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The lack of Honor in SWTOR Disturbs me


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For what it's worth, me and some friends of mine have been rolling around in a group of 4 pretty much exclusively, and we've been accommodating to the soloers around us. Generally if we come across one of the long spawning bonus elites, and someone is already waiting, we'll let the other player wreck it first, even help.


That said, it's an MMO. Some people will be jerks and take your stuff. We won't. Unless you're an Imp, of course.

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You're labeling someone as dishonorable because they took a node from you but furthermore and a jerk at that. Did he stop to laugh at you? Did be abandon the quest and pick up the node again and again and again without letting you ever get it? or did he just take the node and move on?


Really, stop being so dramatic. You're not a bad person because you want to finish a quest.


Everyone is trying to finish a quest. You see someone fighting in front of a node so they can do the same quest. You run past them and take it yourself while they are busy fighting, That is plain and simply RUDE. Of course its dishonorable. They don't need to stop and laugh, they have already <explicit> on you.


I could be a jerk too and sit off to the side and wait till someone else engages and do the same, then we can have a complete jerk-fest. I am sorry but its people who do not see this as a problem that makes it a problem.

Edited by Loniki
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You guys realize that this isn't really a big deal, right?


At the end of the day someone wanted to finish their quest/get a resource node and didn't feel like standing around and waiting. It isn't about being a bad person or the anonymity the internet offers. Just some guy who wanted to keep the pace.


What it's about is common courtesy. A point you obviously missed.

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LotRO solved this and it should be shamelessly stolen. Nodes didnt disappear, they were simply checked off for that player.


I'm glad they fixed that. I haven't played LotRO since shortly after it launched. Competition over farming nodes was a bit frustrating back then in some areas.


I like the way that AoC handles the nodes as well. You can get about 20 hits off of a fully refreshed node so there's really plenty to go around. But so far I've never seen more than one person at a time farming a node.

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So working on missions and need to kill the mobs to get to the node behind them. In the middle of the battle and low and behold someone runs past and takes the node. Then game mechanics has me sitting there waiting for it again which I seen take several minutes. This has happened numerous times and this was a RP server. If this is a glimpse of the player base I want no part of it. Even WoW players were not this dishonorable, sorry to compare.


WoW was much worse. Its obvious you didn't play WoW or are forgetful.


This is an MMO. I suggest you get use to it.

Edited by Starbornfury
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I'm thinking that many people don't even realize that when they pick up a quest item node that it disappears for everyone else till it respawns. I know I thought the quest items stayed there for everyone at first. I haven't played MMOs for the last 3 years, so I cant remember which MMO it was (thinking it might have been LOTRO) but in the MMO quest item nodes did not disappear for anybody else, so you can have more then 1 person picking up the quest item node at the same time and they will all get it.
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WoW was much worse. Its obvious you didn't play WoW or are forgetful.


This is an MMO. I suggest you get use to it.


You don't get used to it. In fact your tolorance of it decreases. You look for more mature venues and perhaps a more mature player base but it becomes painfully obvious that is not going to happen, even in a franchise that is almost as old as yourself. Finally you become totally turned off on MMO's and will not be satisfied with any of them because you are stuck with the player base... I was killing rats in Freeport before you were born :p

Edited by Loniki
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some guy pulled this on me twice yesterday, after the 2nd time i stealthed and followed him around for a good 15 minutes harvesting every node he came across while he was engaged in combat. He finally broke down and apologized.


For Great Justice! (though you might get tagged for announcing technical 'harassment' on the forums, I hope you play a Sith!)

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I'm thinking that many people don't even realize that when they pick up a quest item node that it disappears for everyone else till it respawns. I know I thought the quest items stayed there for everyone at first. I haven't played MMOs for the last 3 years, so I cant remember which MMO it was (thinking it might have been LOTRO) but in the MMO quest item nodes did not disappear for anybody else, so you can have more then 1 person picking up the quest item node at the same time and they will all get it.


As far as quest nodes, it was like that in FFXI as well. I didn't realize the mission nodes had to respwan in TOR either until it happened to me the other day. Well, aside from the mission nodes that must be gathered.

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So working on missions and need to kill the mobs to get to the node behind them. In the middle of the battle and low and behold someone runs past and takes the node. Then game mechanics has me sitting there waiting for it again which I seen take several minutes. This has happened numerous times and this was a RP server. If this is a glimpse of the player base I want no part of it. Even WoW players were not this dishonorable, sorry to compare.



Not surprising. Had it happen to me a few times. Some people's kids are idiots.

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I normally wouldn't complain, as the mobs usually don't spawn before the item, but last night on a starter planet literally 4 people pushed past me to get the blue blinky, even with me spamming my right-click.


I had to kill the mob spawn twice, as people kept running past me for it as well. Irritating, but not game breaking.




after the first time, second the most. I would sit and hide for someone to com aggro animals and then i would ninja it the node. ... 10 percent smarter...

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Im on HoG, and haven't had to deal with that *yet*. Most the people I've met were friendly and willing to group for quest kills or wait for the spawn. That said, I don't expect that to last. <_< There will always be children, 14 year olds and adults that act like spoiled kids because they're "anonymous" online, and it only gets worse after early release. Hang in there! :/ The farther you get in the game the odds of it happening go down and concequences go up.
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it happened to me a few times. I usually ignore it. sometimes I tell people that I was waiting for that. some don't .realise. it. others are a*holes and make me think 'good look when you need a healer in 3 months because I have a list of player I won't help'




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Well, I suppose it's tough when you're playing republic, but playing as a Sith it actually makes sense to do it ;) : It's survival of the fittest and smartest out there, and if someone tricks you, it only means you're not strong enough. Learn from what they do and get back at them in whichever way you see fit - you are entitled to take vengeance ;)
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Remember in WOW when mining took multiple clicks? You'd only get one or two pieces of ore per click? People would run up and steal your vein while you were mining it, forget about clearing the mobs around it.


With, easy escape and limited recourse, people show their true colors.

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Im on HoG, and haven't had to deal with that *yet*. Most the people I've met were friendly and willing to group for quest kills or wait for the spawn. That said, I don't expect that to last. <_< There will always be children, 14 year olds and adults that act like spoiled kids because they're "anonymous" online, and it only gets worse after early release. Hang in there! :/ The farther you get in the game the odds of it happening go down and concequences go up.


Lol, I know, I am expecting too much and getting too old to want to teach another generation manors :p

Edited by Loniki
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Well, I suppose it's tough when you're playing republic, but playing as a Sith it actually makes sense to do it ;) : It's survival of the fittest and smartest out there, and if someone tricks you, it only means you're not strong enough. Learn from what they do and get back at them in whichever way you see fit - you are entitled to take vengeance ;)


If you were roleplaying with someone in a story, maybe. But trying to justify bad behavior with a watered down "I'm evil" excuse doesn't work.

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