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There is a reason high pop servers are full


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As someone who's played since the 13th, I missed the memo that negates us from being new, too, and empowering us to dictate what servers fellow new players can choose (as we did just 7 days ago).


Glad I missed the memo, to be honest.


Dear Toegrinder,


Login Que's go hand in hand with new MMO releases.


Love, (Not so) Common Sense

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Oh, come on. There is a thread about this very thing at the very top of this page. I, too, hate que's with a passion, but this guy ^ makes a very valid point.


:: Hugs OP::



I hope that I didn't invade your personal space.


EWWW Creepy internet guy givving hugs online. LOL


But seriously who would expect a log in que for the second most popular MMO on launch day. Seriously I would be disapointed if there wasn't one.

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there something like 123 servers, i know i counted them last night. That this game is maxing out is friggin awesome. Talk about fulfilling your goals for launch.



Its not maxxing out, over half the servers are "light" and the other half are "full"


To me that reads as Half full, not Max capacity....

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God I swear everyone forgets the hour and half WoW queues even MONTHS after the game came out.


This goes with any new MMO, as everyone before me has said again, and again, and again.


Additionally, pre-order customers with pre-made guilds were assigned servers. So these long queues before the game was released . . . probably not due to a bunch of "Full Server Only Plz" noobs, if they even exist.

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wow people really like to bend over a barrel and take huh, regardless of how active someone social life is or whether or not they have things to occupy them if you pay for something people expect service. its not unreasonable for people to want to play a game they have paid for, some of us over a hundred pounds but this is something only ea/bioware or time can fix, so have a little patience if they were to keep bulking out the servers to hold more people we would be complaining that the servers are always going down. its a balancing act on the devs side of the fence and i think they are handling it the best they can.
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