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Commando Healing (PVE) Gear Advice Needed


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Hello all,

So I have scoured the internet looking for what levels of stats i am aiming for and have found conflicting information.

I am currently in the process of paying the hefty costs to customize my hear into Dread guard level gear.

Currently Unbuffed my stats are:






  • Aim: 2000
  • cunning: 104
  • End: 1746
  • Pwr: 767






  • Bonus Healing: 635.2

  • ACC: 101

  • Crit Chance: 183 @ 32.62%

  • Crit Multiplier: 438 @ 78.98%

  • Activation Speed: Alacrity @ 7.74%




Fully Aug'd with AIM. & am using the Dread Guard Healing Relic


Any advice from the pro's out there will be appreciated!

Thank you



Ps. Where is a good place to use a proxxer to figure out my Heals/second. I have the Operations droid but it doesn't give me accurate Trauma probe or Kolto bomb figures.

Edited by Hoejira
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i'd suggest the on-use power dread guard relic (350 power for 30s, 2min CD) and/or the war hero / elite war hero static power relic (113/120 power, respectively)



if you don't PVP you can use the matrix cube and/or a champ power relic (97 power, you can buy it from any recruit vendor for about 11k)


i run with 270 crit because i like having more crit. there's a lot of debate on the issue, but i think it depends on personal preference really.


that said, i think you have way too much surge and possibly not enough alacrity. is your activation speed including first responder and/or weapon calibrations?

Edited by oaceen
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Unfortunately the DG proc healing relics are pure junk, because you have no control over when or who they heal. They can proc off a hammer shot you are doing just to top off the tank from 99 to 100%, or keep your 30 stacks of CSC. They can proc on a party member at full health that was hit by your kolto bomb.


The best relics are the Elite War Hero PvP relics, with 120 power on them. Second best are the WH relics with 113 power. The on-use DG power relic isn't a bad choice as an extra cool down, but only if you can remember to click it when you need it.


I agree with oaceen about trading some surge for alacrity. I personally prefer them exactly balanced (~285 in each), which in your case should drop about 3% from your multiplier and about 1% of your HPS, but give you about 3% faster activation times and increased HPS as a result. Although it can cause us to burn ammo faster, getting that AMP or MP off .1 or .2 seconds faster can be the difference between life and death.


Other than that, your power and aim seem about right in relation to each other. Just make sure you are always taking the low endurance/high secondary stat version of the mods/enhancements. For example, you want the Advanced Agile Mod 27 (+56 Aim, +34 End, +44 Pow), NOT the Agile Mod 27A (+72 Aim, +44 End, +13 Pow).

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Thanks for the advice guys



I have done a little tweaking and will be working on the relics. I already had the dreadguard of boundess ages and am using it now with the battlemaster of boundless ages. Working for the warhero one.

I have increased my stats to:


Aim: 2060


bonus healing: 645.6

crit chance: 34.34

Crit Multi:: 77.08

Activation: 10.24


Feels more productive than before, i appreciate it.

Edited by Hoejira
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Personally, after a far bit of trial and error, i found that i "felt" the strongest healing when i kept balance between all my ratings. Too much in one and i could feel what i lost in another area. A lot of healers will stack stats with what they "feel" is the strongest. So i won't discredit any healers allocation of stats. As long as they keep everyone alive, then the build you have is working. IMO.


So in regards to stat allocation, for me -


Crit is 292 - 42%

Surge is 300 - 75%

Alacrity is 280 (around there anyway... not exactly sure) - 12%


I use Aim augments with 2 Elite Warhero relics. (once again, i like the feel of the passive power boost and the consistency)


I'm still in 61's and am now beginning the upgrade "grind", but will be keeping the pieces i have and simply upgrading them to the 27 versions.


With this build i feel that i can snap off reasonable heals relatively quick and will be hitting enough crits consistently to give me the healing power i need to complete the job at hand. My heals aren't as big as some healers out there, but i feel the consistency of this build works the best for me.


I suggest trying out diff builds before you get your 27's, find the best one that fits you and then upgrade that. Tweaking after you are full 27's is an expensive process......

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quick question , I read elsewhere that the Overkill aug was preferred over the reflex one. is it the other way around or are they comparable?


Once again it depends on your idea of "BIS".


I like the extra crit, albeit a small increase, from the aim augments. I don't think either will make or break you, just what you prefer. Difference being the overkill will give you a slight power advantage at the end, the reflex giving you a slight crit advantage.


In my build i have a good amount of crit, so anything else i can do to increase my crit % without affecting my crit DR is the way i've approached my build. So i went with reflex.

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Once again it depends on your idea of "BIS".


I like the extra crit, albeit a small increase, from the aim augments. I don't think either will make or break you, just what you prefer. Difference being the overkill will give you a slight power advantage at the end, the reflex giving you a slight crit advantage.


In my build i have a good amount of crit, so anything else i can do to increase my crit % without affecting my crit DR is the way i've approached my build. So i went with reflex.


cool ty

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i think it's important to note as well that the discrepancy between power and aim is larger with bonus healing than it is with bonus damage


by stacking power, you get more of an increase in bonus healing versus bonus damage

i think that this is the source of the argument that power augments are BiS for healers.




that said, i still use all aim augments on all of my commando's gear, whether it be healing or dps, pve or pvp

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