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Jedi sentinel/sage is too overpowered


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Hmm. You meant every AC other than merc/commandos is overpowered?


Merc/commandos are useless. I don't know why people bother with them in pvp. I dislike having them on my team even when they are geared.

Edited by Knockerz
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He has a point, a sentinel sage is pretty OP- a mix of two shot kills, ultra defensives, combat stealth and the dreaded stun bubbles all in one package.


Still, compared to those powertech sins and their quadra stun from stealth combo mixed with rail shot spam I think is going to give them a run for their money.



Obviously the solution is to nerf mercenary operatives.

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Lmao. We sents have no stuns that allow us to attack, little armor, and only medium armor, and you all say overpowered? Then what does that make a sniper, operative, or god for bid should I face 2 sorcs and be stunlocked for 20 seconds. The answer is nothing, its the game, and I used to get pissed too cause I thought sents were worthless in pvp. You learn, you adjust, you get better. I suggest you do the same.
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