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FA and Grav ability issues


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Does anyone else ever have issues with these 2 abilities?



Casting grav back to back (fishing for COF) you will see odd delays with the activation.

Cast bar counting down and vanishing halfway, sometimes the ability will trigger others it will not.

FA channel starts then does nothing, or will start have no animation and do dmg.

FA starts then resets and starts channeling again.


Those are some of the things I have been running into and it drives me crazy. I do not understand how people are putting up good numbers when I constantly run into these issues.

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Does anyone else ever have issues with these 2 abilities?



Casting grav back to back (fishing for COF) you will see odd delays with the activation.

Cast bar counting down and vanishing halfway, sometimes the ability will trigger others it will not.

FA channel starts then does nothing, or will start have no animation and do dmg.

FA starts then resets and starts channeling again.


Those are some of the things I have been running into and it drives me crazy. I do not understand how people are putting up good numbers when I constantly run into these issues.


Of what you are listing the only one I can recall ever seeing happen to me is the FA channel starting with no animation, but damage still occuring. And that usually happens to me if I use Tech Override to make something instant and I follow it up with FA as soon as the GCD is up. For some reason that seems to get the animations out of sync enough that the animation for the ability you made instant is still going while you start the FA channel so it clips off the first part of the FA channel. It's odd that it would get them out of sync like that since all of our casted abilities are 1.5 sec, the same as the GCD so it SHOULDN'T do that, but it does.

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One of the problems I've had is FA occasionally showing the animation/starting the GCD but not actually casting. Not sure whether or not it has something to do with lag or something else since I've also seen it happen on my Guardian when I'm Master Striking.
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To the Op, yes. However for me there is Full Auto damage without the animation. I used to think it didn't do damage until i looked really hard. Also Demo Round now and then won't work at all and i have to hit it twice. All of these are caused by lag. Some days it's fine. Like last nite in our 16 man raid i had no issue. Well except for lag spikes now and then when i couldn't do anything at all. But hey, i'm kinda getting used to that. :eek:
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Well, my main issue is that it is greatly affecting my dps output on our NiM EC 8 Man runs. 16 Man NiM EC it is not as serious as we have some really great sents that can cover some of dps.. but I feel like I am not pulling my weight.


I just get tired of missing gcd's due to the horrible way the game engine runs sometimes.

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occasionally i'll try to queue up another ability during the GR cast, but after GR it will waste a GCD and nothing will happen (skills still off CD, no animation, no damage numbers)



not sure why that happens, but i've seen it quite a few times.

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Yes, the lag on these is getting really bad. I am really getting annoyed at not having the CoF proc show up until I am halfway through casting another GR.


Doesn't significantly hurt your DPS to have a grav round go off after you proc CoF, unless you get pushed into a lower regen rate. The cooldown on CoF reset is 6 seconds, so fire a grav round (if HiB or Demo aren't up) then cast FA, then you should be able to proc again when you cast your next grav round (since the proc hits at the end of the cast which should be solidly on the 6s mark from last time it was reset).

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I came in here thinking it'd be about PvP & being interrupted a lot... ;)


FA channel starts then does nothing, or will start have no animation and do dmg.

FA starts then resets and starts channeling again.

Yeah, I've had FA fire 1 round, then stop & the cooldown keep on going, but I've always been able to cast another attack (that's not on cooldown). For me it's happening when FA is on cooldown & I hit the key for FA before Grav Round finishes casting (so that FA will fire off automatically if CoF procs without me having to wait & see then hit FA). I think it might be that the client acts on the key press (as if CoF had procced) but then gets told by the server that FA isn't available (which it isn't) & so it stops channelling FA, but the ghost cooldown doesn't cancel. I've also noticed that if the "earlier" I hit FA during Grav Round's casting, the less likely this is to happen.


I've not had FA start, stop & then re-start though, perhaps it's lag combined with your client "pre-emptively" casting FA, then realising that it might not be available (& stopping) then being told by the server that it is available & starting FA again.

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occasionally i'll try to queue up another ability during the GR cast, but after GR it will waste a GCD and nothing will happen (skills still off CD, no animation, no damage numbers)



not sure why that happens, but i've seen it quite a few times.


Yeah I have this happen all the time, it's frustrating as heck.


The FA lack of animation is annoying also in hectic fights because you have to wait a second before you know whether i t actually is going off or not. Makes being efficient rough at times.

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Yeah I have this happen all the time, it's frustrating as heck.


The FA lack of animation is annoying also in hectic fights because you have to wait a second before you know whether i t actually is going off or not. Makes being efficient rough at times.


IIRC, there's an option to turn on cast bars underneath players' nameplates, it'll show your skills being used as well & I think this one usually still shows FA being channelled even if you loose the main cast bar.

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The closest I get to this (aside from occasional GCDs when an ability doesn't fire at all) is my Unload (on my Merc) casting, animation and damage as normal, but the cast bar not showing to I have to either wait until I'm certain the ability is finished (and thus losing a bit of DPS time) or guessing when the ability is about to end to trigger my next ability.
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