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powertech leveling

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hey guys, thinking of starting a powertech for leveling , just wondering what spec/ build makes for the most efficient leveling , im playing mostly solo , would love any input or advice, looking for mostly some kind of dps build, i would like to avoid any kind of tanking for the time being , maybe ill get into tanking at end game, thanks in advance
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My PT is in her mid 30s and so far using the Pyro tree I have experienced zero problems leveling. Your first companion, Mako, is a very capable healer. Keep her in decent gear and you will do enough DPS with enough defensive cool downs that normal content will seem rather easy, and you may find yourself trying and succeeding at soloing various heroic content as a DPS spec (Switching between cylinder types as needed)


I have tried the tank spec for soloing and while it is indeed VERY durable, i find the lack of DPS and the longer time it takes to clear content, tends to aggravate my ADD :p

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With Powertech the easiest lvling Spec is also the most effective PvP spec using Mako. Go Pyrotech and enjoy both, you can kite and use heroic moment for tough fights and if you keep your team geared its challenging but fun. For PvP Pyrotech tips and guides then check out my channel below. Good luck!
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For PVE dps, Pyro is best. You'll get more overall dps by dropping the top tier talents and putting the points to max out the dps talents such as Steely Resolve, Rail loaders, Puncture etc. There are several threads that can explain the details to you.


For PVP dps you're better off going with a basic full 31-pt Pyro spec. Burst is king in PVP.


I have 2 level 50 Vanguards (AS and SS) so I leveled my BH as the AP spec. For an overall spec AP is what I'd recommend. I did about 50/50 PVP and PVE during my leveling. A nice middle ground of damage and toughness. I used dps gear and a shield with Ion Cylinder. I had none-zero-nadda problems with any of my quests at or slightly above level by doing this with Mako healing. It hurt my dps a bit but I just stayed with Ion Cylinder to be used to the heat management for PVP. During PVE groups with a dedicated Tank, I swapped to HEC. There were a several times the Tank went down or D/C'd and I was able to finish the fight by swapping to Ion Cylinder and already had my shield equiped. Elitist Jerks may talk smak if they see the shield but turn around and sing your praises when you save the wipe.


in PVP, AP also has the advantage of not being too gimped if using Ion Cylinder. Some players swap to HEC as needed but I prefer to run Ion Cylinder when running AP (drop the HEC talents). Between damage, taunts and guard, I never go without my 8 minimum medals. Even in the pre-made Saber-Jockey smash fest as of late. Manage heat and you'll do fine.


My first 2 points went into Combust then straight up the AP tree.


Like everything in the forums this is an opinion. Use this and any other advice you receive as guidelines not gospel. You know the age old debate....Tough as nails VS Blow it up quick....Experiment a little and tweak it to suit your playstyle. Field respec for talents is the bomb!!! Good Luck and hope you enjoy your BH.

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