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The lack of Honor in SWTOR Disturbs me


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Sorry this happened to you, but yes most certainly WoW players were just as bad.


Disagree, it happened in WoW sometimes but not nearly as often as in a game like Rift, where players were so sure other players would screw them over that it became justification for screwing everyone over.


In WoW if someone node-jacked you, you could go off on them in general chat and they'd usually get an ear full.


In Rift, if someone node-jacked you, you go off in chat and the whole zone would attack you and defend the scumbag of the moment.


Sadly, MMO times have changed, the more these games cater to gutless soloing dimwits, the worse player behavior gets.

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So working on missions and need to kill the mobs to get to the node behind them. In the middle of the battle and low and behold someone runs past and takes the node. Then game mechanics has me sitting there waiting for it again which I seen take several minutes. This has happened numerous times and this was a RP server. If this is a glimpse of the player base I want no part of it. Even WoW players were not this dishonorable, sorry to compare.


RP more lol, and if you say people don't do this on WoW you are lying and haven't played it. The player base there is much worse at it.

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its moreso a dissapearance of mmo etiquette, instead of respect your fellow man attitude that it used to be in pre-wow games it's taken on a one for me and all for me mentality.


I for one don't steal peoples nodes if i see them fighting for them so i'm trying to uphold my own set of standards, i wish more people would do the same.

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Why people try to "grade" the playerbase in these games is beyond me. It's the same people playing this game that played every other one.


Its when people expect it and accept this bad behavior that it becomes the normal. Too many responses on this thread accept the bad behavior as the normal and that is sad. Perhaps I should have called this person out on the planet chat or is it easier to just accept bad behavior.

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Its when people expect it and accept this bad behavior that it becomes the normal. Too many responses on this thread accept the bad behavior as the normal and that is sad. Perhaps I should have called this person out on the planet chat or is it easier to just accept bad behavior.


it's because they themselves are guilty of it and part of the problem, they are defending their own ******tery

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I have had that done to me countless times and I've also done it to people. Doesn't bother me either way because they respawn so fast. Some games you have to wait like 10 minutes for that item to respawn. THAT is when it matters. If you have to wait a few seconds.......big deal.
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It's the nature of a multiplayer game.


You're playing a game with other people, and unfortunately, many people will behave like jerks to strangers when there is no immediate risk of physical injury.


At best, you're just pixels on a screen to someone. At worst, somebody's getting a little kick from being a virtual sociopath with no risk of consequence.


I imagine this is how a true sociopath actually feels every day: like they are the players in a big video game, and the rest of us are just NPCs.

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We build the communities ourselves.


What I usually do is:

I never take nodes when other people are fighting for them. If anyone takes my resource node I whisper them that this was not fair. If no one ever tells them they are wrong, they will continue to think it's the done thing. Sure, many will not care what I say, but I do it nonetheless. If you do not react, you can be sure things will not get any better.


Also, when waiting for a respawning boss, I try to invite other people who are also waiting nearby. No reason to fight if we can both get it.


There will always be jerks around - that's unavoidable. But we should still try to cultivate good behavior by setting an example. Nothing else really works.

Edited by MoxinRift
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In the end "problems" like this dont really set you back much.

Would it be ok if the one who "stole" your node was on the opposing faction?


I know it doesn't set me back and it's not some life altering event. Faction is irrelevant. It's simply a matter of common courtesy.

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some guy pulled this on me twice yesterday, after the 2nd time i stealthed and followed him around for a good 15 minutes harvesting every node he came across while he was engaged in combat. He finally broke down and apologized. .


I like it!


I try to wait in "queue" for nodes\quest items when i see someone is ahead of me \ fighting mobs at it. This worked fine in the beta - but not so good live, heh.


Was fighting two elites with a chest behind em on Taris, and bam! - There comes a sneaky ninja git runs in, grabs chest, and runs off. I really wanted to rail shot the player :p


But yeah, probably is a lot of kiddies in the game i guess - because of the theme and no self control, heh. Not that old grouches like me is necessarily any better ;)

Edited by navlasop
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Here you go, perfect example of the modern MMORPG player. Someone you hope isn't on your server but there's an army of clones just like em.


Seriously someone ran up and grabbed a node on you, who cares? the time it took you to give your attention to this post you could have completed the quest that you are here on the forums complaining about, you RPers are out there... really out there.

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Let me guess. You are one of those inconsiderate lowlifes who do this. Is this maybe some people's idea of pvp? Maybe can't handle real pvp so take their aggessions out on othes by doing childish, ignorant things like this on pve servers so no one can do anything to them?

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This was a problem from day 1 in Beta. It's easy to crap on someone when you don't have to look them in the eye. If someone is around when I need to pull a mob to get to a quest node, I invite them to group and if they decline, I wait for them to pull the mobs and then take the node myself. I was there first after all.


So working on missions and need to kill the mobs to get to the node behind them. In the middle of the battle and low and behold someone runs past and takes the node. Then game mechanics has me sitting there waiting for it again which I seen take several minutes. This has happened numerous times and this was a RP server. If this is a glimpse of the player base I want no part of it. Even WoW players were not this dishonorable, sorry to compare.
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So working on missions and need to kill the mobs to get to the node behind them. In the middle of the battle and low and behold someone runs past and takes the node. Then game mechanics has me sitting there waiting for it again which I seen take several minutes. This has happened numerous times and this was a RP server. If this is a glimpse of the player base I want no part of it. Even WoW players were not this dishonorable, sorry to compare.


I had the same issues in WoW, Warhammer Online, Everquest (1 and 2), and Rift.


And here.


It's just people in general. Not the game, it's the people.

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The funniest part of this forum is the rose-colored glasses that so many folks are viewing WoW through.


Lol, I think ts funny that since I mentioned WoW in my origonal post so many focus just on that and defend the poorly manored by justifying it that it also happened in WoW. I have had it happen to me in WoW but no where near the amount of times it happened yesterday in SWTOR. I was in the Arms factory and everyone was running around cut throat on nodes and everything else. And then the stupid landing becons that took like five minutes to respawn and everyone needed to tag four of them. It was like a feeding frenzy and I disliked it greatly. No honor by game mechanics. One could say that they were pushed into being dishonorable because they just wanted to get it done.

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Lol, I think ts funny that since I mentioned WoW in my origonal post so many focus just on that and defend the poorly manored by justifying it that it also happened in WoW. I have had it happen to me in WoW but no where near the amount of times it happened yesterday in SWTOR. I was in the Arms factory and everyone was running around cut throat on nodes and everything else. And then the stupid landing becons that took like five minutes to respawn and everyone needed to tag four of them. It was like a feeding frenzy and I disliked it greatly. No honor by game mechanics. One could say that they were pushed into being dishonorable because they just wanted to get it done.


I really do not understand what you are going to accomplish sitting on the forums talking about it, you think the devs are actually concerned with your complaints on such a trivial matter?

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