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Any ETA on character transfers paid or otherwise?


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I have two toons sitting on another server that I would be happy to pay to transfer then to my current server. I know I am not alone in this as well. Is there any ETA on being able to transfer them to another server soon? They have stuff from the Rakghoul work event and BM pvp gear that I don't want to lose thus why I have not deleted them.
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Yes there are many threads on this. I don't blame any new posters for posting the new threads, I blame BW for not reacting to the TONS of threads on this issue. If you go to fan sites and see their forums (TORWars, Darthhater, etc) you will see that this is most talked about issue on those sites as well. There is a strong number of voices asking for this....you must hear them so please do something, Bioware.


This post from Achilius on another thread had some very good suggestions. So we are not just complaining and actually offering solutions, here is his post:


"To throw in my “two cents” on this, there really is no issue with making server transfers available.

1. “There is so much work to implement server transfers, it will take forever!”

a. BIOWARE has already done it. The logistics of adding a few extra web page filters to incorporate taking our money from us, offering specific servers to and from which you can transfer is an incredibly minor issue. Most young men and women (teen-age) could write these pages in a matter of hours.

2. “Oh my! How can we handle the Legacy transfers?” Really?!

a. Each character’s history should be tracked in its character profile. This history should maintain the character’s level, experience points, missions completed, kills and what their experience points were when they achieved their Legacy on that server; this last factor is important as Legacy Points are not earned until after a player has one character finish Chapter One on one character. Each of these have a number of Legacy Points assigned to them for completing each. This means each character has an assigned amount of Legacy Points they contribute to the overall Legacy. When a character is transferred, their points transfer with them to the new server. Two problems come from this:

i. What happens to the Legacy they leave? In my own opinion, the Legacy level stays the same where the player originally earned the points so as to not disrupt any Legacy purchases already earned; however, they could reduce the Legacy level and leave the purchased items alone, keeping them available for the characters that remain, but future Legacy purchases would be based on the reduced level.

ii. What about characters created that earned Legacy Points and then are deleted? When a character that has earned Legacy points is deleted, redistribute that character’s Legacy points to the remaining characters.

iii. An account cannot benefit from having characters on Jung Ma and some on Harbinger, both servers cannot be played at the same time. Therefore, if a player decides to move his/her characters to one server (the server they play most on) it allows him/her to get credit for the Legacy points they earned on the server they transfer from. That player played those characters, why punish them when they are paying to transfer their characters.

b. Legacy purchases made that are duplicated are simply lost.

3. Faction population balance:

a. For those not in the know, the population balance has already skewed if it is going to skew. People play what they like where they like. Each account will allow only one player to play it at any given time; therefore, the character balance per server cannot be interrupted as the players are able to only to be in one place at a time.

b. Gear per character – this is pretty much a moot/null point; SWTOR is not focused on PvP as World of Warcraft is.

4. Server capacity:

a. If the player already has a character on the server they are trying to transfer to, then there is no increase in server capacity, a player can only play one character at a time.

I really don’t understand why this process seems to be so difficult. If you see other concerns with the Legacy transfer, present the problem with a solution and not just the problem. Sadly, we will never get credit for our contributions, but the game may move forward in a direction that we hope it will.

My feelings on why this truly has not happened yet: They have incredibly bigger fish to fry and more than SWTOR to take care of, BIOWARE is a big company with several games and limited resources. As much as a fix like this would make many of us happy, let’s try to give them a little more room and hope they get to us soon."

Edited by Lowlightx
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btw, I search ever couple of days to see if there is anything new from the Bioware camp concerning this issue. My wife and I have 50's on different servers. It would be great to actually be able to play with my wife at the same level... please let me transfer my character!
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I returned last week to this game


Found a guild i like and i am enjoying the game though there is one issue, that if solved would make me /cheer


That is all my old chars are on another server - including my old main and 5 alts that are near 40 with almost all maxed crafts and even if i like the game i dont want to grind them all again.


I would be ready to pay to get em all on the server where my new guild is, even if they would loose their Legacy status I would be willing to transfer.


Thus give us all a belate christmas present and inform us if there will be char transfer option soon available.

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Yes there are many threads on this. I don't blame any new posters for posting the new threads, I blame BW for not reacting to the TONS of threads on this issue. If you go to fan sites and see their forums (TORWars, Darthhater, etc) you will see that this is most talked about issue on those sites as well. There is a strong number of voices asking for this....you must hear them so please do something, Bioware.


This post from Achilius on another thread had some very good suggestions. So we are not just complaining and actually offering solutions, here is his post:


"To throw in my “two cents” on this, there really is no issue with making server transfers available.

1. “There is so much work to implement server transfers, it will take forever!”

a. BIOWARE has already done it. The logistics of adding a few extra web page filters to incorporate taking our money from us, offering specific servers to and from which you can transfer is an incredibly minor issue. Most young men and women (teen-age) could write these pages in a matter of hours.

2. “Oh my! How can we handle the Legacy transfers?” Really?!

a. Each character’s history should be tracked in its character profile. This history should maintain the character’s level, experience points, missions completed, kills and what their experience points were when they achieved their Legacy on that server; this last factor is important as Legacy Points are not earned until after a player has one character finish Chapter One on one character. Each of these have a number of Legacy Points assigned to them for completing each. This means each character has an assigned amount of Legacy Points they contribute to the overall Legacy. When a character is transferred, their points transfer with them to the new server. Two problems come from this:

i. What happens to the Legacy they leave? In my own opinion, the Legacy level stays the same where the player originally earned the points so as to not disrupt any Legacy purchases already earned; however, they could reduce the Legacy level and leave the purchased items alone, keeping them available for the characters that remain, but future Legacy purchases would be based on the reduced level.

ii. What about characters created that earned Legacy Points and then are deleted? When a character that has earned Legacy points is deleted, redistribute that character’s Legacy points to the remaining characters.

iii. An account cannot benefit from having characters on Jung Ma and some on Harbinger, both servers cannot be played at the same time. Therefore, if a player decides to move his/her characters to one server (the server they play most on) it allows him/her to get credit for the Legacy points they earned on the server they transfer from. That player played those characters, why punish them when they are paying to transfer their characters.

b. Legacy purchases made that are duplicated are simply lost.

3. Faction population balance:

a. For those not in the know, the population balance has already skewed if it is going to skew. People play what they like where they like. Each account will allow only one player to play it at any given time; therefore, the character balance per server cannot be interrupted as the players are able to only to be in one place at a time.

b. Gear per character – this is pretty much a moot/null point; SWTOR is not focused on PvP as World of Warcraft is.

4. Server capacity:

a. If the player already has a character on the server they are trying to transfer to, then there is no increase in server capacity, a player can only play one character at a time.

I really don’t understand why this process seems to be so difficult. If you see other concerns with the Legacy transfer, present the problem with a solution and not just the problem. Sadly, we will never get credit for our contributions, but the game may move forward in a direction that we hope it will.

My feelings on why this truly has not happened yet: They have incredibly bigger fish to fry and more than SWTOR to take care of, BIOWARE is a big company with several games and limited resources. As much as a fix like this would make many of us happy, let’s try to give them a little more room and hope they get to us soon."


That was a lot more than two cents... ;)


We know the tech is there. Perhaps they're just so scarred from the original server imbalances that they fear opening this up?

Edited by Abiza
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I have two toons sitting on another server that I would be happy to pay to transfer then to my current server. I know I am not alone in this as well. Is there any ETA on being able to transfer them to another server soon? They have stuff from the Rakghoul work event and BM pvp gear that I don't want to lose thus why I have not deleted them.


Hello, Mr. 100th thread about this. Have you seen a big announcement by BW announcing character transfers? You haven't? Well... there is your answer.



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Hello, Mr. 100th thread about this. Have you seen a big announcement by BW announcing character transfers? You haven't? Well... there is your answer.




The vast number of threads concerning paid server transfers only shows how much players want this. With people coming back to the game after the big server merger, it only makes sense to allow them a chance to move their exsisting character to the server they wish to play on now.


Don't hate on those who are voicing their concerns. Hopefully with more voices speaking out about this, the faster Bioware will make this a reality.

Edited by Lowlightx
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