, use good sportsmanship. Point out a tip or two, or at least thank your opponents for the time they are investing playing you.


No matter what you opinion is it all comes down to one thing. If EA pulls the plug, you PVP or PVE no one. (At least in this game.) I for one will continue to get stunned, split open, and crack open as many heads as I can while it lasts.

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I wouldn't play a lick of normals if I actually could get Ranked games everyday. Ranked is far too uncommon, and needs to change.


Ranked Changes:


*Separate Daily/Weekly with higher payouts than Normals

*Change the "Rated" gear (as well as add "Rated" pieces that are missing) to be BtL (so alt toons can be ready for any team composition issues).

*Add further incentives for individual actions, in the team environment, to give individual ratings(preventing/executing caps, stopping a ball carrier, "saving a teammate").

*Come up with some reasonable team rating system besides W-L("We got the servers highest rating", but ever hear of something called SOS).


Normal Changes:

*Gear "restrictor plate" (recruit v EWH is faceroll)

*3-Man(max)(& logic to disallow 2EA 3-Man on a side until a certain time threshold is met: ie. matchmaking)

*Add further incentives for individual actions, in the team environment, to give individual ratings(preventing/executing caps, stopping a ball carrier, "saving a teammate").





And over both.... Class Balance. I could care less that there are 4 Pyros on a team, but 4 Pyros is just faceroll right now...


Here is a simple change to get you opponents:


Patch 1.X:




*Groups can now only queue for ranked warzones.

*PVP abilty changes rolled back to 1.1.5


Boom, PVP fixed.

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Because it's more fun to play a close, competetive game than faceroll pugs all the time.

Also, ranked comms for faster gearing up


I agree with this completely. However, there are those people out there that were complaining about the lower WH to EWH gear gap, an apparently they like beating on people in recruit gear and call that good times.


But it's the same as the class balance issue, not being addressed.


Think about it: When something is broken, especially a product or service you are paying actual money for, it needs to be fixed right? How does this not get addressed here with BW? What are they doing with ppl's money, because it sure isn't going into QoL for the players.

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Here is a simple change to get you opponents:


Patch 1.X:




*Groups can now only queue for ranked warzones.

*PVP abilty changes rolled back to 1.1.5


Boom, PVP fixed.


You can't prevent groups from regs... Not all groups are geared and in the same guilds, if I am premading with ungeared guildies, what is "wrong" with that (please don't mention chat)?


Limits on number in a group = Yes

No groups = No



but I do agree with the roll back... I miss situational adrenals and on-use relics. It gave my DPS Sage viability...

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You can't prevent groups from regs... Not all groups are geared and in the same guilds, if I am premading with ungeared guildies, what is "wrong" with that (please don't mention chat)?


Limits on number in a group = Yes

No groups = No



but I do agree with the roll back... I miss situational adrenals and on-use relics. It gave my DPS Sage viability...


If you want fair, competitive, balanced PVP, then you want to separate the queues. Without the restriction, nobody queues for ranked, so you have to force them. If you're too scared to face groups, as a group, then you simply will have to solo queue, where you can face other solo queues.


What is stupid is letting groups roll PUGs. The number of group members is another flimsy diversion from the main issue. Why do you need perfect composition and gear to face up another premade, when the PUGs never have that against you when you premade? If you truly believe what you wrote, then the group requirement would be fine because other teams would also take ungeared guildies in because they can't group any other way.


Now if you don't care about competition or fairness, keep things the way they are. Just don't complain about wanting competition or people to play against or any of that. And definitely don't brag about having "skill" in this lame setup and game. Anybody that has actually played a competitive game or played sports knows how ridiculous these imbalances are and how low the skill cap is.

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If you want fair, competitive, balanced PVP, then you want to separate the queues. Without the restriction, nobody queues for ranked, so you have to force them. If you're too scared to face groups, as a group, then you simply will have to solo queue, where you can face other solo queues.


What is stupid is letting groups roll PUGs. The number of group members is another flimsy diversion from the main issue. Why do you need perfect composition and gear to face up another premade, when the PUGs never have that against you when you premade? If you truly believe what you wrote, then the group requirement would be fine because other teams would also take ungeared guildies in because they can't group any other way.


Now if you don't care about competition or fairness, keep things the way they are. Just don't complain about wanting competition or people to play against or any of that. And definitely don't brag about having "skill" in this lame setup and game. Anybody that has actually played a competitive game or played sports knows how ridiculous these imbalances are and how low the skill cap is.


Competitve carebears.... how ironic....


You're looking at a four year letter-winning college football player here bruh... REAL competitive people could give to ****z who they are up against.. They want to win, regarless of opposition, and they do what it takes to win the GAME.....


Hello, you play to win the game...


No one is "scared" to do ranked as a group... There are barriers to do ranked; whereas there are none in normals.


Full 8-man premades in normals are a problem.


4-mans not hardly, and some downright god awful...


And even in normals, composition matters. I don't like when I am stuck with a bunch of Sage/Mando DPS... but that has nothing to do with who I am up against.... People also group with guildies just because they are guildies and people also group with non-guildies because they are fun to play with. Nothing is stopping people from doing the same thing...

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No one is "scared" to do ranked as a group... There are barriers to do ranked; whereas there are none in normals.




No, you're just too scared to play against other groups. It's much less scary when you can play against PUGs! If they opened up ranked to solo queues you'd be the first to roll PUGs in ranked too!

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No, you're just too scared to play against other groups.

So since ranked teams are duel qued, how exactly am I/we scared? The sheer boredem of waiting in ranked que, again, is beacause there are barriers to entry.. Do you know what that means?


It's much less scary when you can play against PUGs! If they opened up ranked to solo queues you'd be the first to roll PUGs in ranked too!

No one is "scared" to play anyone. If you enter Ranked, you are inheirently want to play better players.


And additionally if you want to play "competitve" normals then you should have no problems playing premades because, for the most part, they are guaranteed to be, you know, competitive......


I accept that 8man premades have advantages, but eliminating groups in any facet of an MMO is dumb... Even FPS offer group queing, and plenty of virtual sports offers co-op online gaming against other players. Stick to Street Fighter or Racing. Those seem to be your cup of tea...

Edited by L-RANDLE
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So since ranked teams are duel qued, how exactly am I/we scared? The sheer boredem of waiting in ranked que, again, is beacause there are barriers to entry.. Do you know what that means?



No one is "scared" to play anyone. If you enter Ranked, you are inheirently want to play better players.


And additionally if you want to play "competitve" normals then you should have no problems playing premades because, for the most part, they are guaranteed to be, you know, competitive......


I accept that 8man premades have advantages, but eliminating groups in any facet of an MMO is dumb... Even FPS offer group queing, and plenty of virtual sports offers co-op online gaming against other players. Stick to Street Fighter or Racing. Those seem to be your cup of tea...


You are scared. Scared ******** that you'd be forced to face some competition and then you would lose out on the only thing you've ever been "good" at. That's the only explanation for someone clinging so violently to obvious inequities.


You know of course, if everyone that grouped was forced to go to ranked you'd have competition in ranked right? Those groups have to go somewhere. The only difference separating the queues would do, is, gasp, take out the solo training dummies. Every premade insists they want to face other groups, that they want competition, that those PUGs are just in the way, and by golly we wish there was another option but there isn't, so what can we do?


Tell these same people they can only face groups when they're grouped, which is exactly what they claim they want, and suddenly all we hear is "NO NO NO...I'm not scared, I'm not scared!" with tears in their eyes and their little fists all balled up. "I'm not scared! I'm not scared!" please don't make me fight other groups "I'm not scared, I'm not scared!" waaaaaaah mooommmmyyyyy


It's obvious, everyone knows it, and we just waste time going back and forth on it because one side just ignores everything and is in complete denial. Premades vs PUGs only exist so that loser premades can feel good about themselves because they can't win any other way. It's not competition, it has nothing to do with the server population or anything else. Straight up, bottom line, it's a bunch of people that can't win at anything at all crying about losing their one spot in their miserable lives that they can feel like a winner.


I wish they had separated queues and forced group queue so my PVP guild didn't get so bored of crushing everyone we played that it died. I find it pathetic that there are people around who are so used to and so scared of losing that they'd want to just roll PUGs in perpetuity. I am always stunned at just how bad MMO players are, and just how sad they are as human beings as well. It really is the very dregs of the population. There are reasons why there are stereotypes about MMO players.

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In 1.3 we got ranked warzones. With their implementation, the pre-season 1 started.

And now, 7 months after, we know the same about future plans for rwz as we did when they launched.

Still no info on cross-server, and ranked seem to be even more of a ghost town with each week.

The time required to form a group with a good composition is way too high, but that's not even the main issue.

The main issue is, that even if you have the team ready, you often have to wait for over an hour to get a pop, sometimes even more than that.

On our server for e.g. we have 4 teams playing ranked, and without arragements with other guilds, you will pretty much never get a ranked game.

Is it Working™ as Intended™:rak_02:

Are there any plans to change the current state of ranked?


Things not to expect:

A dev post about this



O hai Copperfield almost didn't recognize you. Your threads are lacking in any effort and that makes me sad. :jawa_frown:

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You are scared. Scared ******** that you'd be forced to face some competition and then you would lose out on the only thing you've ever been "good" at. That's the only explanation for someone clinging so violently to obvious inequities.


You know of course, if everyone that grouped was forced to go to ranked you'd have competition in ranked right? Those groups have to go somewhere. The only difference separating the queues would do, is, gasp, take out the solo training dummies. Every premade insists they want to face other groups, that they want competition, that those PUGs are just in the way, and by golly we wish there was another option but there isn't, so what can we do?


Tell these same people they can only face groups when they're grouped, which is exactly what they claim they want, and suddenly all we hear is "NO NO NO...I'm not scared, I'm not scared!" with tears in their eyes and their little fists all balled up. "I'm not scared! I'm not scared!" please don't make me fight other groups "I'm not scared, I'm not scared!" waaaaaaah mooommmmyyyyy


It's obvious, everyone knows it, and we just waste time going back and forth on it because one side just ignores everything and is in complete denial. Premades vs PUGs only exist so that loser premades can feel good about themselves because they can't win any other way. It's not competition, it has nothing to do with the server population or anything else. Straight up, bottom line, it's a bunch of people that can't win at anything at all crying about losing their one spot in their miserable lives that they can feel like a winner.


I wish they had separated queues and forced group queue so my PVP guild didn't get so bored of crushing everyone we played that it died. I find it pathetic that there are people around who are so used to and so scared of losing that they'd want to just roll PUGs in perpetuity. I am always stunned at just how bad MMO players are, and just how sad they are as human beings as well. It really is the very dregs of the population. There are reasons why there are stereotypes about MMO players.


4 man premade =/= 8 man premade.


the 8 man requirement is a huge road-block for ranked. not only is getting 8 people together sometimes a struggle, but getting a proper comp together so that you CAN be competitive can take hours.


i would love to see a 4v4 "arena" type WZ that offered the same kind of competitive environment as ranked, but was more queue friendly.


if every time i logged in, we not only had 8 people ready to go but a decent comp, i would be queuing for Ranked WZs all day erry day. but that is not the case for the guild i am in, and im sure it is likely not the case for most high level PvP guilds (theyre usually only a handful of players anyways)

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I don't understand all the complaining about "ranked can be hard to do if we don't have the right class composition on"...who cares? There's no rank requirement tied to the gear, just play for fun...you'll still get your ranked comms and get to earn your gear. I could see if team rating had an impact in this game but it doesn't.
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I don't understand all the complaining about "ranked can be hard to do if we don't have the right class composition on"...who cares? There's no rank requirement tied to the gear, just play for fun...you'll still get your ranked comms and get to earn your gear. I could see if team rating had an impact in this game but it doesn't.


b/c getting butt-stomped is not fun. which is why youre here complaining about premades beating up on pugs. a little bit ironic huh?


playing Ranked WZs is not about getting the comms for gear. its about playing against other teams at a highly competitive level.


plus, there is no incentive to make PUG groups to take into Ranked. if there were daily/weekly quests for doing Ranked WZs, you would see more groups doing them

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4 man premade =/= 8 man premade.


the 8 man requirement is a huge road-block for ranked. not only is getting 8 people together sometimes a struggle, but getting a proper comp together so that you CAN be competitive can take hours.


i would love to see a 4v4 "arena" type WZ that offered the same kind of competitive environment as ranked, but was more queue friendly.


if every time i logged in, we not only had 8 people ready to go but a decent comp, i would be queuing for Ranked WZs all day erry day. but that is not the case for the guild i am in, and im sure it is likely not the case for most high level PvP guilds (theyre usually only a handful of players anyways)


This, basically.


Its not easy to get 8 good people with a good composition on. It was hard half a year ago and now its even harder due to the lower population of geared skilled hardcore PVPers. If there are very good guilds that frequently run on your server, you need a good composition to stand a chance. So, teams dont que often, others that do que dont have anyone to fight sometimes, and its a problem at times like that.

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You are scared.


And you actually think you are competitive person, when really you are just a DB sore-loser, who wants welfare epics.


Re-examine what being competitive means... Then maybe you will see that.


complaining premades =/= being competitive



When I am not queing for Ranked, I am PuGGin just like you, and when I see those epic premades, my blood boils and my heart races and I say to myself "it's on like Donkey Kong"... <<<<<------- This is what being competitve means.... Taking on any challangers, regardless of circumstances or odds. You ain't got it bruh; so quit playin'




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Only way I can see rated wzs becoming popular is by making rated comms exclusive to rateds...I'm not in favor of this or anything since it would take you forever to grind ewh gear in regular anyways. Just saying that if you made it so that you needed to play ranked to get the gear then you would see a lot more matches.


Another way to make RWZ more popular is to have an option to not schedule a match if the difference between team ratings is greater than <x> (you select <x> when you queue). Plenty of strong teams and weak teams would rather continue doing their dailies (or what ever) rather than play a 2200 vs 1000 match.

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I don't understand all the complaining about "ranked can be hard to do if we don't have the right class composition on"...who cares? There's no rank requirement tied to the gear, just play for fun....


What isn't fun is queuing with a team rating of 1000 and facing a team with a rating > 2000.


A team of midgets will not find it fun to play basketball against the NBA champion Miami Heat. I expect the Heat would not enjoy it either and would find the challenge of another pro team more stimulating.


Weak teams queue for RWZ, get facerolled 10-20 times and quit. If weak teams could be guaranteed not being matched against the elite teams, you might get 5-10 weak teams queuing regularly. After a few weeks, one of these might graduate to being a mediocre rated WZ team. Rinse and repeat and eventually we add another member to the elite category. Hooray!


From day 1, the current system was merely intended to exercise the RWZ code developed so far, not be a viable system. BW knows it needs to be fixed and knows that intelligent match scheduling is important. Unfortunately losing player base, layoffs and the panic to switch to a F2P model interrupted the PvP development cycle.


IMESHO, continuing the development of rated WZ until it is a viable system should be a higher priority than adding YAW (yet another warzone). Yes, I do want more WZs but not before a working viable RWZ system.


Now that the F2P and cartel market has been a success, perhaps our wish for a viable rated WZ system will be fullfilled in 2013.

Edited by funkiestj
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