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How does the Merc play out in PVE?


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I have a lev 20 merc (Arsenal tree) and whilst I'm enjoying being a 'weapons platform' I'm finding that through the group finder I'm pretty much always being picked out as the healer (with respect to those that heal, I got burnt out doing 'whack a mole' in WoW).


So my question is - should I expect to heal in FPs as I level?


And when I'm 50, is the Merc needed in OPs? I've heard rumours to that effect.


So essentially what I'm asking is, even if I enjoy my Merc solo, is it viable in groups for PVE or should I go back and re-roll a powertech?

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There are a few separate answers here.


1) Merc is a perfectly viable DPS all the way to and through 50. It is on the high side of average and has a decent bit of raid utility as well (in-combat universal 60s CC, strong knockback, stun, 30m interrupt, emergency heals, combat rez). It does very well on fights with less movement, and less well on fights with more movement. It's not a "must have" in any raid group, but it is definitely a "nice to have".


2) You do not need to be a healer to do FPs on your way to 50 or once you hit 50. You can un-check the "healer" box in Group Finder and it will never match you for that role. Your queue times will be significantly longer queued only as a DPS, however.


3) Powertech is currently just about the most ridiculous class in existence. How long that state of affairs will continue is unkonwn. It is #1 or #2 for PVE DPS (in a neck-to-neck race with Marauder, and SUBSTANTIALLY easier to play well), it is a very serviceable tank (all 3 are quite balanced, and PT is undeniably easiest to play), and it is desirable in PVP as well. Whether you should go back and roll a PT is independent of what you want to do with Merc, but it is absolutely the better AC for Bounty Hunter if you're not interested in healing. Keep in mind, though, that MMOs continually evolve, so that may not continue to be the case indefinitely.

Edited by Omophorus
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There are a few separate answers here.


1) Merc is a perfectly viable DPS all the way to and through 50. It is on the high side of average and has a decent bit of raid utility as well (in-combat universal 60s CC, strong knockback, stun, 30m interrupt, emergency heals, combat rez). It does very well on fights with less movement, and less well on fights with more movement. It's not a "must have" in any raid group, but it is definitely a "nice to have".


2) You do not need to be a healer to do FPs on your way to 50 or once you hit 50. You can un-check the "healer" box in Group Finder and it will never match you for that role. Your queue times will be significantly longer queued only as a DPS, however.


3) Powertech is currently just about the most ridiculous class in existence. How long that state of affairs will continue is unkonwn. It is #1 or #2 for PVE DPS (in a neck-to-neck race with Marauder, and SUBSTANTIALLY easier to play well), it is a very serviceable tank (all 3 are quite balanced, and PT is undeniably easiest to play), and it is desirable in PVP as well. Whether you should go back and roll a PT is independent of what you want to do with Merc, but it is absolutely the better AC for Bounty Hunter if you're not interested in healing. Keep in mind, though, that MMOs continually evolve, so that may not continue to be the case indefinitely.[/QUOTE]


I agree with everything in this post. MMO's evolve over time. One flavor of the month class is next week's joke after the dev's lube up the nerf bat and smile. Mercs are fun, arsenal is a really fun class. Who doesn't like blowing **** by shoving missiles up a boss's ***? It is perfectly viable. It's in the upper range of dps. Just not top. However, imo, being in the high end of the game and not op is good. You're not likely to eat the nerf bat. Plus you bring utility which is not to be laughed at. Off healing and a battle res can turn a wipe into a win. Numbers are good, however, a person pulling 2k on a boss fight will still die if a boss isn't interrupted in time and it kills the tank and wipes the group. A person pulling 1.6k and manages to interrupt the boss and possible bring a life saving heal to the tank or other party member can be the deciding factor on a win or wipe. There have been several times when I've been in a group and the healer died and I picked up the slack and we downed the boss. IMO sometimes sacrificing personal dps and epeen is better for the group. It's all about downing the boss.

Edited by Shadowseve
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Many thanks for both replies!


I agree that it's just not about the numbers but reacting to what's going on situationally in the fight! I quite like playing 'support' roles.


I've also got a Tactics Vanguard - it's fun, but it's one of those classes that I'd say is one where you could roll your head around on the keyboard and when you look up, everyone is dead!


I'm being a bit unfair here, of course! I do like the mobile aspect of the class though. With my recently being able to get hold of tracer missiles I'm starting to realise that the merc is a static armoured gun platform - and as per what you've both said, it seems its one with only above average DPS. Also it looks like that the gunslinger/sniper is more the class at the moment for those who want to dig in and focus on giving out high ranged DPS.


Perhaps I'll persevere with the Merc though and see how I get in with grinding and questing in the world and choosing DPS only in the group finder. Thanks!

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