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Will the Lag Issues Ever be Resolved?


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My comp specs are all above the requirements and my internet connection is great, always has been. Yet I still lag horribly in game, to the point where it is really not playable and certainly not worth paying for. It's been over a year since release, will this issue ever be addressed?


Note: This is not meant to be a stwor bashing, I love the game but am just fed up with not being able to play it.

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My computer is above requirements and I have decent internet and have 0 lag issues. Post your computer specs and in-game graphic settings. Also, sometimes a full reinstall of the game is necessary to fix this issue, I have done it 2x and it worked. A couple of patches last year created the lag and reinstalling the game from scratch made it go away.
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My computer is above requirements and I have decent internet and have 0 lag issues. Post your computer specs and in-game graphic settings. Also, sometimes a full reinstall of the game is necessary to fix this issue, I have done it 2x and it worked. A couple of patches last year created the lag and reinstalling the game from scratch made it go away.


See OP? Herein lies the problem. Not everyone experiences lag issues. I can say that I do just like you (although not as bad it sounds like). But how is Bioware supposed to fix an issue that supposedly rests with their servers yet does not effect every player?


If I were them I wouldn't know what to do either except optimize the servers, perform periodic maintenance on them which they already do to my understanding.

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95% of my lag issues happen while PVPing. I don't think the problem is on my side, since these systems and internet connections are solid when playing Tera, Rift, Aion, Guild Wars 2 and Lord of the Rings.



System #1 - i5 3570k, 8GB DDR3, GTX660 Ti video, Vertex4 SSD RAID

System #2 - i7 940, 12GB DDR3, HD5870 2GB x 2 (crossfired), Vertex 4 SSD RAID

System #3 - Q6600, 8GB DDR2, GTX460, Vertex2 SSD RAID



Systems #1 and #2 are on a 100/50 Mbps business cable connection

System #3 is on a 10Mbps DSL connection.

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My computer is above requirements and I have decent internet and have 0 lag issues. Post your computer specs and in-game graphic settings. Also, sometimes a full reinstall of the game is necessary to fix this issue, I have done it 2x and it worked. A couple of patches last year created the lag and reinstalling the game from scratch made it go away.


I just recently reinstalled the game completely.

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95% of my lag issues happen while PVPing. I don't think the problem is on my side, since these systems and internet connections are solid when playing Tera, Rift, Aion, Guild Wars 2 and Lord of the Rings.



System #1 - i5 3570k, 8GB DDR3, GTX660 Ti video, Vertex4 SSD RAID

System #2 - i7 940, 12GB DDR3, HD5870 2GB x 2 (crossfired), Vertex 4 SSD RAID

System #3 - Q6600, 8GB DDR2, GTX460, Vertex2 SSD RAID



Systems #1 and #2 are on a 100/50 Mbps business cable connection

System #3 is on a 10Mbps DSL connection.


This. PVP and world bosses is where the lag hits me hardest (game just literally freezes then I end up dead). I can also run other games with no problems which leads me to believe that the problem lies within the game itself.

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95% of my lag issues happen while PVPing. I don't think the problem is on my side, since these systems and internet connections are solid when playing Tera, Rift, Aion, Guild Wars 2 and Lord of the Rings.



System #1 - i5 3570k, 8GB DDR3, GTX660 Ti video, Vertex4 SSD RAID

System #2 - i7 940, 12GB DDR3, HD5870 2GB x 2 (crossfired), Vertex 4 SSD RAID

System #3 - Q6600, 8GB DDR2, GTX460, Vertex2 SSD RAID



Systems #1 and #2 are on a 100/50 Mbps business cable connection

System #3 is on a 10Mbps DSL connection.


based on this info, you have excluded your hardware as being a problem, SWTOR software and SWTOR servers can both be an issue still.

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My computer is above requirements and I have decent internet and have 0 lag issues. Post your computer specs and in-game graphic settings. Also, sometimes a full reinstall of the game is necessary to fix this issue, I have done it 2x and it worked. A couple of patches last year created the lag and reinstalling the game from scratch made it go away.


i have a pretty decent pc and my lag the past week has spiked.

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I don't have lag issues with my system. This has been a problem, though. Some computers work fine and others don't. It is a tricky thing for BW to solve because you can't pin down the problem. Now since no maintenance has been performed the last two weeks it is possible that recent lag issues are due to that. I have noticed a slow down due to lag now and then over the last couple days. Next week's maintenance period may fix that.
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What lag? That's the question I pose to you. You may exceed the minimum requirements, that doesn't mean you're doing it right.


Lag also happens for different reasons.


Graphical lag: GPU unable to render the onscreen poly-count. Too many things to see, settings higher than what the card can comfortably run. Etc...


Internet lag: Which everyone seems to think is the problem... Before you contact your ISP and cry, check your router port settings, router firewall, computer firewall, computer antivirus, wifi vs hardwire and finally just bypassing the router and going direct to the modem. All that through traffic you have, impacts your downstream and upstream.


Server lag: only one way to tell of it's happening. If your whole raid, group, guild or phase experience it at the same time. This happens less than ISP "issues" but is another one of those first to blame cases.


Eliminate the issue on your side and prove it out, then get on the service providers case. Otherwise you might be one of those idiots that piss any and all tech support off.

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I dont need to be his hardware that does the lagging. there are dozens of threads with more than thousands of replies that have lag problems.. do some search under the customer forum there are several peeps that have solved there problems by simply lower some settings, turning off shadows and etc. and there are many that havent got there problem solved yet.. im one of em.. but youre luck might be there.
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It's definitely graphical lag. My fps is around 10 normally. I turn shadows off, set everything to low as well but it does little good. I have a Nvidia GeForce 8400 video card which is suppose to exceed the min requirements.


Seems a bit outdated, especially due to the graphical changes released, like bloom and anti-aliasing etc...


You may want to adjust your cards settings to performance ten see if that helps.

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Listen, most players I know experience the issue, however its usually FPS related and not true "lag", yes you have these people come on here and say "bla bla bla no issue here bla bla bla", pay no attention, they are the same ones that helped kill this game by reassuring the DEVS that "everything is great, no problems here bla bla bla". This game and generally this game alone is absolutely terribly optimized, for whatever reason, that's what it is, its a graphics optimization issue, hopefully they work it out maybe they have tried and can't.
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Listen, most players I know experience the issue, however its usually FPS related and not true "lag", yes you have these people come on here and say "bla bla bla no issue here bla bla bla", pay no attention, they are the same ones that helped kill this game by reassuring the DEVS that "everything is great, no problems here bla bla bla". This game and generally this game alone is absolutely terribly optimized, for whatever reason, that's what it is, its a graphics optimization issue, hopefully they work it out maybe they have tried and can't.


THANK YOU! this is what I was trying to get at. I guess I should have clarified that it is FPS related lag and it is most definitely on the games end. I'm not sure if it is the Hero engine the game uses or what, but this game is clearly not compatiable with most graphics card because the vast majority of players (that I have encountered) are suffering from some degree of FPS lag................some of us more so than others.


It's been a year since the game came out, will this issue ever be addressed?? Is it even something that can be fixed? I find it irratating when Bioware is fooling around with stuff like same gender romance (although this is funny) when such a fundamental aspect of the game is defective.

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did you try to disable Nameplate scaling ? It cause stuttering and drop my fps like crazy in crowded zone,might help with the problem


Yea I did that too. I've googled stwor lag and have tried just about evertyhing recommended and have not been able to get any improvements.

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It's been really buggy for me lately, bugs that have nothing to do with my computer. I mean, the mail srevice being broken, entire warzones complaining about lag, not being able to put things on GTN (no, items werent locked and I had not maxed out the limit), getting randomey tossed out to server screen, not being able to sign in, NPC'es acting weird etc etc. I'm on a top notch computer and a 100/100 connection and I didnt experience these things a month or so ago. Pretty much every bug I've experienced has been confirmed by other players at that very moment.
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The problem with asking for help here on these issues is that you always get the same responses


- There is the bunch that "never has lag" so it has to be your system or ISP, to what BW attaches their answers.


- There is the bunch that has the same issues as you do and don't have an answer. :)


I specially like the "everybody has to be a super tech or network specialist" or just dont play. Unfortunately, BW doesn't sell the game only to people with the latest/greatest machines and network services, and they sure are quick to take your money even if you can't play.


Why do I put some of the blame on BW? I have been playing for a year. Same rig, but upgraded the video card and memory recently. I play long, sometimes 10 hours at a time. All is well. I don't have the latest rig around, but it has worked well with all settings on high for a long time. Only gets slow when I go to fleet and 200+ people are around, and I can understand that.


But a couple of days ago, again, all well, and then my class quest takes me to DK. And of course, it is full. And I start to get a run, run, stop..... run run...stop.... DC! Get in again, run, run...stop...run...stop... DC... The next time I check the servers, all are Heavy, three are very heavy, and one is full. Hummm... Now this is the same rig, same setup, same network provider. All else runs fine, GW2, YouTube, etc... Only SWTOR has a problem.


Of course, some here will say it isn't the servers. Really?? It will be hard to convince me otherwise. Last night, same rig, same network, same game settings, everything ran fine. Humm.

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