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When can we TRANSFER OFF?


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We've been begging for transfers for months now. Hopefully the Devs will listen and we will be able to go to the servers we want to be on.


I don't want to leave for any other reason then that PvP was lacking here for a long time when the server pop dropped. Bioware did nothing to help this and our entire guild left Jung Ma for PoT5 for the bigger population. We had to start over our legacies and leave our toons behind. I only want to merg my toons again so that I can keep all of my 50's together. I'm tired of doing WZ's on PoT5 and wishing that I could have my Sorc Healer on the same server as my guild.


My wanting to leave has nothing to do with the players of Jung Ma. The majority of players that I've meet on Jung have been great people but I need a more pvp oriented server.

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We've been begging for transfers for months now. Hopefully the Devs will listen and we will be able to go to the servers we want to be on.


I don't want to leave for any other reason then that PvP was lacking here for a long time when the server pop dropped. Bioware did nothing to help this and our entire guild left Jung Ma for PoT5 for the bigger population. We had to start over our legacies and leave our toons behind. I only want to merg my toons again so that I can keep all of my 50's together. I'm tired of doing WZ's on PoT5 and wishing that I could have my Sorc Healer on the same server as my guild.


My wanting to leave has nothing to do with the players of Jung Ma. The majority of players that I've meet on Jung have been great people but I need a more pvp oriented server.


Pretty sure only the PvP crowd of AoD left.

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I want to tranfer my other toons to Jung ma. I'm originally from Gav Daragon (asian rp server), but, due to the low ping (i'm from South Ameria) I want to transfer to a eastern american server, I choosed Jung Ma because is good crowed. Not too much crowed like the EA PVP server.


I'm sorry for my bad english. :D

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