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Stock Strike Root......Still a pain or pretty useful?


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Just wondering; after several months since the change to the Commando's Gunnery's Stock Strike move, is the root still seen as a pain in the butt or is it just the tiny bit useful?


For me I find it useful in certain situations like Huttball (Of course), and also psyching out melees that wanna chase my poor mando and such. Though deep down I do prefer the knock back to the previous version of our stock strike.


Anyway just wandering what are the current thoughts are......Still hate it? Like it? or eh I don't really care............



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i have given it a few tries and it seems like those point are wasted for most of the pvp match even in huttball. melee arn't to big of a issue that i need to root them for any reason and rooting the ball carry is broken to fast for to big effect on the resolve bar to be effective. but who knows what the expansion is doing to do to our skill trees so a few extra points yea sure why not theres not a point going into the other trees with the extra points.
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mando used this on me while i had my root immunity up, then he tried to stumble 3 feet away and offheal himself, without spcced cast time reduction on medical probe. i felt so sorry for him i went away.


So it worked??

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Is it better than nothing whatsoever? Yes.


Is it better than the knockback we had? Not really no.


Is BW a bunch of idiots? Yes


Will the class every be truly viable in PVP to the point that anyone playing commando wouldn't be more useful on pretty much any other class? My guess is a resounding no.

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it really needs to be a daze. even a 0s lockout timer before damage breaks it would be worth it.


i don't care if it's on a 9s CD, it's a melee skill for a class that really really hates to be in melee range of anybody

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I play enough games on my commando to keep the gear up and that's about it. Get daily done and on saturday/sunday get weekly done. Otherwise the class is shelved due to lack of playability.

its playable, just need more practice with it. i do fine with it and i rack easy dps in as i mostly get over looked which is really nice and fatal for them and i do really well in pve for dps(guild ran operations). i have reason to dislike healing but they do make good single target healers(HM FP).

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